Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News , 1953, 31 (2), p 192. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v031n002. ... Fiberboard Carton Facilitates Shipping Carbon Black. The problem of ship...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION F i b e r b o a r d C a r t o n Facilitates Shipping C a r b o n Black The problem of shipping carbon black, especially to foreign plants, has been solved by an improved container developed b y the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. and the Witco Chemical Co. The transfer of carbon black, packaged in paper bags, has always presented a major problem. A small tear in the paper bag, a wisp of air, and the finely powdered carbon black contaminated everything it contacted. Firestone and Witco collaborated in the development of a fiberboard carton which supports an inner b a g of compressed carbon black weighing 5 0 pounds. T h e compressing of the black removes the air from the package and forms a briquet of black, which, because of its density, helps to support the package. T h e rectangular shape of the fiberboard outer container resists punctures and is easy to handle. If a puncture does occur, the compressed black does not flow out of the rupture as it previously did w h e n loosely packaged.

Pipe Vents Excess A i r I n Packaging Aluminum Sulfate American Cyanamid Co. had long been plagued with the problem of venting ex-

Foe· f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y ke^yed item on t h i s p a g e , s e e c o u p o n on p a g e 1 9 3

cess air w h e n packaging aluminum sulfate in heavy export bags. These bags do not readily permit air to escape. The solution was to attach a piece of pipe just above the spout that pours aluminum sulfate into the bags. A-cting as a n escape vent for the air, this* device made possible "a tighter, stronger package with less tendency to tear or fîurst. T h e vent, which is highly successful for granular materials sufficiently heavy t o drop to the bottom of t h e bag, is not suitable for powders. T h e idea was submitted through the company's suggestion plan by Joseph Hero, a packaging machine operator at the company's Warners Plant in Linden, N . J.

Labeling A t t a c h m e n t A semiautomatic labeling attachment for roiirad bottles and vials, which saves the Land labor of three or four persons, has beeoi developed by the Araer Co., Inc. T h e device, a turret arrangement attached to the emd o £ a labeling machine, is said to reduce labeling costs substantially. In

HUMIDITY W i t h i n 1° WET BULB If controlled air conditions are necessary for some important testing and research, here is a cabinet that provides 6 cubic feet of controlled air in constant circulation. Within the range of40 0 F . to 140° F., this cabinet will maintain both dry antd w e t bulb temperatures within 1°F. Heating and cooling, humidifying and drying, are all controlled automatically and uniform conditions are maintained as long as -the unit is in operation. Outside indicators reveal the conditions inside the box a t all times,

addition, it assures accuracy in label placement on bottles or containers, according to Arner. T h e turret revolves to place a bottle under a glued label and then automatically drops it between two moving belts. T h e belts evenly wrap t h e label around the bottle. At the e n d of the moving belts, the labeled bottle drops off into a container ready for cartoning and shipping. Some 45 bottles a minute can b e labeledC 1

A u t o m a t i c Lid Sealing Machine T h e application of metal seals, inner seals, and friction lids to *tin a n d fiber cans can be performed automatically b y use of the Tite-Cap Machine Co., Inc/s, fully automatic Lid Sealing Machine. T h e machine applies such seals t o any position on the can via a rotating magnetic head, timed with the continuous movement of the can o n a chain conveyor. It consists of a specially designed hopper w h i c h automatically feeds the lids or seals into a chute. A rotating head, equipped with magnetic fingers, picks u p a seal from the bottom of the chute and applies it to t h e opening in the c a n as it moves into position under the rotating head. N o supplemental operation is necessary as t h e application of t h e seal is positive and therefore no additional d e vice is required for effective sealing, according to the manufacturer. C 2

C a r b o y for H y d r o f l u o r i c A c i d Grief Bros. Cooperage Co., Seymour and Peck division, has assembled 6.5- and 1 3 gallon plastic bottles in outer p l y w o o d jackets l o meet Interstate Commerce Commission specifications for packaging hydrofluoric acid of not over 60% % strength. PI ax Corp. blow molds the bottles. C 3

Silica G e l Used t o D e t e c t M o i s t u r e in Sealed Containers

AIRE-REGULATOR Constant Temperature!- and Humidity Cabinets are now in use by prominent laboratories i n many lines for testing and research. Among, the users are food manufacturers of all kinds producing hakery products, flour, packaged mixes, cheese, yeast, beer, candy and meat products; others are manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, photographic supplies, paints and varnishes, chemicals, insulating materials, instrurntents, box board, paper tape and crude oil products. Wherever there is a need for checking the action of temperatures and humidity there is a need for an Aire-Regulator. Write for bulletins and tell UP your requirements.




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A humidity indicator, designed f o r use in the dehydrated packaging of military materials and other products which must be stored safe from moisture damage, and intended to b e assembled as an integral part of the container itself, has b e e n developed by t h e Davison Chemical Corp. T h e device is equipped w i t h gaskets and metal fittings which permit i t to be fastened to a nipple w e l d e d to t h e shell of t h e container or package. This j^rovides a tight seal against moisture intiïtratîon. Indicating silica gel in a glass housing changes from deep blue to light pink as it picks u p moisture. Air within the container can circulate freely through geL, providing a visual means for determining humidity conditions within die package without opening it C 4