CONTAINERS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

or laminated boxboard, paper tubes, and bags has been developed by Koppers chemical division in conjunction with A. E. Staley Mfg., and Penick and...
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Y o u can put y o u r library in a c a r d c a t a l o g w i t h

Corrugating Adhesive

(Microprint Cards •£**

Read it in complete comfort with aKODAGRAPH MICROPRINT READER Consider this: By photographic reduc­ tion, as many as sixty conventional book pages g o on one side of a 3 χ 5-inch card. AJOL abstract and filing data can g o o o the other side. Thus, the library card catalog becomes the library itself! So great is the space-saving that individuals in am or­ ganization can conveniently have their own duplicate libraries of the literature and data they most frequently use. You read your microprint cards in complete comfort. The Kodagraph Mi­ croprint Reader has a green screen, tilted 11° because that seems to be easiest o n the eyes. Room lights need not be dimmed- The Reader takes microprint cards of any size up to 8 H x 14 inches. You feed them into the Reader like paper into a typewriter. Many microprint publishers offer edi­ tions of standard works and periodicals. Many of these publishers are also pre­ pared to make microprint cards of your own literature and reports. To get started on a microprint system that c*zn help solve the problems of debuliking, speedy dissemination, and storage of liter" atJire and private internal data, mail the coupon below.

EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Business Photo Methods Division Rochester 4 , Ν . Υ.


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Where 1 can see a Kodagraph Microprint Reader. Folder on the Reader and sample micro· print card. List of publishers of microprint cards a n d manufacturers of microprint cards to order.