Y o u can put y o u r library in a c a r d c a t a l o g w i t h
Corrugating Adhesive
(Microprint Cards •£**
Read it in complete comfort with aKODAGRAPH MICROPRINT READER Consider this: By photographic reduc tion, as many as sixty conventional book pages g o on one side of a 3 χ 5-inch card. AJOL abstract and filing data can g o o o the other side. Thus, the library card catalog becomes the library itself! So great is the space-saving that individuals in am or ganization can conveniently have their own duplicate libraries of the literature and data they most frequently use. You read your microprint cards in complete comfort. The Kodagraph Mi croprint Reader has a green screen, tilted 11° because that seems to be easiest o n the eyes. Room lights need not be dimmed- The Reader takes microprint cards of any size up to 8 H x 14 inches. You feed them into the Reader like paper into a typewriter. Many microprint publishers offer edi tions of standard works and periodicals. Many of these publishers are also pre pared to make microprint cards of your own literature and reports. To get started on a microprint system that c*zn help solve the problems of debuliking, speedy dissemination, and storage of liter" atJire and private internal data, mail the coupon below.
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Business Photo Methods Division Rochester 4 , Ν . Υ.
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Where 1 can see a Kodagraph Microprint Reader. Folder on the Reader and sample micro· print card. List of publishers of microprint cards a n d manufacturers of microprint cards to order.