Contribution of Li-Ion Batteries to the Environmental Impact of Electric

Marcel Gauch, Rolf Widmer, Patrick Wäger, Anna Stamp, Rainer Zah and Hans-Jörg Althaus. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 0, (),. DOI: 10.1021/es1029156@...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 7744

2010, Volume 44, Pages 6550–6556 Dominic A. Notter,* Marcel Gauch, Rolf Widmer, Patrick W¨ager, Anna Stamp, Rainer Zah, and Hans-J¨org Althaus: Contribution of Li-Ion Batteries to the Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles The environmental impacts of the ICEV shown in our article are slightly too high. The error however has no influence on the conclusions of this article. The data set used in the calculation was not based on the NEDC fuel consumption but accounted for a real world driving cycle with approximately 13% higher fuel consumption. In order to be comparable to the BEV, the energy consumption of the ICEV should be 5.2 L per 100 km (in the NEDC) plus 0.9 L per 100 km for air conditioning and electric devices (light, radio etc.). The corresponding direct CO2 emission is 0.14 kgCO2/km. The corrected assumptions lead to some adaptations regarding Figure 2 and the numbers for the ICEV in the sections “Emissions and Impacts” and “Discussion”. Correct results are as follows:

FIGURE 2. Shares correlating with the components of an internal combustion engine car (ICEV, value in % of the BEV) and an electric battery powered car (BEV, the BEV is set as 100%) assessed with four impact assessment methods: abiotic depletion potential (ADP), nonrenewable cumulated energy demand (CED), global warming potential (GWP), and Ecoindicator 99 H/A (EI99 H/A). Road includes construction, maintenance, and end of life treatment (EOL). The absolute values of the components are provided in the Supporting Information of the original article. Transport services with an ICEV cause higher environmental burdens than with a BEV (ADP, + 26.9% or 241 kg antimony equivalents; GWP, + 42.9% or 34,700 kg CO2 equivalents; CED, +14.0% or 547,000 MJ-equivalents; EI99 H/A, +50.3% or 2350 points; Figure 2); PM10-, NOx-, and SO2-emissions caused by E-mobility (PM10 100%, 16.2 kg; NOx 100%, 49.5 kg; SO2 100%, 83.7 kg) are higher compared to mobility with an ICEV (PM10 77.6%, 12.5 kg; NOx 83.9%, 42.5 kg; SO2 70.5%, 59.0 kg; Supporting Information Figure S1 and Table S20 of the original article); The results of the sensitivity calculated for a vehicle life of 240,000 km (the BEV needs 2 sets of Li-ion battery) shows a decrease of the total environmental burden per vehiclekilometre (EI99 H/A) of 7.5% (BEV) and 7.7% (ICEV). Nevertheless, the operation of an ICEV alone causes impacts that are roughly just as high (CED, 83%; GWP, 112%; Figure 2) as the total environmental impacts of E-mobility (100%). The results in the Supporting Information are corrected. We thank Maurizio Maggiore for pointing out this error. ES1029156 10.1021/es1029156 Published on Web 09/09/2010 7744




 2010 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 09/09/2010