Controlled Drug Delivery - American Chemical Society

carboxyoxazol-2'-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy)-2(2l-amino-5,methylphenoxy)ethane .... 5. 10-4. 1 0 - 3. 10-2. logfPolymer] (g/dL). Figure 2. Surface te...
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Chapter 31

Polymeric Lipid Nanosphere Composed of Hemocompatible Phospholipid Polymers as Drug Carrier Kazuhiko Ishihara Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

The amphiphilic water-soluble polymers having phosphorylcholine group in the side chain were prepared by the polymerization of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) with n-butyl methacrylate(BMA). The poly(MPC-co-BMA)s could form aggregate in water, which was confirmed from surface tension measurement of the aqueous solution. The hydrophobic compounds were solubilized in the poly(MPC-co-BMA) aqueous solution and remained stable even when the solution was stored at room temperature for more than 12 months. It is suggested that the hydrophobic parts of the MPC polymer became attracted to each other and formed an aggregate structure. According to the fluorescent spectroscopic results, the MPC polymer had a hydrophobic domain in water. The structure of the aggregate seems to be a polymeric lipid nanosphere. The physical structure of the polymer aggregate was stable even in the presence of a plasma protein. Moreover, the polymer aggregate could not activate platelets. These results indicate that the MPC polymer aggregate did not have any adverse effect on the blood components and could be used as a novel drug carrier in the bloodstream.

Molecular assemblies consisting of phospholipids, such as liposomes and lipid microspheres have the potential to carry bioactive molecules in the living organisms because of their excellent blood compatibility(l-3). Although many studies have been carried out to understand their effectiveness on the drug delivery systems, most of the efforts failed because of the lack of mechanical and chemical stability. The bioactive molecules entrapped in the inner phase easily leach out shortly after injection. Thus, the stability of these phospholipid assemblies must be improved. Polymerization of these phospholipids seems to be one of the most effective methods for this improvement^,5). As another stabilization method of the molecular assembles, the combination of polymers with these phospholipid assemblies has been reported(6,7).


© 2000 American Chemical Society

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

325 The 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) which possesses both phosphorylcholine group and methacrylate unit can copolymerize with a hydrophobic monomer and the water-insoluble copolymers are obtained(8,9). It has already been reported that protein adsorption and platelet adhesion were suppressed even when blood contacted the surface of the MPC copolymer, that is, the MPC copolymer showed excellent blood compatibility(10-13). The blood compatibility is one of the important properties for drug carriers which are directly injected into blood stream. From these points of view, we tried to improve the solubility in water of the MPC copolymer and use it as a drug carrier for hydrophobic drugs like the lipid nanosphere. In this report, the preparation of the water-soluble MPC copolymer with a hydrophobic moiety and evaluation of its basic properties as a hydrophobic drug carrier are reported.

Materials and Method

Materials MPC was synthesized by the previously reported method and recrystallized from acetonitrile(8). Poly[MPC-co-n-butyl methacrylate(BMA)](PMB)s were prepared by conventional radical polymerization (8). The chemical structure of the obtained PMB, was confirmed by *H-NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. The composition of MPC unit in the polymer was determined by phosphorus analysis. The molecular weight was determined by size-exclusion chromatography using the Tosoh. The number-averaged molecular weight (Mn) was calculated by comparison of the elution times of the sample with the polyethylene oxide) (PEO) standard. The chemical structure and synthetic results of PMB are indicated in Figure 1 and Table 1, respectively. Fluorescence probes such as perylene (Pe), pyrene (Py), anilinonaphthalene (AN), l,6-diphenyl-l,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), and l-(2-(5"carboxyoxazol-2'-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy)-2(2 -amino-5methylphenoxy)ethane -Ν,Ν,Ν',Ν-tetraacetic acid penta-acetoxymethyl ester (Fura 2-AM) were commercially available reagents and used without further purification. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was obtained from Sigma Co., Ltd. l


General Measurements The surface tension of the aqueous solution of PMB with various concentrations was measured by the Wilhelmy method with DCA-100fromOrientech, Tokyo, Japan. The temperature was controlled at 22 ° C. An ^ - N M R spectrum was obtained with a JEOL a-500 high-resonance spectrometer. The fluorescence spectrum was recorded with a FP-750 spectroscope, JASCO, Tokyo, Japan. The circular dichroism spectrum was recorded using a J-720W, JASCO, Tokyo, Japan.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.




-rCH2-Ç)â c=o


TCH2-C>B— O '


C= O







Figure L Structure of PMB.

Table 1. Synthetic result of PMBs Code

Mole fraction of MPC in feed in polymer®^

Yield (%)

Μη χ 1(1^

Solubility in wateP







PMB 80





PMB 60 PMB30

0.60 0.30

0.52 0.27

61.0 79.0

1.5 3.8

++ ++






a) Unit mole mole fraction of MPC was determined by phosphorus analysis. b) Estimated by size exclusion chromatography with PEO standard. c) One milligram polymer was soluble(++) or (insoluble) in 1 mL water at 25 °C.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

327 Solubilization of Hydrophobic Fluorescence Probe The PMB30W was dissolved in pure water to make a 0.1 g/dL solution. An excess amount of fluorescence probe was suspended into the solution and the suspension was shaken 5 min at room temperature (about 21 ° C). The supernatant was then carefully filtered off using the Millipore filter with 0.45 μπι pore diameter and thefluorescenceintensity of thefiltratewas measured at room temperature. The same procedure was carried out using pure water and poly(MPC) aqueous solution instead of the PMB30W solution. The fluorescence intensities of these solutions were compared to determine the solubilization ability of the PMB30W.

Measurement of Cytoplasmic Calcium Ion Concentration of Platelet 2+

A human platelet suspension was prepared. A fluorescent probe for Ca concentration measurement, Fura 2-AM was loaded into the platelets by incubating the platelet suspension with 5 μΜ Fura 2-AM in HBSS at 37 ° C for 45 min. The platelets were then washed with HBSS and resuspended in HBSS at a final concentration of 2 χ 10 cells/mL. The platelet suspension was recalcified, so that the external calcium concentration was adjusted to 1 mM with CaCl /HBSS just 5 min before the following experiment. One min after measurement, HBSS containing poly(MPC) , PMB30W, PEO, or poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)(PVPy) (21 g/dL, 11 uL) was added to 400 \ÏL of the platelet suspension. The platelet suspension was excited at both 340 and 380 nm, and emission was measured at 500 nm. The change in the [Ca ]i in platelets (A[Ca ]i) was measured for 1 min after addition of various polymers. The bar graph show the mean value with a standard deviation, and the comparative analysis was performed using the Student's f-test. 8




Results and Discussion

Structure of PMB30W in Water Water-solubility of the PMB s was strongly dependent both MPC unit composition and the molecular weight Since the MPC unit was extremely hydrophilic, a polymer having about 0.7 unit molefractionof hydrophobic B M A unit could be dissolved in water by lowering the molecular weight. The solubility of the MPC unit is quite unique compared with other non-ionic hydrophilic vinyl monomer units such as acryi amide, N-vinyl pyrrolidone.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

328 Figure 2 demonstrates the concentration dependence of the surface tension of an aqueous solution containing poly(MPC) and PMBs. The surface tension did not change in the case of the poly(MPQ in the concentration range from 10 to 10 g/dL, that is, the same as that of pure water. On the other hand, the surface tension of the PMB aqueous solution strongly depended on the polymer concentration. Particularly, in the case of PMB30W case, it decreased from the 10" g/dL level and became constant over 10 g/dL. This result indicated that PMB30W in water could aggregate and form a micelle-like structure when the concentration was above 10" g/dL. The diameter of the PMB30W aggregate was 23 ± 5 nm, which was determined by a dynamic light scattering measurement at 0.01 g/dL. The PMB30W aggregates may solubilize hydrophobic compounds. In Table 2, the ratio of the solubility of the hydrophobic fluorescent probe in water and aqueous solutions of PMB30W or poly(MPC) is summarized at the polymer concentration of 0.1 g/dL. Though every fluorescent probe tested could not dissolve in water, the solubility was increased more than 500 times in the presence of PMB30W. To determine the interaction between the polymer chains of PMB30W in water, the ^ - N M R spectra were measured at various temperatures. In Figure 3, the representative spectra of PMB30W in D 0 at 0.01 g/dL are shown. The characteristic peaks of PMB30W , that is, choline methyl in the side chain and α-methyl in the backbone were observed at 3.0-3.5 ppm and 0.5-1.5 ppm, respectively. The temperature dependence of the Ν MR intensity attributed to the α-methyl of the backbone versus that attributed to choline methyl in the MPC unit is shown in Figure 4. The value was almost constant in the temperature range between 20 to 60 ° C, however, it significantly increased at 75 ° C. The intensity of the *H-NMR signal corresponded to a functional group strongly dependent on the environment surrounding the functional group(14). If the specific functional group located on the surface of the polymeric aggregate faces the solvent, the intensity of ^ - N M R signals of the functional group should be constant. On the other hand, if the functional group is located on the inside of the polymeric aggregate, the intensity of the NMR signals is weak compared with that located on the surface. Therefore, the ratio of the intensity of the NMR signals relates the functional groups located at the surface versus those located on the inside of the aggregate and represents the structure of the polymeric aggregate in the water. As shown in Figure 4, the ratio of NMR signals attributed to the choline methyl versus the α-methyl dramatically increased between 60 ° C and 75 ° C. This corresponded to the structure change of the PMB30W aggregates in this temperature range. The hydrophobic interaction became weak above 60 ° C(15). It is considered that the structure change of the PMB30W aggregates corresponded to the decrease in the hydrophobic interactions. In other words, the dominant force for aggregation of the PMB30W molecules is the hydrophobic interactions. This is, the hydrophobic compounds can then be encapsulated and stabilized in the PMB30W aggregates. 5






Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.



10-4 -3 10-2 logfPolymer] (g/dL) 1 0

Figure 2. Surface tension of aqueous solution containing water-soluble MPC polymer, (φ) poly(MPC), (Λ) PMB80, (D) PMB60, and(O) PMB30W.

Table 2. Solubilization of hydrophobic compounds in the PMB30W aqueous solution Compound

Ratio offluorescenceintensity PMB30W/water

PMB30W / Poly(MPC)













[Polymer] = 0.1 g/dL in water at room temperature.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Choline methyl -N(CÉ ) 3


Τ 4.0






Chemical shift (in ppm) !

Figure 3. H-NMR spectra ofD 0 solution containing 0.01 g/dL PMB30W at various temperatures. 2



40 50 60 70 Temperature (°C)



Figure 4. Ratio of H-NMR intensity attributed to α-methyl vs choline methyl in PMB30W at various temperatures.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

331 Solubilization of Hydrophobic Compounds with PMB30W Aggregate The hydrophobic fluorescent probe could be solubilized in the PMB30W aggregate by stirring. Table 2 summarizes the ratio of the fluorescence intensity of the fluorescent probe in an aqueous solution of PMB30W versus that in pure water as every fluorescent probe tested here hardly dissolved in water and the fluorescence intensity was quite low. On the other hand, a strong fluorescence intensity was observed in the presence of PMB30W. That is, the amount of the fluorescent probe dissolved in water increased with the addition of PMB30W and the fluorescent probes could locate on the inside of the PMB30W aggregate. The chemical structure of the fluorescent probe did not affect the solubilization ability of the PMB30W aggregate. This result was important because the PMB30W aggregate could contain various drugs on the inside of the aggregate. The stability of the molecular assemblies under biological conditions is important when they apply to a drug carrier. Figure 5 shows the ratio of the fluorescence intensity of Pe solubilized in PMB30W aggregates in the presence of BSA. The fluorescence intensity did not change in the BSA range from 0 to 6 mg/mL. This BSA concentration was the 10% level of plasma because when the concentration of BSA was much higher, the fluorescence due to BSA became dominant and that of Pe could not be recognized. The physical structure of the PMB30W aggregate was maintained even in the BSA solution. As a comparison with them, the PMB30W aggregate, the polymeric lipid nanosphere, could be used as a drug carrier.

Interaction between PMB30W Aggregate and Blood Components Hemocompatibility is one of the most important factors required for drug carriers used in the bloodstream. We have already reported that when the PMB30, which is insoluble in water, coated the polymer substrate, the surface showed protein adsorption resistive properties(l 1,12,16). Moreover, another water-soluble MPC polymer, poly(MPC-co-styrene) with a 0.5 MPC unit mole fraction, could stabilize the enzyme. The activity of horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) in the MPC polymer solution was maintained at the initial level even when it was stored at room temperature for 20 days(17). Under the same conditions, the activity of HRP in PBS immediately disappeared within 3 days. The reason for such stabilization is not understood at the present time. However, we considered one possibility, that is, the water structure in the MPC polymer solution is quite unique compared with other aqueous solutions containing conventional water-soluble polymers such as PVPy and PEO(18). In the case of the MPC polymer, bound water on the polymer chains was less than that on the other polymer chains. This means that the MPC polymer can mildly interact with water molecules indirect contact with phosphorylcholine groups in the MPC units. Therefore, when the MPC polymer came in contact with proteins, it could not induce denaturation of the proteins. However, many more investigations are needed to clarify this point. Figure 6 indicates the cytoplasmic free calcium ion concentration of platelets in the presence of various water-soluble polymers including PMB30W. The

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.



2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Concentration of BSA (mg/mL)

Figure 5. Relationship between concentration of BSA andfluorescenceintensity o perylene solubilized in ΡMB30Waggregate. [PMB30W] = 0.1 wt%.

*p < 0.01 vs PMB30W **p > 0.01 vs PMB30W



PVPy Poly(MPC) PMB30W -40







Change in the cytoplasmic free calcium ion concentration induced by polymer addition (nM)

Figure 6. Change in cytoplasmic-free calcium ion concentration ofplatelets by addition of various water-soluble polymers.

Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

333 cytoplasmic-free calcium ion concentration reflects to the degree of platelet activation(19). When the free calcium ion concentration is low, platelet activation hardly occurs. The PMB30W aggregates induced less activation of platelets compared with PVPy and PEO. We also noted that the cytoplasmic-free calcium ion concentration increased above 1000 nM by the addition of a strong activator such as thrombin(13). Every water-soluble polymer induced a small change in this value, however, it should be prevented when the polymer is used as a drug carrier in the bloodstream Therefore, the PMB30W is a more suitable polymer for this purpose than PVPy and PEO. Juliano et al. reported the interaction between the polymeric phospholipid liposome and plate le ts(20,21). The coagulation ability of the platelets did not change after the polymeric liposome composed of the phosphatidylcholine derivative was added. This means that the phosphorylcholine group has no adverse effects on the platelet functions. As shown in the NMR spectra of thePMB30W aggregate in D 0, the surface was covered with phosphorylcholine groups. Therefore, the PMB30W aggregate cannot significantly interact with platelets. 2

Conclusions A novel amphiphilic polymer composed of MPC with a phosphorylcholine group and hydrophobic BMA was prepared. The polymer, PMB30W, could be watersoluble when the molecular weight of the polymer was below 0.54 χ 10 , but is still a stable aggregate even in the presence of proteins. The aggregate solubilized hydrophobic compounds and stably maintained them. Blood compatibility of the PMB30W aggregates was excellent compared with the other water-soluble polymers. These results lead us to the conclusion that the PMB30W is a promising biomaterial as a drug carrier which can be injected into the bloodstream. 5

Acknowledgement This study was partially supported by the Shiseido Science and Technology Research Foundation.

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Park and Mrsny; Controlled Drug Delivery ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.