Cooking of Soda Pulp- Correction - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Cooking of Soda Pulp- Correction. S D. Wells. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1916, 8 (9), pp 855–855. DOI: 10.1021/i500009a605. Publication Date: September 1916...
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The necessity of replacing the stirring paddles in the aniline reducers has been the cause of many of the aniline poisoning cases in our plant; these repairs have been made by our general repair crew, composed of men not familiar with the handling of aniline and not inclined to observe the precautions dictated by experience; in spite of continued washing and steaming-out, there is sufficient aniline saturating the residual iron borings in the reducer bottom to make it inadvisable for men to remain in the reducer for more than a half hour. Dr. Hamilton, in Bulletin 179, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Industrial Poisons Used in the Rubber Industry,” has written fully on the use of aniline in rubber manufacturing, while Drs. Hamilton and Luce, Journal American Medical Associalion, 66, 1441-1445, have written of “Industrial Aniline Poisoning in the United States” from a purely medical standpoint. THEGOODYEAR TIRE& RUBBERCOMPANY W. W. SANDERS AKRON,OHIO,August 8, 1916

THE LIEBERMANN-STORCH COLOR TEST FOR ROSINA CORRECTION The peculiar fugitive violet color formed by the action of sulfuric acid on a solution of rosin (or rosin oil) in acetic anhydride is usually said to be produced by only one other substance, the alcohol cholesterol, which is found in all animal glycerides. This substance, however, contrary to the usual statements found in textbooks, gives a deep blue color with the L . 3 . reagents, quickly changing to a permanent green, and in addition usually occurs in such small amounts in animal oils that i t is practically negligible. There is, however, a resin which gives a color almost exactly like that of rosin, although the intensity is not the same in all varieties. This is the fossil resin known as “Kauri,” which is obtained from New Zealand, and forms one of the most common “gums” used in varnish making. The varieties showing the color best are those having a milky core surrounded by a nearly transparent shell, while in the varieties known as “Swamp” or “Brown Kauri,” where the resin has undergone oxidation through contact with air and water, the color is to a great extent masked by impurities. Kauri resin, like common rosin or colophony. was originally produced by a coniferous tree, hence we can see why this color-producing substance is common to both resins. It does not appear to be altered much on fusing the resin as is usually conducted in the varnish industry. Below are given the color reactions of some of the principal resins used in varnish making. These specimens were all authentic and in unbroken pieces so that contamination with rosin was entirely out of the question. The test was conducted by treating about 0.25 g. of the finely powdered resin with about I O cc. C. P. acetic anhydride on the hot plate until the mixture just began to boil. After cooling, a portion of the clear liquid was removed to a watch glass and a few drops of C. P. sulfuric acid (sp. gr. I .53) allowed t o run down the side of the glass, and the color noted:



Deep violet-red color quickly changing to brown Deep wine-red, then brown Dark brown color Deep wine-red color which does not change on standing Deep wine-red‘color which gradually turns brown on standing Deep blue color which quickly CHOLESTEROL (Merck’s C. P.) changes to B permanent green (a) Some specimens of Manila have been observed t o respond t o the L . 3 . test.


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In the routine testing of oil-resin varnishes for rosin it is easy to see why we sometimes get a positive reaction with the L . 3 test, although the samples had been guaranteed by the manufacturer to be free from rosin. 7606 LA GRANGE AvE., N. E., P. E. JAMESON OHIO CLEVELAND.


T H E OLD GUARD The American Chemical Society complete forty years of existence this autumn; on June 1st i t had 8,057 members. Of those still living who became members during the first ten yearswhich includes 1886, as all those in the list joined during the ten-year period-there are now but 37. They were about oneseventh of the membership then; they are one-two hundred and fiftieth now. The list is as follows: 1876 Baumgarten, F. M. Chandler, C. F. Doremus, C. A. Goldschmidt, S. A. Herreshoff, J. B. F. Krause, 0. H. Munroe, C. E. Niese H. E. Parkir, T. J. Ricketts, P. Sharples, S.P. Terne, Bruno Waller, Elwyn

1880 Booraem, J. V. V. Hale. A. C. 1881 Colby, A. L. Dunham, E. K. Hallock, A. P. 1882 Pitkin, Lucius 1883 Breneman. A. A. Krause, G. McKenna, C. F. Tucker, W. G. 1885 Morgan, T.M. Williams. 1. T.


Geyer, -W.’E. Hindley, R. C. Prochazka. G. A. Stursberg, .J. A. 1878 Prentice, W. P. 1879 Doscher, Henry Eimer, August 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORKCITY August 14, 1916



A notice of the Illuminating Engineering Lecture Course to be held in Philadelphia, September 21-28, under the joint auspices of the Illuminating Engineering Society and the University of Pennsylvania, appeared in the Personal Notes of our August issue. The preliminary list of lecture subjects of this Course with the names of the lecturers is given below:

A -GENERAL Illumination Units and Calculations. A. S. MCALLISTER. Modern Photometry. CLAYTON H. SHARP. The Principles of Interior Illumination (Two Lectures), COMMITTEE: J. R. CRAVATH. Ckaiuman, WARDHARRISON A N D ROBERTPIERCE, The Principles of Exterior Illumination. LOUISBELL. Color in Lighting M. LUCKIESH. Architectural and Decorative Aspects of Lighting. GUY LOWELL. Recent Developments in Electric Lighting Appliances. G. H. STICKNEY. Recent Developments in Gas Lighting Appliances. R PIERCE Modern Lighting Accessories. W. F. LITTLE. B-SPECIAL LECTURES


The Lighting of Factories, Mills and Workshops. C E. CLEWEr.L. The Lighting of Offices, Stores and Shopwindows. NORMAN MACBETH. The Lighting of Schools, Auditoriums and Libraries. F. A. VAUGHN. The Lighting of Churches. E. G. PERROT. The Lighting of the Home. W. H JORDAN. Railway Car Lighting. G. E. HULSE. C-SPECIAL


Street Lighting Two Lectures) P S. MILLARANI) C. F. LACOMBE. The Lighting o! Yards, Docks and Other Outside Works. J L. MINICK. Headliphts, Searchlights and Projectors. E. J. EDWARDS. Sign Lighting. L. G. SHEPARD. Building Exterior, Exposition and Pageant Lighting. W,D’A. RYAN.

Subscription tickets for the Course and further information covering the same may be obtained by communicating with Clarence L. Law, Irving Place and 15th Street, New York City. COOKING OF SODA PULP-CORRECTION

Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: In reference to my article in THIS JOURNAL, 8 (19161, 601,I find that the curves shown in Fig. IV were mislabelled. They should be changed as follows: Cook I to Cook 5; Cook 2 to Cook 4; Cook 4 to Cook 2 ; and Cook 5 t o Cook I. MADISON. WISCONSIN August 3, 1916