Coors Porcelain Company - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 23, 2012 - Coors Porcelain Company. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (3), pp 72A–72A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60285a773. Publication Date: March 1970. ACS Legacy ...
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New Books X - r a y microanalysis, instrumentation, microdiffraction, applications to metallurgy, mineralogy, and biology. M o s t of the papers are presented in English, b u t several others are printed in F r e n c h or German. T h e r e is a complete author index, and the general presentation of the material is of quite high quality.

U. S. Government Publications T h e following m a y be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U . S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D . C. 20402; the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151; or local U. S. D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce Field Offices. Progress Toward a Chemical Registry System at Chemical Abstracts Service (PB-184 811). Chemical Abstracts Service, ACS, Columbus, Ohio. March 1969. 195 pages. Describes present status and operation of t h e Chemical Registry System, an information-handling system to organize and file information about chemical substances. T h e Registry System files structural data, molecular formulas, names, and bibliographic citations in a set of interrelated manual and m a chine files, making possible the quick retrieval of various items of data about t h e substances filed. Mechanical Properties of Arc-Melted Tungsten-Rhenium-Hafnium-Carbon Alloys (N69-31977). W. D. Klopp and W. R. Witzke. July 1969. 38 pages. Determines effect of 4 atomic per cent rhenium on mechanical properties of hafnium carbide in strengthened tungsten-base alloys.

Introducing the micro syringe that reads like a ruler Unimetrics patented Micro Syringes represent a n e w l e v e l of u s e r c o n v e n i e n c e in t h e field of g a s c h r o m a tography. • Simple, Easy to Use — Read the flat Unimetrics . scale like a ruler, i.~ not a thermometer. Readability ±Va%. • Integral Guide — Prevents plunger bending. Simplifies sample injection. Lengthens syringe life. • No Repair Problems Modular design. Replaceable needles, barrels and plungers, scales, and fittings. • Micropolished Needles — Smooth, low-friction.


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Gas Chromatographic Determination of Ethylene Glycol in Used Oils (AD-694 360). G. G. Esposito and R. G. Jamison. September 1969. 14 pages. Extremely refractory and inert to most reagents, Coors laboratory crucibles are quality-made to hold up under repeated use. Coors production consistency insures uniformly thin wall structure for maximum resistance to thermal shock. There's a Coors crucible shape and size for all basic laboratory operations, such as ignition, fusion, filtration, washing, and drying, plus many others for special applications. Readily available in glazed chemical porcelain and high-purity alumina, and on special order in magnesia, thoria, and zirconia. See your local laboratory-supply dealer or write for catalog. Coors Porcelain Company Golden, Colorado 80401

Describes a rapid new analytical p r o cedure for determination of ethylene glycol in crankcase oil using p r o grammed t e m p e r a t u r e gas chromatography. Determination of Trace Quantities of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Gas Samples (AD-698 120). F. W. Williams et al., November 69, 18 pages. Describes a gas chromatographic oncolumn concentrating technique for determination of halocarbons in a t m o spheric gas mixtures, thus eliminating use of cold t r a p s . Gas samples can be analyzed quantitatively for chlorinated contaminant compounds a t concentrations as low as 10 to 20 p a r t s per billion b y volume.

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