cordially invited tc

handle any job, yours included. Modular construction lets you change ... research, quality control and pilot plant analyses. Series. 2100 is the most ...
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You are cordially invited to G r e a t e r injector versatility. Capable of both off- and on-column operation, metal and glass. Choose from all the usual optional injectors and then some.

G r e a t e r operational flexibility. You get complete freedom of detector placement. Use from one to four pairs of simultaneous, dual injectors; one to four simultaneous, dual columns. No other unit gives such flexibility.

M o r e versatile o p e r a t i o n . F l o w systems i n c l u d e all possible m u l t i p l e - c o l u m n c o n t r o l c o m b i n a t i o n s . For isothermal, programming and subambient operation. Dual thermal conductivity, singleand d u a l - f l a m e ionization, electron capture, capillary outlet splitting and auxiliary gas controls.

new gas chromatograph. Yourplace or ours.

invite us to show you our Unique temperature programmer. It's the only completely linear system available. Accurate to better than .05° C. w i t h 1° t e m p e r a t u r e r e a d o u t . Column oven cools from 500°C. to 100° C. in less than t w o minutes.

A better thermal conductivity de­ t e c t o r . In fact, the most sensitive and stable you can get. D.P.S. to 21,000. Regulation is typically 0.002%.

A b e t t e r e l e c t r o m e t e r . Incorpo­ rates the ultimate combination of sensitivity (1 χ 10~12 amperes full scale) dynamic range (10") stability and versatility. Single-control atten­ u a t i o n over the entire range of 1 χ 1 Ο12 to 1 χ 1 OA Flame ignition, too. Multi-range reversible supression current for F.I.D. and E.C.D.

I s o t h e r m a l c o n t r o l l e r s for i n ectors, detectors and isothermal column ovens are patterned after the programmer and possess the same outstanding operating char­ acteristics.

Price? Competitive, that's for sure.

The n e w Bendix Series 2100 is the best reason w e k n o w for a trip. We'd like to demonstrate why. It can handle any job, yours included. Modular construction lets you change quickly from one model series to the next. This means Series 2100 can tackle all phases of research, quality control and pilot plant analyses. Series 2100 is the most sensitive, most stable, most versatile, most reliable unit available. Leave it to Bendix to make the most of coiled-column, oven-lab gas chromatographs. A n d we'll go out of our way to show it to you. Do w e have an invitation? Write: Process Instruments Division, The Bendix Corporation, Ronceverte, West Virginia 24970.


Producers of Greenbrier Process and Laboratory Instrumentation.