CORNING GLASS WORKS - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 16, 2012 - CORNING GLASS WORKS. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (2), pp 110A–110A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60146a809. Publication Date: February 1959...
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NEW PRODUCTS used for procedures requiring a dustfree atmosphere, inert gas environment, and low intensity radiation containment. I t is also useful for microbiological procedures and for radiochemistry. P-22 Fluorometer A new fluorometer is announced by G. K. Turner Associates. The selfcontained instrument offers sensitivity to as low as 5 X 10~* microgram of quinine sulfate, regardless of sample for glass, that is. This is one of our new size, says the company. A range multi20-gallon PYREX reaction flasks, being plier covers 1:3:10:30 concentration picked up by many to fill that gap between lab and pilot plant. 5- and 10-gallon models ranges, with multiplication up to 10,are also available along with covers, inlet 000:1 handled through neutral-density tubes, condensers, caps, clamps, thermom- filters in a convenient holder. Use of eter wells, and any special accessories you the instrument requires only balancing might want us to make. Write for details a null meter with a knob calibrated in and prices. 1% divisions. Applications include numerous standardized medical and toxicological tests. Among the continuous monitoring jobs for which the unit is suited are measurements of contamination in boiler or drinking water supplies. Modified versions of this fluorometer are avail-


trol of nine chart speeds from 0.25 to 100 mm./sec. I t also features individual stylus heat control, paper footage indicator, and contacts for remote control. I t produces inkless recordings in true rectangular coordinates on plastic coated Permapaper charts. P-24 Flame Chromatograph

LARGE You'll find this spherical reaction flask in the Special Apparatus section of our LG-1 catalog in sizes from 3000 to 72,000 ml. Write us for your copy of LG-1.

able with a transmitting slide wire servo system for continuous industrialprocess monitoring. P-23 Oscillograph Recording System

GOOD SIZED If your wants are more modest, you'll find this cylindrical flask in the same section of the same catalog, sizes from 500 to 3000 ml. The 9,000 pièces of PYREX apparatus in our catalog should satisfy 9 9 % of your needs. When they don't, send us a sketch of what you want, we'll make it special




CORNING GLASS WORKS C O R N I N G , N E W Y O R K Circle No. 44 on Readers' Service Card 110 A



Six or eight interchangeable preamplifiers mounted in a single module and a recorder amplifier power supply package permit compactness in new direct writing oscillograph recording systems introduced by Sanborn Co. The 850 Series preamplifiers measure about 2 X 7 X 14 V 2 inches. Available are the Model 850-1200 and the Model 850-1300A. Model 850-1200 phase sensitive demodulator is for use with resolvers, synchros, differential transformers, and similar units. The Model 850-1300A is for various single-ended or balanced input signals. The 17 1 / 2 -inch high recorder assembly has electrical push button con-

A flame chromatograph introduced by Shandon Scientific Co. achieves detection by burning the exit gases in a microflame and continuously monitoring the flame's temperature. When an organic vapor is eluted from the column the basic flame temperature is increased in direct relationship to the change in calorific value of the exit gas. A precision thermocouple is employed to measure these changes, its output being fed into a suitable recording system. This method of detection enables the presence of trace components to be reliably indicated, according to the company. The chromatograph has five basic units. They are an analyzer unit, heater and ignition control panel, recorder control panel, recorder unit with recorder, and a small control unit. P-25 Hazemeter A new automatic pivoting sphere hazemeter by Gardner Laboratory, Inc., measures haze and luminous transmittance of transparent plastics and other materials. The source aperture of the instrument gives a small spot of light with no accompanying ghost images, and the beam from this spot is projected by the lens through the entrance window of the integrating sphere. This