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V O L U M E 26, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4
How you can put his specialized experience to work for you In addition to thousands i>l piiiJuus m.nL· In huniliaUni m imil.iv.tmcis. your laboratory dealeι ΜΟΙΛΝ Λ piiLcless in\ciiioi\ oi knoukdjo. You can draw from his lund ui iiiloiivuiiou on I) pes ol equipment, their functions, cost and merit, without charge or obligation. All you need do is telephone him. He is constantly dealing with all kinds of laboratories . . . educational, governmental, industrial and public health. He can help you plan efficient installations which best meet your particular requirements. You can rely on him for accurate, timely information. The manufacturers whose products he distributes regularly tell him of equipment changes, new developments and processes. Corning Glass Works, for instance, keeps your dealer posted regarding PYREX, VYCOR and CORNING brand laboratory glassware.
So whenever you need outside information or equipment— call your laboratory dealer. He'll be glad to assist you in obtaining the most for your money in efficiency and economy by applying his specialized knowledge to your problem. His counsel is as near as your telephone.
CORNING GLASS WORKS, C O R N I N G , Ν. Υ. é%z*ctjcœ /xeaœ£ œeteazca t>c u&c