Correction. Densities and Viscosities of Solutions of the Zinc Halides

InTable I, second line. For, “3-(o:-p-Tolyl-. -hydroxyethyl) trans,” read. “3-( Di-p-T olylhydroxy- methyl) trans.”In column 2 under the formu...
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Dec. 20, 1952



Paul Delahay. Theory of Polarographic Currents ConMurray Hauptschein and Aristid V. Grosse. Perfluoroalkyl Halides Prepared from Silver Perfluoro-fatty Acid trolled by Rate of Reaction and by Diffusion. Salts. I. Peduoroalkyl Iodides. Page 4948. For “(moles per liter)-’” read “(moles per Page 2462. In Fig. 2, for “1,l-diiodohexafluoropropane” crn.3)-11’ in col. 1, line 9; Table 11, heading of col. 4; page read “1,3-diiodohexafluoropropane.”-M~~~ HAUPT- 4949, col. 1, last line; and col. 2, line 10 -PAUL DELAHAY SCHEIN.

John D. Roberts and Vaughan C. Chambers. Small-Ring Norman H . Cromwell, J. Hill Anglin, Jr., Frank W. Compounds. VIII. Some Kucleophilic Displacement ReOlsen and Norval G. Barker. Ethylene Imine Ketones. actions of Cyclopropyl, Cyclobutyl, Cyclopentyl and CycloVIII. Stereochemical Configurations and Reactions with hexyl 9-Toluenesulfonates and Halides. Organometallic Compounds. Page 5037. In col 1, Table 11, the relative rate for cycloPage 2804. In Table I, second line. For, “3-( cy-p-Tolyl- hexyl chloride, last line, last entry, should be JOHN D. a-hydroxyethyl) trans,” read “3-( Di-p-Tolylhydroxy- ROBERTS. methyl) truns.” In column 2 under the formulas for the Th. Wagner-Jauregg, J. J. O’Neill and W. H. Summerson. trans-series, in the second line, compound 11. For AR’, The Reaction of Phosphorus-containing Enzyme Inhibitors “CH3,” read for AR”, “p-CH3-C.&.” with Amines and Amino Acid Derivatives. Page 2805. In column 1, Experimental section, lines 6 and 7. Delete, “trans-l-m~thyl-2-phenyl-3-p-toluylethylen- Page 5202. I n col 2, formula I1 should read “i-(C3H70)2JAUREGG. imine.”’ In line 8 delete, 11.” In line 10 after “IV,” add PO. NHCH2CONH2.”-T~. WAGNERthe sentence, “Addition of p-tolylmagnesium bromide to Murray Hauptschein and Aristid V. Grosse. Pcrfluoro-ntrans-l-methyl-2-phenyl-3-p-toluylethylenimine( I ) produced propyl Disulfide and Perfluoro-n-propyl Trisulfide. II.”-NoRMAN H. CROMWELL: Page 5462. In Table I, col. 5 , top line, for “dot” rcad Jonathan L. Hartwell and Anthony W. Schrecker. Com- “d(1I . ponents of Podophyllin. V. The Constitution of PodoPage 5463 In col. 1, line 14, for “the CBFa-group’’ read p hpllotoxin. “the C3F,-group.”-MURRAY I~AUPTSCHEIN. Page 2914. In col. 1, line 50, for “ C B H ~ ~ Oread ~” Norman N . Lichtin and Herbert Glazer. Ionization “ C z s H 2 6 0 9 . ” - J ~L.~ HARTWELL. ~~~~~ Equilibria in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. 11. B. J. Thamer and A. F. Voigt. Zirconium Chloranilate Page 5539. Corrected values for Table 111 are given Complexes. herewith: A& AFOo’, Page 3199. In col. 2, line 16, for “ho” read “hl.” Ri Rz Ri mhos cm.z/mole l o 5 K s x p kcal./moie Page 3200. In col. 2,line 16 from the end, for “ K z f . H H H .. 4.03“ ... read “K2 = . . . .” H H ??Z-C8H6 173* 3.41b $5.5Sb Page 3201. In col. 1, Fig. 3, the abscissa legend should b; Typographical error in original. Numerical error in “ r . ” The last line of col. 1 should read “one and two. . . . Shedlovsky calculation gave original ValUeS.--NORMAN N. In Table 1.1, the heading of col. 1 should have “Zri4” LICHTIN. instead of “Zn f4.”-BLE%TON J. THAMER. C. G. Overberger, Lester H. Arond and John J. Taylor. S. S. Todd. Low-temperature Heat Capacities and Ionic Copolymerization. The Effect of Reaction CondiEntropies a t 298.16”K. of Crystalline Calcium Ortho- tions on the Monomer Reactivity Ratios for the System silicate, Zinc Orthosilicate and Tricalcium Orthosilicate. Styrene-p-Chlorostyrene-Stannic Chloride. Page 327;. In line 3 of the abstract, for “40.3 f 0.3 and Page 5541. The author’s name should be “Arond” 31.4 f 0.3” read “31.4 f 0.3 and 40.3 f 0.3.”-sAMUEL s. instead of “Arnold ”-C. G. OVERBERGER. TODD. Quentin E. Thompson. The Diacylation of Amides by W. C. Lothrop, G. R. Handrick and-R. M. Hainer. The Acyl Chloride-Pyridine Compounds. Structure and Infrared Absorption Spectra of PolynitroPage 5841. Col. 1, last line, the generalized formula for phenylmethylnitramines and Polynitroanilines. tertiary amides should be RCON( COR’)$. Page 3583. In Fig. 2 for spectrum D and in Table I1 Page 5844. In Table I1 the space in the temperature heside tetryl, for “2,3,6-trinitrophenylmethylnitramine” read “2,4,6-trinitrophenylmethylnitramitie.”-G. R. HAND- column for compound 14a should be blank and the yield should be 5%. Compound 18 should be (PhCH=CHCO)sN RICK. and 28 should be (CHz)*CH(CH2)2CONHCOCH3-QUENL. R. Dawson, H . K. Zimmerman, Jr., Wm. E. Sweeney TIN E. THOMPSON. and G. P. Dinga. Densities and Viscosities of Solutions of Quentin E. Thompson. Preparation and Identification of thc Zinc Halides in Methanol from -50 to 20”. N-Formylbenzamide a d Its Condensation Product with I n col. 1, the last term in equation ( 2 ) should I’agc 4327. Phenylhydrazine. I - C X ~“-~T3.”-H0WARD E;. ZIMMERMAN, JR. Page 5915. I n rol. 1, liue 15, for “formalbeiizaiiiitic” read Henry Gilman and Cecil G. Brannen. Some 1-Xaphthyl- “formy~beilzalilide.”-~UENTIN E. THOMPSOS. silicon Compounds. 1952, VOL. 74 Page 4642. In col. 1, line 21, for “CteHn03Si” read “CZ8H22Si.” In line 55, for “C2aHr,0Si”read “C24H2402Si.” Alexander I. Popov and James J. M b n i o n . Thermodynamic Constants and the Degree of Dissociation of Henry Feuer, G. Bryant Bachman and Emil H . White. Bromine Chloride in Carbon Tetrachloride Solution. The Reactions of Succinic Anhydride with Hydrazine Page 223. In col. 1, line 16, for “minimum” read “maxiHydrate. mum.” Page 4716. In col. 2 , Table I, line 3, col. 7, for “11.8” Page 224 In col. 2, line 4, for “-317 cal.” read “-312 rcad “1.18.” C~~.”-AI.EXANDER I. POPOV. Page 4718. 1 1 1 col. 1, liiie 8 from the riid, foolnotc ref. In Charles L. Rulfs and W. Wayne Meinke. Observations should be s . - H ~FEUER. ~ ~ ~ on Some Chemical and Physicdl Properties of Technetium The System Methyl Merle Randall and F. E. McKenna. and its Compounds. Ethyl Ketone-Water below 0’. Page 235. In col. 2, lines 6 and 5 from the end, for “15,000, 40,000 and greater than 100,000,respectively,” read Page 4860. In col. 2, line 4, for “-83.36 3~ 0.01”” read “1500, 4000 and greater than ~O,OOO.”-CHAS. L. RULFS. -86.36 i O.Ol””.-F. E. MCKENNA. 9,

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