CORRECTION. - Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS

Soc. , 1915, 37 (12), pp 2786–2786. DOI: 10.1021/ja02177a028. Publication Date: December 1915. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, thi...
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,It the optimum of invertase action, the salt effect of the sodium chloride seems to approach zero, and as we depart either side from the optimum, get d I i i:icrC‘iaitig salt I :IC USP L): b u l ~ e i tampoiisi iclr rcg,ulatmg the concentration of hydrogcr: ion i1itrociuce5 certain SAL eftect. ‘fhe most satisfactory region for csirig I-mfferz 1ii IF r c r l a s c 1 c1wxt.i meazurernents is 111 the neighborhood or tile opiirnurn font iilitre tlir szlt effcct 15 a minimum ir; t’iirt r i p m d etizinit x ~ t i v i t ji t ii necc5axv LO nie,iiure the concentratmi ot h>drog:cii ion -1ir:ci 11 IS riot pcrmissible t o calculate it irom the molarit! o i : t c x f used ’!‘he addition of sodium ciiloride to solutions of hydrochloric acid causes an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ion as measured by- the electromotive force method m d hy the hvdrolysis of cane sugar solutions. Ntr%



CORRECTION. The Dissociation of Carbon Oxysulfide.-Through

the kindness of Professor J. Sakurai, of the University of Tokio, my attention has been called to an important error in sign in the recent paper by Lewis and Lacey.’ There it is stated, “It is evident that with diminishing temperature the equilibrium is shifted in favor 01 CO.” This should have read