Correction-" Reaction Mechanisms for Engineering Design"

corrosion inhibitors in mineral acids,” (to Sinclair Research Inc.), Ibid., 3,153,171. (Oct. 13, 1964). .... 58 (9), 21 (1966). The following substi...
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COR R ECTl ON Due to a publisher’s error, the following corrected derivation was not included in the paper, “Reaction Mechanisms for Engineering Design,” appearing in Vol. 58 (9), 21 (1966). The following substitution should be made between Equations 11 and 21, inclusive: If no products are initially present, the first case gives the Laplace transforms for [ B ]and [ C] as follows :

Moreover, if k 3 >> kz’, it is reasonable to suppose that F is present in undetectably small amount, and that the quasisteady-state approximation can be applied. We thus find for the intermediate F:

d[Fl = kn’[B] - k3[F] = dt



where s is the Laplace transform variable and A. is the initial concentration of A .


and the concentration of the final product [C] is given by

which leads to the Laplace transform

I n the second case C(s) = S(S


A okikz ’k3 kd(s 4-kz’)(s


(1 4) k3)

Equation 14 is of different form from Equation 12, and [C] includes three exponential terms: [C] = A0

We note that Equation 1 9 is identical with Equation 12 in form, and thus the introduction of a n extra intermediate step along with the use of the quasisteady-state approximation leaves the form of [C] unaffected. The expression for [ B ]will not be affected either. I n the first case, we find

+ I n the second case,

However, if k 3 is much greater than k i and kz’, the solution for [C] reduces to Equation 13, where we take kz = kz‘. 48


When kz‘ = kz, this is identical with Equation 20. Thus, only if F is directly observable, will it be possible to be sure of its kinetic significance.