Correction to Diketone-Mediated Photochemical ... - ACS Publications

Jan 13, 2014 - Therefore, several corrections are needed to solve the problem of the overlap between the two papers. ... ES&T Letters paper, the state...
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Correction to Diketone-Mediated Photochemical Processes for Target-Selective Degradation of Dye Pollutants Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2013. DOI: 10.1021/ez400024b


codes were generated. The Supporting Information was revised to add a citation for the Chemosphere article and to correct typesetting errors.

hen this paper was submitted (July 4, 2013), another related paper (Chemosphere 2013, 93, 2877−2882) was under review (submitted April 7, 2013). The subject of the Chemosphere article is to show the outstanding decoloration performance of the UV/AcAc process as a technical note, while the main focus of the Environmental Science & Technology Letters (ES&T Letters) paper is to elucidate the underlying mechanisms behind the decoloration performance based on the effects of variant influencing factors. Because the two papers are different in sets of data, issues of research, points of discussion, and conclusions, we neglected to notify the editors of the related publication under review. The DOI of the Chemosphere paper was available September 30, 2013, and the ES&T Letters paper was accepted September 4, 2013. As a result, no citation of the Chemosphere paper was made in the ES&T Letters paper. Therefore, several corrections are needed to solve the problem of the overlap between the two papers. (1) In the Chemosphere paper, we state, “To the best of our knowledge, use of AcAc as a photo-activator for water treatment has not been reported in the literature.” In the ES&T Letters paper, the statement about the novelty is, “Herein, we, for the first time, report a novel photochemical approach with AA or acetonylacetone [2,5-hexanedione (HD), a γ-diketone] as potent photoactivators for dye decoloration.” Because the Chemosphere paper was submitted first, although the photoactivators were expanded to include another diketone in addition to AA, the “for the first time” statement in the ES&T Letters paper is inappropriate and should be removed. (2) The statement of using chemical oxidation as a pretreatment step for biological treatment was made in the Introduction of the Chemosphere article and was repeated in the Introduction of the ES&T Letters paper. In the second paragraph on the third page of the ES&T Letters paper, there is a typo. Figure S3 should be Figure S5. Because both Figure S5 in the ES&T Letters paper and Figure 6 in the Chemosphere paper show that the biodegradability of the solutions was improved after the photochemical treatment, a citation of the Chemosphere paper was added to the Supporting Information. Other than that, the new Supporting Information is identical to the original. (3) Discussion of degradation kinetics. Partial data in Figure 4 of the Chemosphere article were used in Figure 1b of the ES&T Letters paper. The main focus of Figure 4 of the Chemosphere article is to show the detailed decoloration rate constants of the dye under the variant conditions, whereas the focus of Figure 1b of the ES&T Letters paper is to show how and to what extent the degradation kinetics were affected by the light intensity and the activator. Besides the citation issue, a correction of the Supporting Information was needed. When the original Supporting Information file was published, information loss and unreadable © 2014 American Chemical Society

Shujuan Zhang* Xitong Liu Mengshu Wang Bingdang Wu Bingcai Pan Hua Yang Han-Qing Yu ASSOCIATED CONTENT

* Supporting Information S

Same as original but including a citation of the Chemosphere article and corrections of typesetting errors. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 196

December 24, 2013 December 30, 2013 December 31, 2013 January 13, 2014 | Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2014, 1, 196−196