Correction to High-Performance Flexible Thin-Film Transistors

High-Performance Flexible Thin-Film Transistors Exfoliated from Bulk Wafer. Nano Letters. Zhai, Mathew, Rao, Xu, and Banerjee. 2012 12 (11), pp 5609â€...
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Correction to High-Performance Flexible Thin-Film Transistors Exfoliated from Bulk Wafer Yujia Zhai, Leo Mathew, Rajesh Rao, Dewei Xu, and Sanjay K. Banerjee* Nano Lett. 2012, 12 (11), 5609−5615. DOI:10.1021/nl302735f


n the original manuscript, there is an error in the company name for reference 21. The revised reference is shown here. (21) Mathew, L. Structure and Method to make multigate MOSFET. Applied Novel Devices, Inc. U.S. Patent Pending Application.

Published: December 21, 2012 © 2012 American Chemical Society

329 | Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 329−329