Correction to MicroRNA Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles and Cell

Jun 8, 2012 - Correction to MicroRNA Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles and Cell. Transfection. Elizabeth Crew, Sharaara Rahman, Asma Razzak-Jaffar, ...
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Correction to MicroRNA Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles and Cell Transfection Elizabeth Crew, Sharaara Rahman, Asma Razzak-Jaffar, Derrick Mott, Martha Kamundi, Gang Yu, Nuri Tchah, Jehwan Lee, Michael Bellavia, and Chuan-Jian Zhong* Anal. Chem. 2012, 34, 26−29. DOI: 10.1021/ac202749p The first name of the last author (Chaun-Jian Zhong) in the author list was misspelled in the original manuscript. The corrected spelling of this name is Chuan-Jian Zhong.

Published: June 8, 2012 © 2012 American Chemical Society

5448 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 5448−5448