Correction to Small Molecule Disruptors of the Glucokinase

Feb 28, 2014 - ... Wahl, Jiandong Zhang, David J. Lloyd, Clarence Hale, and David J. St. ... Cupples, Fotsch, Jordan, Lloyd, Sivits, Tadesse, Hale, an...
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Correction to Small Molecule Disruptors of the Glucokinase− Glucokinase Regulatory Protein Interaction: 1. Discovery of a Novel Tool Compound for in Vivo Proof-of-Concept Kate S. Ashton,* Kristin L. Andrews, Marian C. Bryan, Jie Chen, Kui Chen, Michelle Chen, Samer Chmait, Michael Croghan, Rod Cupples, Christopher Fotsch, Joan Helmering, Steve R. Jordan, Robert J. M. Kurzeja, Klaus Michelsen, Lewis D. Pennington, Steve F. Poon, Glenn Sivits, Gwyneth Van, Steve L. Vonderfecht, Robert C. Wahl, Jiandong Zhang, David J. Lloyd, Clarence Hale, and David J. St. Jean, Jr. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 57, 309−324. DOI: 10.1021/jm4016735 Page 309. In list of author names, line 1 should read “Marian C. Bryan” instead of “Marion C. Bryan”. The correct presentation is shown above.

Published: February 28, 2014 © 2014 American Chemical Society

2820 | J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 2820−2820