Correlation between the Oxidation State of Copper ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - 20037038, “Chemistry of Concerto Catalysis”), Scientific Research (no. 19360365, “B”), and the Program for Improvement of Resea...
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Correlation between the Oxidation State of Copper and the Photocatalytic Activity of Cu/Nb2O5 Shinya Furukawa,†,§ Daisuke Tsukio,† Tetsuya Shishido,*,† Kentaro Teramura,†,‡ and Tsunehiro Tanaka*,† †

Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto Daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan ‡ Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A structural analysis of the reduction−oxidation process of copper loaded on Cu/Nb2O5 has been performed using Cu K-edge XAFS spectroscopy to reveal the correlation between the oxidation state of copper and the catalytic activity of alcohol photooxidation. On the basis of the simulation of the XANES spectra of Cu/Nb2O5, the superposition of Cu metal (Cu(0)), Cu2O (Cu(I)), and CuO (Cu(II)) is observed, and, furthermore, the concentration of these three phases was evaluated. XANES and EXAFS analyses revealed the following reduction−oxidation process. Cu metal particles with a diameter of approximately 4 nm were formed after reductions at 673 K. Cu2O and CuO phases were formed in the surface layers at low oxidation temperature. The process of formation was followed by phase growth both in the surface layers and in the bulk Cu particle with increasing oxidation temperature. The change in photocatalytic activity well correlated with the fraction of Cu2O (Cu(I)).

INTRODUCTION The photocatalytic activities of semiconductor photocatalysts are enhanced by the addition of small amounts of noble metals, such as Pt and Rh. This effect has been explained by the quick transfer of photogenerated electrons in the photocatalysts to the loaded metal particles, resulting in promotion of charge separation and decrease in recombination of electrons and holes.1,2 On this basis, several transition metal species, including noble metals such as Pt,3−7 Rh,8 Ru,9 Ni,10 Cu,11−15 and Ag,16 have been used to develop more active photocatalysts, often in TiO2-based systems. In particular, Ptand Cu-loaded photocatalysts have been widely studied for various applications such as aerobic oxidation,3 hydrogen production,11,12 and decomposition of volatile organic compounds.6,7,13−15 We recently reported a unique effect of metal species on the photocatalytic activity that is different from the effect observed during promotion of charge separation: for example, a concerted effect provided by Cu(I) and Cu(II) in alcohol photooxidation over copper-loaded niobium oxide (Cu/Nb2O5).17,18 As shown in Scheme 1, the alcohol photooxidation over Cu/Nb2O5 proceeds via photoactivation of the surface complex consisting of dissociatively adsorbed alcohol (alkoxide) and Nb2O5 and is followed by the conversion of a photogenerated radical intermediate to a carbonyl compound. This mechanism is different from the classical electron transfer based on band gap excitation, that is, reduction by excited electrons in the conduction band, and oxidation by a positive hole in the valence band. In this system, Cu(II) acts as an electron acceptor to promote electron transfer © 2012 American Chemical Society

from the photogenerated radical intermediate (Scheme 1c), and the reduced Cu(I) acts as an effective desorption site to promote desorption of the product (Scheme 1d). Thus, these positive effects provided by two Cu species can function, and these are constantly supplied because of the redox cycle of the Cu(II)−Cu(I) couple. Some physical and chemical properties of Cu particles affect the photocatalytic activity, but the reasons are still unknown. The physical and chemical properties of Cu particles are as follows: structure, oxidation state, and composition ratio of Cu(I) and Cu(II). The properties listed above provide beneficial insights to develop a more active photocatalyst. Thus, this approach helps in revealing the correlation between the oxidation state or structure of a Cu particle and the photocatalytic activity using techniques, such as XPS and TEM. However, as was typically observed in other metal-loaded photocatalytic systems, the optimum loading of Cu is very low (0.46 wt %), which is inadequate for XPS measurement. Moreover, ambiguous contrast between Cu and Nb does not allow an informative TEM characterization of Cu species on Nb2O5. XAFS spectroscopy, in contrast, can be helpful to obtain both the electronic and the structural information even in such condition. In this study, we investigated changes in the electronic state and structure of a Cu particle loaded on Nb2O5 upon reduction−oxidation treatment at various temperatures by XAFS analyses. The Received: April 15, 2012 Revised: May 16, 2012 Published: May 17, 2012 12181 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12181−12186

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Si(111) double crystal monochromator with an energy resolution of ca. 0.3 eV in XANES region was used. Acquisition steps and ranges are as follows: 8660−8960 eV/30 steps, 8960−9030 eV/233 steps, 9030−9730 eV/175 steps, and 9730−9822 eV/13 steps. The monochromator was detuned by 60% to reduce high energy X-ray harmonics. For all spectra, a metallic Cu reference foil was used to provide an energy calibration for the monochromator. The XANES and EXAFS analyses were performed by a Rigaku REX2000 program. Pattern fittings of XANES spectra of Cu/Nb2O5 oxidized at 473 K were implemented using the spectra of reduced Cu/Nb2O5, Cu2O, CuO, and Cu(OH)2 in the energy range of 8950−9010 eV. Fittings for other samples were carried out with using the spectra of reduced Cu/Nb2O5, Cu2O, and CuO, because the fitting with that of Cu(OH)2 showed some negative fractions and worse R factors. The Fourier transformation and inverse Fourier transformation of the EXAFS signals were carried out in the k-range of 3.0−12.0 Å−1 and R-range of 1.78−2.70 Å (Cu−Cu) or 1.14−1.81 Å (Cu−O), respectively. Curve-fitting analysis of the EXAFS spectra was performed for the inverse Fourier transforms on the Cu−Cu or Cu−O shells. Empirical parameters for Cu−Cu and Cu−O shells in the analysis were obtained from Cu foil and CuO, respectively. Reaction Condition. The photocatalytic oxidation of alcohol was carried out in a quasi-flowing batch system under atmospheric oxygen (see Supporting Information Figure S1). Cu/Nb2O5 catalyst (100 mg) and a stirring bar were introduced to the Pyrex glass reactor (cutoff light below 300 nm). The Cu/ Nb2O5 catalyst was pretreated in the reactor under the following conditions: reduction under 5% H2/N2 flow at 20 mL min−1 for 0.5 h at 673 K followed by oxidation under O2 flow at 20 mL min−1 for 0.5 h at various temperatures as appropriate (348, 373, 393, 423, and 473 K). Reduced Cu/ Nb2O5 and oxidized Cu/Nb2O5 after reduction are described as R673 and ROT, respectively (T indicates oxidation temperature). After this pretreatment, 1-pentanol as a substrate (10 mL) without solvent was introduced into the reactor. The suspension was vigorously stirred at room temperature and irradiated from the flat bottom of the reactor through a reflection by a cold mirror with a 500 W ultrahigh-pressure Hg lamp (USHIO Denki Co.). Oxygen was flowed into the reactor at 2 mL min−1 (0.1 MPa). Products were analyzed and quantified by FID-GC (Shimadzu GC14B) and GC−MS (Shimadzu QP-5050).

Scheme 1. Reaction Mechanism of Alcohol Photooxidation over Cu/Nb2O5a


(a) Adsorption of alcohol, (b) photoactivation of adsorbed alcohol and reduction of Cu(II) by excited electron, (c) electron transfer from photogenerated radical intermediated to Cu(II) to form product, (d) desorption of the product, and (e) reoxidation of reduced Cu(I) to Cu(II) by molecular oxygen.18

correlation between these states of Cu and the photocatalytic activity in alcohol oxidation is also discussed. Herein, we show essential factors in enhancement of photocatalytic activity and the development of a more active photocatalyst resulting from the optimized Cu state.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Catalyst Preparation. Niobic acid, niobium oxide hydrate (Nb2O5·nH2O, AD/2872, HY-340), was kindly supplied from CBMM. Other chemicals used were of reagent grade and were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co., Tokyo Kasei Kogyo Co., Ltd., and Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. All reagents were used without further purification. Niobium oxide supported Cu catalyst (Cu/Nb 2 O 5 ) was prepared by impregnation of niobic acid with an aqueous solutions of Cu(NO3)2 at 353 K, followed by evaporation, drying, and calcination at 773 K in a stream of dry air for 5 h. After calcination, the catalysts were ground into powder under 100 mesh (0.15 mm). Loading amount of Cu was fixed to 1.9 mol % (0.46 wt %), which was optimized in the previous study.17 XAFS Study. X-ray adsorption experiments were carried out on the beamline BL12C at Photon Factory, of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (Tsukuba, Japan). The ring energy was 2.5 GeV, and the stored current was 450 mA. Cu/ Nb2O5 catalysts were pretreated prior to measurement under the following conditions: reduction under 7.0 kPa of H2 for 0.5 h at 673 K followed by oxidation under 7.0 kPa of O2 for 0.5 h at various temperatures as appropriate (348, 373, 393, 423, and 473 K). Reduced Cu/Nb2O5 and oxidized Cu/Nb2O5 after reduction are described as R673 and ROT, respectively (T indicates oxidation temperature). The pretreated samples were then sealed into polyethylene bags under dry N2 atmosphere. Cu K-edge (8.98 keV) XAFS spectra were recorded in fluorescence and step-scan mode. For reference samples, spectra were recorded in transmission mode. A fixed exit

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1a shows Cu K-edge XANES spectra and their first derivatives of the Cu/Nb2O5 catalysts and reference compounds. The XANES spectrum of the reduced Cu/Nb2O5 (R673) is similar to that of the Cu foil, indicating that the loaded Cu is reduced to Cu(0). As the oxidation temperature was elevated, the XANES feature of the oxidized Cu/Nb2O5 gradually changed to that of the characteristic of CuO. This simply indicates that oxidation of Cu(0) to Cu(II) proceeds more deeply at higher oxidation temperatures. The XANES spectrum of Cu2O exhibits an intense pre-edge peak due to the 1s → 4p transition around 8980 eV, which is a characteristic of Cu(I).19−21 This feature is also observed in the spectrum of Cu/Nb2O5 oxidized at 393 or 423 K after reduction (RO393 or RO423) and indicates the presence of Cu(I) species in these samples as an intermediate to Cu(II) species. As shown in Figure 1b, changes in the composition of Cu species are observed more clearly in the first derivatives of the XANES 12182 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12181−12186

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The structures of Cu species on Cu/Nb2O5 were then investigated using extended EXAFS analyses. Figure 3a shows k3-weighted Cu K-edge EXAFS spectra of the pretreated Cu/ Nb2O5 catalysts and reference compounds. The EXAFS spectra of R673, RO348, and RO373 show oscillation phases similar to that observed for Cu foil, whereas the spectra of RO393, RO423, and RO473 resemble that of CuO. As is clearly shown in the Fourier-transformed EXAFS (Figure 3b), the height of the band at 2.2 Å, assigned to the Cu−Cu scatterings of metallic Cu, decreased as the oxidation temperature increased. In particular, a prominent fall in height was observed between R373 and R393, and the Cu−Cu scattering almost disappeared with RO473. These changes are in accordance with the drawdown of the Cu(0) fraction represented in Figure 2. However, the band at 1.5 Å assigned to Cu−O scattering grew upon an increase in the oxidation temperature above 393 K. In addition to the amplitude, the distance of the Cu−O bond slightly increased from RO393 to RO473. The Fouriertransformed EXAFS of the reference compounds indicated that CuO or Cu(OH)2 has a larger amplitude and longer distance of Cu−O scattering than Cu2O. Therefore, the increase in Cu−O bond length from RO393 to RO473 can be attributed to the formation of CuO and/or Cu(OH)2. On the basis of these results, a series of changes in Fouriertransformed EXAFS correspond to the insertion of oxygen atoms into Cu metal particles to form Cu2O and CuO. A curvefittings analysis was then performed for the Cu−Cu and Cu−O shells in the Fourier-transformed EXAFS (Table 1). In RO423, the low amplitude of Cu−Cu scattering did not allow the determination of appropriate structural parameters for the Cu− Cu shell by curve fitting. The coordination number (CN) of the Cu−Cu pair for R673 is 10.8, although the foil had a CN of 12. This suggests that the reduced Cu metal particles have a diameter of approximately 4 nm, assuming a cuboctahedral structure. The CN of the Cu−Cu pair decreased with an increasing oxidation temperature, implying that the metallic moiety reduced in size. However, the estimated CN of the Cu− Cu pair of the sample containing Cu oxide species does not correctly indicate the CN for metallic moiety, because the amplitude of the EXAFS oscillation is normalized by the total amount of Cu. Therefore, we defined ⟨CN⟩, CN divided by the fraction of metallic Cu, as an alternative that represents the CN of the Cu−Cu pair in the metallic moiety (Table 1). The value of ⟨CN⟩ became smaller from R673 to RO393, which supports the reduction of the metallic moiety upon an increase in the oxidation temperature. The photocatalytic activities of a series of pretreated Cu/ Nb2O5 catalysts in alcohol oxidation were evaluated. In each case, pentanal evolved as a main oxidized product, and the amount almost linearly increased as the reaction time increased (Figure 4). However, a small induction period was observed in the first 1 h for reduced Cu/Nb2O5 (R673) (see Supporting Information, Figure S2). Only a trace amount of pentanoic acid and no evolution of CO2 were observed at this conversion level. The amount of photogenerated pentanal after 5 h of irradiation as a function of the oxidation temperature is shown in Figure 5. The changes in the fraction of Cu oxide species are also represented to compare to the activity. Photocatalytic activity of R673 was 1.5 times higher than that of the as-prepared catalyst. Cu/Nb2O5 catalyst oxidized at 348 K after the reduction (RO348) and showed activity similar to that shown in R673. The photocatalytic activity increased as the oxidation temperature increased to 393 K; however, it declined drastically over

Figure 1. Cu K-edge XANES spectra: (a) and their first derivatives and (b) of Cu/Nb2O5 catalysts pretreated under various conditions and reference compounds.

spectra: (1) the peak at 8977.5 eV, assignable to Cu(0), decreases with increasing oxidation temperature; (2) the peak feature characteristic of Cu(I) at 8979 eV increases as oxidation temperature elevates to 393 K and gradually deceases; and (3) small features assigned to Cu(II) species grow at a temperature higher than 393 K. These trends show stepwise oxidation of Cu(0) to Cu(I) and Cu(II) corresponding to the respective oxidation temperature. When the oxidation temperature was 473 K, formation of a small amount of Cu(II) species with Cu(OH)2 like structure was observed. The fractions of Cu species in Cu/Nb2O5 were then estimated by pattern fitting analysis of the XANES spectra (Figure 2). Significant oxidation

Figure 2. Fractions of Cu species in oxidized Cu/Nb2O5 estimated by pattern fittings of the XANES spectra as a function of oxidation temperature. Figures in parentheses show R factors (%) for fittings.

of metallic Cu to Cu2O occurred when the oxidation temperature was elevated from 373 to 393 K. The maximum fraction of Cu2O in Cu/Nb2O5 reached 45% at an oxidation temperature of 393 K. As the oxidation temperature increased from 393 to 473 K, the fraction of Cu2O began to decrease and the CuO fraction rose to 59%. Thus, the change in the fractions as a function of oxidation temperature represents the stepwise oxidation of Cu species. 12183 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12181−12186

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Figure 3. (a) Cu K-edge EXAFS spectra and (b) their Fourier-transformation of Cu/Nb2O5 catalysts pretreated under various conditions (top) and reference compounds (bottom), respectively.

Table 1. Curve-Fitting Results of Cu−Cu or Cu−O Scattering of the Cu K-Edge Fourier-Transformed EXAFS Spectraa sample






Rf (%)f

R673 RO348 RO373 RO393

Cu−Cu Cu−Cu Cu−Cu Cu−Cu Cu−O Cu−O Cu−O

10.8(23) 8.4(17) 6.1(13) 1.7(6) 1.7(4) 2.2(3) 3.0(6)

10.8(23) 9.7(19) 9.0(18) 6.3(21)

2.55(1) 2.56(1) 2.56(1) 2.57(2) 1.91(1) 1.92(1) 1.95(1)

0.06(3) 0.06(3) 0.05(3) 0.05(5) 0.03(6) 0.04(4) 0.05(3)

0.9 4.9 5.5 5.8

RO423 RO473

2.7 6.0

Inverse Fourier range ΔR = 1.78−2.70 Å for Cu−Cu shell, ΔR = 1.14−1.81 Å for Cu−O shell, fitting range Δk = 3.0−12.0 Å. bCN: coordination number. c⟨CN⟩: coordination number of the Cu−Cu pair in the metallic moiety. dr: interatomic distance. eσ: Debye−Waller factor. fRf (%) = ∑(Xobs − Xcalc)2/Xobs2 × 100. a

Figure 5. Pentanal yields after 5 h of photooxidation of 1-pentanol using Cu/Nb2O5 catalysts pretreated under various conditions and fractions of Cu oxide species as a function of oxidation temperature. Pentanal yields for R673 and as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5 are represented as dashed and dotted lines, respectively.

Figure 4. Time course of produced pentanal in photooxidation of 1pentanol over Cu/Nb2 O5 catalysts pretreated under various conditions.

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K, the highest activity is obtained. The Cu2O fraction in the overall Cu species gradually decreases over 393 K. However, the outermost Cu2O moiety, which is an effective desorption site, decreases more rapidly than the inner Cu2O moiety because oxidation proceeds from outside. Therefore, the activity drastically falls at a temperature above 393 K. Finally, Cu2O at the outermost layer, on a whole, is converted to CuO at 473 K; thus, the activity of R473 becomes identical to that of the as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5 (Scheme 2c). We have already confirmed that metallic Cu loaded on Cu/Nb2O5 was converted to CuO within 24 h upon exposure to 1 atm O2 even at room temperature.18 Similar reoxidation of metallic Cu in O2/air atmosphere has also been observed in a Cu/TiO2 system.22 In the case of R673, Cu2O and/or CuO moieties might be formed in the reaction atmosphere by molecular oxygen, which results in the higher activity of R673 than that of the as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5. Indeed, the induction period observed for R673 (Figure S2) can be attributed to such an in situ generation of Cu2O. Through a series of stepwise oxidations, metallic Cu core decreases in size by oxidation of the outer layer. The reduction of metallic moiety is reflected in the change in ⟨CN⟩ and can be estimated by the XAFS study as mentioned above. However, the number of ⟨CN⟩ for RO393 (6.3) is too small to assume a cubocathedral structure. This is because the diameter of approximately 1 nm, derived from the ⟨CN⟩, is too small to be consistent with that 27% of metallic Cu is remaining (decrease in diameter of metallic Cu from 4 to 1 nm corresponds to approximately 95% of metallic Cu being oxidized). For such a small number of ⟨CN⟩, it might be plausible to further assume that the metallic core has a flattened shape and/or the particles are split into pieces upon oxidation treatment.

393 K. Finally, the activity decreased to the same level as untreated R673 when the oxidation temperature reached 473 K. The highest activity was obtained at an oxidation temperature of 393 K (RO393). The photocatalytic activity of RO393 is 2and 6.5-fold higher than as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5 and bare Nb2O5 catalysts, respectively. Thus, appropriate treatment of Cu/Nb2O5 provides a further enhancement in photocatalytic activity in alcohol photooxidation. Moreover, the variation of the photocatalytic activity with RO393 at the top agrees with the change in the Cu2O fraction, indicating that the formation of Cu2O is important for an increase in the photocatalytic activity, but this is not true for CuO. As mentioned above, the roles of Cu in enhancement of photocatalytic activity are to accelerate conversion of radical intermediate to product by Cu(II) and to facilitate desorption of the product by Cu(I). The results in this study, therefore, clearly show that the second role of Cu, that is Cu(I), significantly contributes to improvement in the photocatalytic activity. These results are consistent with the fact that desorption is the rate-determining step in alcohol oxidation over Nb2O5. However, there are still some unresolved behaviors: RO423 and RO473 exhibit lower activities than does R673, despite higher fractions of Cu2O; and R673, which does not contain Cu2O, shows higher activity than does as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5. These suggest an involvement of another factor in the photocatalytic activity, such as the structure of Cu species. On the basis of the results obtained from the photocatalytic reaction and XAFS study of Cu/Nb2O5, we discuss the correlation between the state of the Cu species on Cu/Nb2O5 and the photocatalytic activity. At first, metallic Cu particles on Cu/Nb2O5 are formed with a diameter of approximately 4 nm (Scheme 2a) by reduction of as-prepared Cu/Nb2O5 at 673 K. Cu2O and CuO moieties are formed at the outer layer of the Cu particles by oxidation treatment with the reduced Cu/ Nb2O5. The Cu2O moiety formed at the outermost layer acts as an effective desorption site of the product, enhancing the photocatalytic activity (Scheme 2b). When the fraction of Cu2O reaches the maximum at an oxidation temperature of 393

CONCLUSION We investigated the correlation between photocatalytic activity of alcohol photooxidation over Cu/Nb2O5 and the state of Cu loaded on Cu/Nb2O5. A XANES study revealed that the change in photocatalytic activity corresponded to the fraction of Cu2O that promoted desorption. An EXAFS study indicated the following: (1) Cu metal particles with a diameter of approximately 4 nm diameter were oxidized to Cu2O and CuO in a stepwise manner from the outer layer of the particles with an increase in the oxidation temperature, and (2) the presence of Cu2O at the outermost layer of the Cu particle, as an efficient desorption site, was essential for the enhancement in photocatalytic activity. As a result of maximizing the Cu2O fraction, the oxidation at 393 K after reduction exhibited the highest activity, which was twice as high as the as-prepared catalyst. Moreover, the highest activity was 6.5-fold as high as the activity of a bare Nb2O5 photocatalyst.17 Thus, the photocatalytic activity of Cu/Nb2O5 was indeed improved by optimizing the Cu state. These findings, based on the unique effect of Cu, will provide some fundamental and applicative attributes in heterogeneous photocatalysis.

Scheme 2. States of Cu Particles on Cu/Nb2O5 after Pretreatment under Various Conditionsa


S Supporting Information *

Schematic illustration of reaction apparatus and time course of photocatalytic oxidation. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


(a) Reduction at 673 K (R673), and oxidation at (b) 393 K (RO393) and (c) 473 K (RO473) after the reduction. 12185 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12181−12186

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(22) Montini, T.; Gombac, V.; Sordelli, L.; Delgado, J. J.; Chen, X.; Adami, G.; Fornasiero, P. ChemCatChem 2011, 3, 574−577.


Corresponding Author

*Tel.: +81-075-383-2559 (T.S.); +81-075-383-2558 (T.T.). Fax: +81-075-383-2561 (T.S.); +81-075-383-2561 (T.T.). Email: [email protected] (T.S.); tanakat@molemg. (T.T.). Present Address §

Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-E1-10 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (no. 17034036, “Molecular Nano Dynamics” and no. 20037038, “Chemistry of Concerto Catalysis”), Scientific Research (no. 19360365, “B”), and the Program for Improvement of Research Environment for Young Researchers from Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology (SCF) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. S.F. thanks JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists.


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