Jan. 20, 1950
tirely consistent with the results found in the present investigation, which was carried out a t slightly higher temperature, where the mid-point of the curve is found in the range 9.92-9.98. Electrostatic Interactions,-Values for the electrostatic parameter w (see equation 1) are presented in Table 111; limits of reliability, accounting for randomness of the data, are also included. In the carboxylic region, however, a definite curvature appears in the plot of (pH us. log r / ( n - r ) ) versus ( - 2) (cf. Fig. 5). Deviations from the linearity implicit in equation 1 could arise from any one of the following reasons, or from a combination. VALUES
( W ) IS
Nature of the group
Sheep a-corticotropin trichloroacetate
Sheep and beef corticotropins, desalted samples
Carboxylic 0 . 0 8 6 ( 0 . 0 ~ 6 - 0 . 0 9 6 ) "0.090(0,080-0.099) Phenolic 0.034(0.026-0,042) 0,025(0.010-0,040) e-.imino 0.027(0.013-0,041) 0.039(0.025-0,0~3) a The 9570 confidence interval is given in parentheses.
First, it might be an oversimplification to assume a single p k ' i value for all carboxylic groups. Indeed, four of the carboxyl groups appear in the very unusual sequence -Glu.Asp.Asp.Glu- in corticotropin.5 Alternately, the value for 2 obtained from the titration curve might be inadequate, if pH-dependent ion binding occurs. In view of the significant difference between isoionic and isoelectric pH, this alternative possibility must be considered. Finally, i t might be that the value of w is not constant throughout the pH range of from 3 to 6. Since the w factor is directly related to the size and shape of the molecule,26this would mean
that a-corticotropin is endowed with appreciable deformability or flexibility. The very large difference in w observed between the acidic and the basic portions of the titration curve also favors this latter view. That this difference is real is indicated by a significant departure of the data from a titration curve calculated with a constant value of w throughout, the same value as that of the carboxylic groups (dotted curve in Fig. 2) ; in order to obtain a reasonably close fit between the data and the calculated curve around pH 12, the very unlikely value of pK, 6 11 would have to be used for the guanidino groups. However, agreement between calculated and observed values is, as expected, extremely close if the set of values for w given in Table I11 are used (solid curves in Figs. 2 and 3 ) . The change in w might in part reflect the variation between values for the sedimentation constant measured in acid and in alkaline solut i o n ~ . ~ By ' means of equations discussed by Tanford,26it is calculated that a change of w from 0.09 to 0.035 (or 0.025) would correspond to an increase in molecular weight by a factor of a t least 5 (or 10) if the molecule is assumed to retain spherical symmetry and to undergo no change in hydration. Actually, a spherical, unhydrated molecule of the size of corticotropin would have a value for w quite different (namely, 0.17) from those recorded in Table 111. Figure 5 clearly indicates that the model of a rigid sphere becomes a reasonable approximation only in the neighborhood of the isoelectric pH. Accordingly, it seems justified to assume that the molecule has a compact configuration in the pH range of limited solubility but undergoes some expansion outside of this range. (27) C H Li and H Papkoff unpublished experiments
('26) C .Tanford, J . Phys. Chem., 59, 788 (1953)
Corticotropins (ACTH). XV. The Action of Chymotrypsin on a-Corticotropin1 BY Josh LBONIS,~ CHOHHAOLI
RECEIVED JULY 16, 1958 The following peptide fragments have been isolated from chyniotryptic digests of a-corticotropin and identified : Ser.Tyr ; Ser(Tyr,Ser,Met,Glu)His.Phe; Arg.Try ; Arg(Try,Gly,Lys,Pro,Val) ; Gly(Lys,Pro)Val.Gly.Lys; Lys( Arg2,Pro)Val; . Lys(Glu?,Asp,,Ala2,Val,Tyr,Pro,Gly,Ser)GluSH*.Ala.Phe; Ala(Phe,Pro)Leu; and ?lu.Phe. These sequences are consistent with the proposed structure for a-corticotropin. One of the two amide groups in the peptide hormone has been located as glutamine a t amino acid position 33. The specificity of chymotryptic hydrolysis of peptide bonds has been discussed.
The structure of a-corticotropin has been deduced from peptide fragments isolated after cleavage of the hormone by means of peptic, tryptic and acid h y d r ~ l y s i s . ~The peptide pattern obtained when (1) This work was aided in part by grants from the h-ational I n stitutes of Health of t h e United States Public Health Service (02907) and the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. For Paper XI11 of this series see C . H. Li, R. D . Cole, D. Chung and J. Leonis, J . B i d . Chem., 227, 207 (19.57); and for Paper X I V see C . H. Li, J. S. Dixon and D . Chung, T H IJOURNAL, ~ 8 0 , 2587 (1958). (2) Fulbright Grantee 1965-1957, on leave of absence from the University of Brussels, Belgium. (3) C. H. Li, I. I. Geschwind, R. D . Cole, I. D. Raacke, J. I. Harris and J . S. Dixon, Natuve, 176, 687 (1955).
a-corticotropin was digested with chymotrypsin, however, was so complex that only relatively limited information could be derived from i t during the early stages of the structural investigation ; and, indeed, the data presented here indicate that the number of peptide bonds susceptible to the enzyme is unexpectedly high. Furthermore, since the rate of splitting of susceptible bonds seems to differ and also to vary with the average extent of digestion, i t was found that isolation of the resultant peptides in nearly stoichiometrical amount could not be expected. It is the purpose of this paper to demon-
times crystallized achymotrypsin (Armour, Lot 381-092) in 0.25 ml. of a 0.2 M ammonium acetateammonia buffer, a t a temperature of 40°, but at two different pH's (8.5 and 9.0) and for differing time intervals (0, 2, 5, 10, 24 hours). After the designated intervals had elapsed. O.O.+ml. aliquot$ were removed, immersed in (L boiling water-bath for .+ 10 minutes and applied to Whatman 3 MM filter paper strips for fractionation by electrophoresis. Zone electrophoresis on paper was carried out in a Spinco apparatus6 for 7 hr. at 200 volts, with a collidineacetic acid buffer' of p H 6.5. Figure 1 shows the peptide pattern obtained after development with ninhydrin. For preparative experiments, the time interval chosen was 24 hr. and the f H , 9.0, Seven a n d one half micromoles o f =-corticotropin trichlaroacetate and 0.046 micromole of achymotrypsin, dissolved in 5.1 ml. of ammonium a c e t a t e ammonia buffer of PH 9.0 were incubated a t 40' for 24 hr. The whole digest was applied as a band t o the paper and then suhmitted to electrophoresis as described above, for 10 hours. Peptide bands, numbered as in Fig. 1. were located by means of narrow guide strips developed with ninhydrin; bands 1 to i' were eluted separatedly with 37 aqueous ammonin and were then submitted twice successively to purification by chromatography on Whatman No. 1 filter paper. The solvents used were n-butanol/pyridine/acetic acid/ water' (for hasic and neutral peptides) or ?+butanol/ acetic acid/watee (for acidic peptides), followed in either case by n-hutanol/formic acid/water.* Both paper electrophoresis and chromatography were carried out at room temperature. Figure 2, a facsimile of the pilot chromatograms, shows the separation that was achieved. After the final chromatography in n-butanol/fonnic acid/ water, the purified peptides were eluted and submitted to analysis by means of the paper-DNP methodMof Levy," to identify the amino acid residue at the N-terminus a n d to as-
Fig. 1.-Separation hy electrophoresis on paper of the peptide mixture after digestion of a-corticotropin with chymotrypsin a t pH 8.5 and 9.0 for different time intervals.
Bond Number 1
0 0
2 m 3 m
Bond Number
5 0 m
VOl. 81
Bond Number 6
0 d
0 @5c
Fig. Z.-Paper chromatography of fractions obtained from paper electrophoresis (bands are numbered as in Fig. 1): (a) neutral and basic peptides, first solvent: (b) acidic peptides. first solvent: ( c ) all peptides, second solvent. In the preparative experiment. in which the first solvent was used, bands 1, 2 and 6 were chromatographed for 3 days and band 3 for 2 days. Bands 1.2a. 2b. 3 and 5a only were rechromatographed in the second solvent (for 3 days). First solvent. n-butanoljpyridinel HOAc/HzO (30/20/6/24) : second solvent, n-butanol/HCOOH/H,O (75/15/10).
strate that those peptides that have been chancterized in the present study are nonetheless entirely consistent with the whole amino acid sequence postulated for a-corti~otropin.~
Experimental Isolation and Analysis of Peptides.-During the exploratory phase of this study, comparative enzymic digestions were Ca.2 mg, of olrorticotropin trichloroacetated was allowed to react with 0.05 mg. of three (4) C. H. Li. I. I. Gerehwiod. 1. S. Diron. A. L. Levy and J. 1. Harris. J . Bid. Chrm.. 213. 171 (1956).
certain the complete amino acid composition.
Analysis a t
( 5 ) F. G. wiiiinme,J ~ . E. , G. pickcis and E. L. D ~ science. ~ 111,629 (1966). (6) G. G . F. Newton and E. P. Abraham. Biorhrm. J . . 68, 103 (1954). (7) S. G. Waley and J. Watson. -ondthe two partners of the bond being broken. BERKELEY, CALIF. (27) R . G. Snepherd, S. D . Willson, E“,. S. Howard, P . H . Bell, D. S. Davies, S. B. Davis, E . A. Eigner and X. E . Shakespeare, THIS J O V R N A L , 78, 5067 (1956). (28) W . F. White and W. A. Landmann, ibid.,76,1193 (1954); W F. White, ibid., 76, 4194 (1954); VV’, F. m’hite and W. A. Landmann, ibid., 77, 771 (1955). (29) R. R.Porter, M e t h o d s i n M e d . h e s . , 3 , 250 (1950). ( 3 0 ) J. F. Roland and A . >I. Gross. J . Biol. Chem.. 26. 502 (1954).