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Apr 7, 2017 - Cosolvent-Based Molecular Dynamics for Ensemble Docking: Practical Method for Generating Druggable Protein Conformations...
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Cosolvent-Based Molecular Dynamics for Ensemble Docking: Practical Method for Generating Druggable Protein Conformations Shota Uehara* and Shigenori Tanaka* Department of Computational Science, Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Protein flexibility is a major hurdle in current structure-based virtual screening (VS). In spite of the recent advances in high-performance computing, protein−ligand docking methods still demand tremendous computational cost to take into account the full degree of protein flexibility. In this context, ensemble docking has proven its utility and efficiency for VS studies, but it still needs a rational and efficient method to select and/or generate multiple protein conformations. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are useful to produce distinct protein conformations without abundant experimental structures. In this study, we present a novel strategy that makes use of cosolvent-based molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations for ensemble docking. By mixing small organic molecules into a solvent, CMD can stimulate dynamic protein motions and induce partial conformational changes of binding pocket residues appropriate for the binding of diverse ligands. The present method has been applied to six diverse target proteins and assessed by VS experiments using many actives and decoys of DEKOIS 2.0. The simulation results have revealed that the CMD is beneficial for ensemble docking. Utilizing cosolvent simulation allows the generation of druggable protein conformations, improving the VS performance compared with the use of a single experimental structure or ensemble docking by standard MD with pure water as the solvent.

INTRODUCTION Protein−ligand docking is one of the most promising computational tools in the large-scale discovery of compound hits for target macromolecules, which potentially reduces the costs and improves the efficiency of modern high-throughput screening (HTS) for drug design.1 The docking calculation is applied to rank database compounds for a specific target, and the use of high-quality compound libraries and appropriately constructed docking models can lead to hit rates several fold higher than random.2−4 Although docking-based virtual screening (VS) methods have successfully contributed to the discovery of many novel inhibitors,5−13 they still have some limitations in the applicability for diverse target proteins. The weakness often comes from the deficient representation of protein flexibility. Traditionally, most of the docking methods consider only ligand flexibility and use a single rigid structure of the target protein for fast calculation. However, since proteins are intrinsically flexible and frequently undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding, the static view of protein structure in conventional docking is far from reality. For instance, protein kinases are widely known as difficult targets for docking because of their flexible binding pockets.14 Moreover, some cross-docking studies have shown that docking a ligand to the non-native structure of a target protein leads to failure of docking in mode/affinity prediction.15−18 These results also imply that the use of a single protein structure might lead to poor enrichment of VS experiments. To © XXXX American Chemical Society

overcome this limitation, recent approaches for improving docking methods have focused on the efficient incorporation of protein flexibility.19−24 In the last decades, the importance of protein flexibility upon ligand binding has been widely recognized.25−27 The first proposal was the induced-fit model proposed by Koshland28 in 1958, which suggested that ligand binding induces a conformational change in the protein. A more recent proposal was given by the conformational selection model, in which a ligand binds to a particular conformation of the unbound protein and stabilizes the potential energy of such a conformation by forming the protein−ligand complex.29−31 It should be noted that the binding process of protein and ligand is not so simple, and the induced-fit model and the conformational selection model are not contradictory. A small induced-fit effect has been successfully introduced into docking methods by allowing the rearrangement of several amino acid side chains when the docking calculation is performed.32−35 However, for some targets, major backbone movements are observed, in which case full receptor flexibility in the docking calculation might be required.36−38 Thus, a simplified model has been proposed to incorporate limited protein motions while keeping the computational time practical, namely, ensemble docking.39 Received: December 28, 2016


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

actives and a large number of decoys to the target protein.61−63 The larger the number of actives found among the top hits and the higher the rank of the actives, the better is the receptor structure for virtual screening. However, this method could be computationally expensive when this analysis is repeated for the numerous snapshots of the MD simulation. A more practical method called the screening performance index (SPI) has been proposed by Huang and Wong.64 They showed that SPI is capable of selecting a good experimental structure for VS experiments through docking of a set of known actives only. Here we introduce a little modification to SPI to make it more stable for the selection of MD snapshots and apply it to our study. In addition to the conformational selection method, we propose the use of CMD simulations for the ensemble docking. Cosolvent-based MD, also called mixed-solvent MD or ligandmapping MD, is a simple but highly attractive computational method that uses water and organic probe molecules for the solvent when performing the MD simulation of a protein target. In the past decade, many cosolvent-based simulation methods have been proposed and applied to diverse target proteins.65−72 Various probe molecules, resembling certain chemical moieties found in drug-like ligands, have been used for mapping the protein surface, finding the binding hotspots, and identifying the pharmacophore features of hotspots where high-affinity ligands are attainable. At the same time, CMD simulations often bring about probe-induced conformational changes of a target protein. In fact, it has been reported that cosolvent simulations are capable of finding allosteric sites or new binding hotspots that standard MD could not identify.73−75 More recently, Gervasio and co-workers76 utilized cosolvent simulations for cryptic site discovery. They reported that the cosolvent simulations induced cryptic pocket formation in protein targets and that such cryptic sites do not correspond to local minima in the computed conformational energy landscape of the unliganded protein. These studies gave important insights into binding pocket formations deeply related to some sort of induced-fit effect. Moreover, Yang and co-workers77 applied CMD simulations to the complex system of Bcl-xL and showed that the use of conformations obtained from CMD improved the docking performance for the known ligands of Bcl-xL. On the basis of these impressive studies, we attempt to incorporate CMD simulations into ensemble docking, expecting that CMD will generate more druggable conformations of a target protein than the pure water MD and enhance the enrichment of the VS study. In the present study, CMD simulations were performed for six diverse protein targets using three different probe molecules to evaluate the applicability of CMD-based ensemble docking. We then used apo forms of protein structures as the input for MD simulations so that the difference of conformational changes could be clearly observed. The present method was validated by the VS performance using diverse active and decoy compounds taken from the DEKOIS 2.0 library78 and compared with the single-structure docking to the X-ray structures of the apo- and holo-form proteins. The present method was also assessed in comparison with standard MD (i.e., only using water and ions for solvents)-based ensemble docking. Consequently, the simulation results have revealed that CMD-based ensemble docking is capable of improving the enrichment of VS experiments compared with the conventional methods and is widely applicable for diverse protein targets.

Recently, numerous studies have focused on the ensemble docking approach.40−43 In contrast to explicit modeling of protein flexibility, ensemble docking makes use of multiple discrete structures of a target protein. In the standard ensemble docking procedure, each compound is sequentially docked to a set of protein conformers (i.e., an ensemble) to find the best-fit protein structure for a particular ligand. Consequently, the flexibility of the target protein is implicitly introduced into the docking method. Ensemble docking has been successfully applied to various protein targets using multiple structures obtained from X-ray,44−47 NMR,48,49 and homology modeling.50,51 Although ensemble docking is capable of accounting for any scale of protein motions, in practice the coverage of protein flexibility completely depends on the quality of the structural ensemble. Thus, a critical issue of ensemble docking is how to select and/or generate multiple protein structures appropriate for binding of diverse hits. A useful but still challenging approach can be provided by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to generate multiple protein conformations.52−56 The use of MD simulations has two certain advantages. First, an MD simulation needs only one structure of the target protein. Hence, it is widely applicable to diverse targets, even though the experimental structure is few, of low resolution, or even computationally modeled. Second, an MD simulation might find a completely new conformation of the target protein superior to the experimental one for the VS study. In fact, some early studies reported that the best snapshot of an MD simulation (i.e., the snapshot of the protein conformation with the best VS performance among all MD snapshots) was more predictive than the experimental structures.57,58 However, at the same time, MD snapshots include many poor structures, and it is still difficult to select the promising structures for the VS experiments. Therefore, a rational method for selection of protein conformations from the MD trajectory is needed for successful ensemble docking. Another question is whether an MD simulation with pure water as the solvent is the best approach for generating druggable protein conformations. As mentioned above, there are two fundamental models of protein flexibility upon ligand binding: the induced-fit model and the conformational selection model. Standard MD simulations of a target protein simply simulate the thermal fluctuations in aqueous solution and thus represent the conformational selection model, whereas they cannot take into account any induced-fit effect of ligand binding. Hence, our interest is focused on the development of a more sophisticated simulation method that stimulates induced-fitlike conformational changes of target proteins. In this study, we present novel ensemble docking procedures by combining the inexpensive conformational selection method and cosolventbased molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations. The selection of multiple protein conformations is an essential process for the success of ensemble docking. Since an MD simulation generates numerous protein conformations, they have to be narrowed down to an appropriate size of the ensemble. The use of a large conformational ensemble is tremendously time-consuming and increases the false positive rate of the VS experiment.59 Applying a clustering algorithm is a general approach to picking up distinct protein conformations from the MD trajectory. However, it has been reported that the clustered protein conformations include not only good structures but also poor structures for VS studies.60 One promising technique for relevantly selecting protein structures involves docking a library of compounds containing known B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

MATERIALS AND METHODS Target Protein and Structure Preparation. Six diverse target proteins taken from DEKOIS 2.078 were used for the ensemble docking studies: progesterone receptor (PR), cyclindependent kinase 2 (CDK2), NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-2 (SIRT2), human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease (HIV1PR), thymidine phosphorylase (TP), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EFGR). These six proteins were shown to be difficult targets for virtual screening in the original DEKOIS 2.0 study.78 We selected apo (or apolike) and holo (inhibitor-bound) structures for the six target proteins from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The apo proteins were used for the MD simulations and the ensemble docking studies, whereas the holo proteins were used only in the singlestructure docking for comparison with the ensemble docking performance. The six target proteins and the selected 12 structures are summarized in Table 1. It should be noted that

for the molecular recognition between the protein and the drug-like ligand. Purine is also an aromatic probe, but it is a little bit larger than benzene and capable of forming hydrogen bonds. While purine has rarely been used for cosolvent simulations, it is a representative moiety often found in biomolecules and approved drugs.81,82 In this study, the probe concentration in water was set to ∼0.25 M for all of the simulations, since some previous studies concluded that a low concentration resulted in clear occupancy of probe molecules in the binding hotspots.83−85 Consequently, we tested the total of 24 systems (four different solvents for the six protein systems) for the MD simulations. All of the systems were prepared with the identical procedure. First, the systems were solvated using Packmol.86 The target proteins were randomly shelled with the probe molecules and solvated in the cubic box with water molecules, and the minimal number of Na or Cl ions were then added to electrically neutralize the systems. Next, the force field parameters were assigned to the solvated systems using the Tleap program from AmberTools 16.87 We used the AMBER14SB force field88 for the proteins, the TIP3P water model89 for the solvent water molecules, and the generalized Amber force field (GAFF)90 for the probe molecules. The partial atomic charges of the probe molecules were then calculated by the restrained electrostatic potential (RESP) method using electrostatic potentials derived quantummechanically at the Hartree−Fock level with the 6-31G* basis set. At last, the periodic boundary condition was set to the cubic box. As an example, Figure 1 shows the prepared system and the final system of cosolvent simulation for PR with benzene probe molecules. Throughout the simulation, most of

Table 1. X-ray Structures for the Six Target Proteins Used in This Work protein structure (PDB ID) target



progesterone receptor (PR) cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-2 (SIRT2) human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease (HIV1PR) thymidine phosphorylase (TP) epidermal growth factor receptor (EFGR)

1A28a 1HCL 1J8Fb 2PC0 2WK5 5EDP

2W8Yb 1CKPb 5D7P 3NU3b 1UOUb 1M17b

a Progesterone (hormone) is bound in the binding pocket. bThis structure was used in the original DEKOIS 2.0 study.

since an apo-form structure of PR was not available in the PDB, we selected a progesterone (hormone)-bound structure for PR (PDB ID 1A28). For descriptive purposes, we call this structure “apo” in this paper. In the present study, all of the protein structures were prepared using Molecular Operating Environment (MOE).79 First, all 12 structures were prepared for the docking calculation. All water molecules, ions, and bound ligands were removed from the systems (including the progesterone), and hydrogens were added using Protonate3D80 in MOE. Next, the six apo-form structures were prepared for the MD simulations as follows: (I) compensating for the missing atoms and residues; (II) modeling the missing loops; (III) fixing engineered mutations. Here we introduced these modifications to reproduce the wild-type sequences for simulating realistic motions of the target proteins in a physiological environment. However, it should be noted that these modifications might affect the protein dynamics and cause potential biases in the MD simulations, while we did not validate it in this work. Following the structure preparations, the systems of the six apo proteins were set up for the MD simulations. Choice of Cosolvents and System Setup for MD. In addition to the standard MD, we tested three CMD simulations with different probe molecules: isopropanol, benzene, and purine. We selected these probe molecules on the the basis of their sizes and chemical features. Isopropanol is the most widely used probe molecule for cosolvent simulations, as it is miscible with water but capable of interacting with the hydrophobic surfaces of proteins. In contrast, benzene is insoluble in water, whereas its aromatic interaction is essential

Figure 1. Snapshots from the cosolvent simulation for PR (white ribbon) with benzene probe molecules (magenta sticks). (A) Initial structure of the MD simulation. (B) Final structure (after 50 ns production run) of the MD simulation. For clarity, water molecules and ions are not displayed. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

process, 50 000 frames of MD snapshots were narrowed down to 500 specific protein conformations. Before the ensemble selection, we introduced a structure selection measure. An efficient conformational selection method, the screening performance index (SPI), was proposed by Huang and Wong64 in 2015. They showed that SPI is capable of selecting a good structure for VS experiments through the docking of a few known active compounds. The rationale for SPI is simple: if many actives can dock to a protein structure with docking energies more favorable than the overall average docking energy to all of the protein structures, such a structure might be more likely to pick out many actives in virtual screening. On the basis of this rationale, SPI is formulated as

the probe molecules spread into the water solvent, but some probes concentrated on a particular surface of the protein target. Molecular Dynamics Protocols. To generate multiple protein conformations, the MD simulations of the prepared systems were performed with the identical protocols. The following procedures were carried out with the Amber 14 software using pmemd.cuda.91,92 First, the system energies were minimized in two steps: (I) only solvents and protein hydrogens while restraining protein heavy atoms; (II) the whole system without any restraint. Both minimization steps used 1500 cycles of the steepest-descent algorithm followed by the conjugate-gradient method for the maximum of 20 000 cycles, and the restraints were harmonic with a force constant of 100 kcal mol−1 Å−1. Next, the system was heated in three steps: (I) for 50 ps from 0 to 50 K in the NPT ensemble while tightly restraining protein heavy atoms with a force constant of 100 kcal mol−1 Å−1; (II) for 150 ps from 50 to 150 K in the NPT ensemble while weakly restraining protein heavy atoms with a force constant of 10 kcal mol−1 Å−1; (III) for 200 ps from 150 to 300 K in the NPT ensemble. The first two steps were performed to relax the solvents, in particular for probe molecules. The system was then equilibrated for 2 ns at 300 K in the NPT ensemble. At the final volume, the system was equilibrated again for 2 ns at 300 K in the NVT ensemble. The final MD production run of 50 ns was performed in the NVT ensemble, and snapshots of this simulation were saved every 1 ps, for a total of 50 000 frames of snapshots stored. During the MD simulations, a time step of 2 fs was employed with the SHAKE algorithm;93 the temperature was regulated using the Langevin thermostat; the nonbonded interactions were truncated at 9 Å; and the particle mesh Ewald method94 was employed to account for the long-range electrostatic interactions. As a result, we performed a total of 1.2 μs of MD production runs (50 ns for the 24 systems). During postprocessing, all water molecules, probe molecules, and ions were stripped from the trajectory, and each frame of the protein snapshot was aligned on the initial structure to remove translational and orientational movement of the entire protein using the Cpptraj program from AmberTools 16. Selection of Conformational Ensemble from MD Trajectory. We here present an ensemble selection procedure that combines rough clustering with an inexpensive structure ranking method. First, we performed structure clustering on the MD trajectory. The purpose of this procedure was to reduce the number of MD snapshots while maintaining the structural diversity of the target protein. Since we focused on the dynamics of the binding pocket, we used only atoms around the binding pocket for the clustering. The positions of binding pockets were selected according to the bound ligands of holo proteins used in this study. The binding pocket atoms were then selected using the fpocket program,95 which selected the atoms contacting the alpha spheres. The alpha sphere, used in the binding pocket detection by the fpocket algorithm, is defined as a sphere that contacts four atoms on its boundary and contains no internal protein atoms. Using these pocket atoms, we applied the k-means clustering algorithm to the snapshots from the MD simulation using Cpptraj from AmberTools 16 and selected centroids from each cluster for the candidates of the conformational ensemble. We then used the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)-based pairwise distance and set the cluster number k to 500. Through this

⎧1 Ei ≤ E ̅ xi = ⎨ ⎩ 0 otherwise


SPIj =

∑i = 1 xi l



where i ∈ [1, 2, ···, n] and j ∈ [1, 2, ···, m] represent the indices of an active and a protein structure, respectively; l, n, and m are the total number of actives, the number of actives successfully docked to a specific protein structure, and the total number of protein structures, respectively; and E̅ is the overall average docking energy across all of the actives and protein structures. The range of SPI is [0, 1], and a good structure shows a high value. In the previous study, SPI was applied to several X-ray structures of eight target proteins, and its effectivity was validated.64 However, we found that SPI was not predictive for the large number of protein structures generated by an MD simulation, in particular for the high-rank region near the SPI value of 1. In other words, many protein structures have the same SPI values or easily reach the SPI value of 1, which makes it difficult to select several top structures for use in ensemble docking. Hence, we introduce a slight modification of SPI, called ranking-based SPI (RSPI). The idea is simple: the more actives dock to a protein structure with lower docking energies relative to the other structures, the more favorably such a structure will pick out many actives in virtual screening. The RSPI is defined as l

RSPIj = 1 −

∑i = 1 rji l×m


where i, j, l, and m are the same as for SPI; rji is the rank of the ith active docked to the jth protein structure in the descending ordered list of docking energies of the ith active against all protein structures m. RSPI is highly correlated to SPI but more distinguishable for high-ranked structures. An example comparing SPI and RSPI is shown in Figure S1 in the Supporting Information. The clustered 500 protein structures were then ranked for the ensemble construction using RSPI. We used 40 known actives from DEKOIS 2.0 for each one of the six target proteins, and the docking was performed using AutoDock Vina.96 The compounds and docking protocols used in this work are described in the following sections. Eventually we selected the top 10 protein structures from each MD trajectory based on RSPI for use in the ensemble docking studies. Data Set for the Virtual Screening Experiment. DEKOIS 2.0,78 a useful benchmarking data set for the evaluation of VS performance through docking, was used in this work. In DEKOIS 2.0, the benchmarking set was constructed using an original protocol for the selection of D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 2. ROC plots for all of the ensemble docking results in the early enrichment regions. The various lines represent the following: minimum scoring of ensemble docking (yellow), average scoring of ensemble docking (purple), single docking for the 10 ensemble structures selected by RSPI (cyan), and theoretical result of random selection (black dots). Complete results for this figure are available in the Figures S2−S7.

was placed around the center of the cocrystallized ligands. Default settings were used for all of the docking calculations, and the highest score (i.e., the lowest energy) was selected from each docking run and used for the compound ranking. Ensemble Docking and Scoring. In the ensemble docking protocol, each compound is sequentially docked to a set of protein conformers (the ensemble), resulting in multiple docking scores obtained depending on the number of protein structures. Hence, a method to determine the single scoring value of a given compound is needed for ensemble docking. Several different methods for combining multiple docking scores into a single docking score have been suggested. Reported protocols include selecting the best score across all structures,42,59,62 creating composite grids of all ensemble members,39,101 and using different weighted averages, including arithmetic102 and Boltzmann-weighted averages103 as well as

both actives and decoys. For each target, DEKOIS 2.0 includes 40 known actives and 1200 decoys. The active ligands were retrieved from BindingDB97 using several filters. The decoy sets were selected from the 15 million ZINC98 compounds to have similar physiochemical properties but be structurally dissimilar to the actives. It is worth noting that decoy sets of DEKOIS 2.0 are not true inactive compounds, which may adversely affect the evaluation of the VS performance.99 Docking Protocols. All of the docking calculations were carried out using AutoDock Vina.101 The total of 6 × 1240 = 7440 data set compounds were prepared for the docking study using the program of AutoDockTools.100 The preparation procedure for protein targets was mentioned above. To define the search volume, all of the protein structures were aligned to the holo form of the same target protein, and then a cubic box with dimensions of 22.5 Å × 22.5 Å × 22.5 Å E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Table 2. BEDROC and AUC Values of the VS Experiments for the Six Target Proteins with the X-ray Structures and the Top Ten Structures Based on RSPI Scores Obtained from Each MD Runa X-ray structure (single docking) apo holo minimum scoring (ensemble docking) pure water MD isopropanol probe CMD benzene probe CMD purine probe CMD average scoring (ensemble docking) pure water MD isopropanol probe CMD benzene probe CMD purine probe CMD best snapshotb (single docking) pure water MD isopropanol probe CMD benzene probe CMD purine probe CMD








0.104 (0.56) 0.153 (0.62)

0.018 (0.51) 0.088 (0.58)

0.125 (0.58) 0.131 (0.60)

0.223 (0.60) 0.229 (0.68)

0.116 (0.62) 0.083 (0.59)

0.180 (0.64) 0.153 (0.55)

0.128 (0.58) 0.139 (0.60)

0.083 (0.53) 0.136 (0.60) 0.255 (0.65) 0.247 (0.69)

0.028 0.027 0.030 0.055

(0.58) (0.66) (0.58) (0.58)

0.138 0.193 0.196 0.208

(0.64) (0.60) (0.64) (0.62)

0.195 (0.71) 0.134 (0.66) 0.233 (0.68) 0.285 (0.76)

0.068 (0.67) 0.155 (0.69) 0.200 (0.71) 0.186 (0.68)

0.169 (0.54) 0.165 (0.48) 0.233 (0.48) 0.187 (0.74)

0.113 (0.61) 0.136 (0.61) 0.191 (0.62) 0.195 (0.68)

0.125 (0.52) 0.097 (0.59) 0.210 (0.60) 0.228 (0.68)

0.018 0.030 0.018 0.032

(0.56) (0.63) (0.54) (0.59)

0.181 0.205 0.180 0.207

(0.62) (0.61) (0.61) (0.59)

0.247 0.251 0.233 0.344

(0.76) (0.76) (0.72) (0.80)

0.052 (0.66) 0.156 (0.68) 0.216 (0.68) 0.013 (0.63)

0.199 0.194 0.223 0.191

(0.48) (0.46) (0.47) (0.55)

0.137 (0.60) 0.156 (0.62) 0.180 (0.61) 0.170 (0.64)

0.053 (0.58) 0.094 (0.64) 0.049 (0.57) 0.092 (0.62)

0.173 0.219 0.209 0.202

(0.63) (0.63) (0.65) (0.63)

0.352 0.393 0.392 0.389

(0.81) (0.82) (0.80) (0.83)

0.135 (0.70) 0.189 (0.72) 0.269 (0.76) 0.094 (0.71)

0.210 0.229 0.263 0.209

(0.55) (0.53) (0.48) (0.70)

0.181 0.213 0.234 0.210

0.160 0.156 0.217 0.276

(0.57) (0.63) (0.68) (0.71)

(0.64) (0.66) (0.66) (0.70)

a BEDROC values with AUC values in parentheses. BEDROC values in bold are superior to those of X-ray structures. Underlined BEDROC values are the best among the four different MD simulations in the same scoring protocol. bBest snapshot represents the best result of single-structure docking (the best BEDROC value) among the 10 ensemble structures obtained from different probe simulations.

distribution function with parameter α. It is bound by the interval [0, 1], with 1 reflecting the best possible screening performance. In this work, we selected the most widely used value, α = 20.0, which corresponds to the top 8% of the relative rank accounting for 80% of the BEDROC score. The VS performance can also be measured by the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). The value of AUC lies between 0 and 1, and random screening gives an AUC value of 0.5. AUC is frequently used for VS studies but is less sensitive to early enrichment than BEDROC.104,105 In this paper, we show both BEDROC and AUC values but mainly discuss the VS performance in terms of the early enrichment based on the BEDROC values.

averages using weights determined by knowledge-based methods.40 In this work, we used two simple approaches for the ensemble scoring: (I) the minimum scoring method, which adopts the best scoring function value (i.e., the minimum energy) across all ensemble members, and (II) the average scoring method, which calculates the arithmetic mean of the docking scores across all ensemble members. These two ensemble scoring methods are compared in the Results and Discussion. Enrichment Measurements. Early enrichment is an essential measure of the VS performance. In structure-based virtual screening, a large number of compounds in a database are sequentially docked to a target protein and ranked by their docking scores. Usually, only the top few percent of compounds are selected from the rank-ordered list of the large compound database for more rigorous evaluation by in vitro or in vivo experiments. Hence, a metric to measure how many true actives are included on the top-ranked list is suitable for the evaluation of VS methods. In this study, we used the Boltzmann-enhanced discrimination receiver operating characteristic (BEDROC)104 for the statistical measurement of screening efficiency. BEDROC is regarded as one of the most useful metrics for gauging the performance of screening models, in particular for the measurement of early recognition problem. The metric is given by n


∑i = 1 e−αri / N n N





eα /N − 1

) (e

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Virtual Screening Performance of CMD-Based Ensemble Docking. From the snapshots of individual MD runs, conformational ensembles were selected on the basis of RSPI score. In this work, we constructed an ensemble with the top 10 structures based on RSPI score for each simulation. The performances of docking methods were assessed by the VS experiments using 40 actives and 1200 decoys from the DEKOIS 2.0 library for each protein target. The ensemble dockings were then performed for the total of 24 systems with minimum scoring and average scoring methods (Figure 2). The MD-based ensemble dockings were also compared with singlestructure docking to the X-ray structures of the apo- and holoform proteins, whose VS performances are summarized in Table 2. The results revealed that compared with virtual screening using the single X-ray structure, the use of the CMDbased ensembles resulted in significant improvement of early enrichment. The results also showed the superior performance obtained using the cosolvent simulation compared with the standard water simulation. First we discuss the ensemble docking results for the minimum scoring method. The log-scaled ROC plots for the minimum scoring results are shown in Figure 3. Significant

R a e αR a(e α − 1) α

− e αR a)(e αR a − 1)

1 1 − e α(1 − R a)


where Ra is the ratio of the total number of actives n to the total number of database compounds N and ri is the relative rank of the ith active in the rank-ordered list. BEDROC gives the probability that an active is ranked ahead of a compound randomly selected from a hypothetical exponential probability F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 3. Log-scaled ROC plots with the minimum scoring method of ensemble docking for the six targets. The various lines represent the following: apo-form X-ray (red), holo-form X-ray (blue), pure water MD (magenta), isopropanol probe CMD (yellow), benzene probe CMD (cyan), purine probe CMD (green), and theoretical result of random selection (black dots).

performance for only two targets, SIRT2 and TP, and interestingly, its BEDROC values were worse than those for the benzene and purine probes across all six targets. In contrast to the success of CMD-based ensemble docking, the minimum scoring of the pure water MD-based ensemble docking lowered the BEDROC value compared with the single docking of the X-ray structure, except for SIRT2. Including protein flexibility by ensemble docking may enable accurate prediction of native binding poses and can give higher enrichment of the VS study.19 However, it sometimes leads to an increased number of false positives, resulting in poor enrichment of VS experiments compared with the case of using a single static structure.59 The present ensemble docking results

improvements were found especially in the benzene probe CMD and purine probe CMD. These two CMD-based ensembles successfully improved the BEDROC values for five of the six protein targets (PR, SIRT2, HIV1PR, TP, and EGFR). For example, the ensemble of benzene probe CMD improved the BEDROC value for PR to 0.255, which is approximately 2.5-fold higher than that of single apo-form Xray structure (BEDROC = 0.104). Similarly, the ensemble of purine probe CMD resulted in a BEDROC value of 0.247 for PR. Next to the PR, the early enrichments of SIRT2 and TP were clearly improved by utilizing the cosolvent simulation for the ensemble docking. On the other hand, the ensemble docking with isopropanol probe CMD improved the VS G

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791 J. Chem. Inf. Model. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

Figure 4. Log-scaled ROC plots with the average scoring method of ensemble docking for the six targets. The various lines represent the following: apo-form X-ray (red), holo-form X-ray (blue), pure water MD (magenta), isopropanol probe CMD (yellow), benzene probe CMD (cyan), purine probe CMD (green), and theoretical result of random selection (black dots).

for pure water MD indicated such increases in the false positive rate. In fact, the best single-docking results of ensemble structures (best snapshots) were always better than those of the apo-form X-ray structures in the pure water MD systems, while the ensemble dockings lowered the enrichment (see Table 2). This result might be caused by the insufficient structure ranking of RSPI, and we discuss this issue in the following section. Increases in the false positive rate were also found in many CMD-based ensemble dockings (see Figure 2). However, most of them outperformed the single dockings for the X-ray structures, since the structures generated by the CMD simulations tended to be more druggable than those by the pure water MD.

On the other hand, some improvements in enrichment over the best snapshot were also found in the CMD-based ensemble docking results. For instance, in the case of the purine probe simulation for TP, the minimum scoring result of ensemble docking significantly improved the enrichment, giving a BEDROC score of 0.186, which is approximately 2 times higher than that for the best snapshot (BEDROC = 0.094). Similarly, the ensemble dockings slightly outperformed the best snapshots in the cosolvent systems of PR−benzene and SIRT2−purine. These results would represent typical successes by appropriately incorporating protein flexibility into protein− ligand docking. Regarding the average scoring method, the results were not significantly different from those for the minimum scoring H

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Figure 5. Principal component analysis (PCA) of binding pocket atoms for the top 10 structures based on RSPI obtained from each MD run. Circle colors represent the following: apo form X-ray structure (red), pure water MD (magenta), benzene probe CMD (cyan), isopropanol probe CMD (yellow), and purine probe CMD (green).

result, was found in the ensemble docking to HIV1PR, in particular for the isopropanol probe CMD (Figures 2 and S5). Comparing the two ensemble scoring methods, the minimum scoring method was slightly better than the average scoring method for the benzene probe CMD and purine probe CMD. In contrast, for the pure water MD and the isopropanol probe CMD, the average scoring method was superior to the minimum scoring method. The difference between the two scoring methods did not seem to depend on the target or probe molecule. Further studies are still needed to find a consistent rule for selecting ensemble scoring methods. In addition, it is worth testing another ensemble scoring approach, especially focused on the relative free energy of the protein target. Throughout this study, we did not consider the conformational energies of protein targets. However, the conformational energy of the protein plays an essential role in ligand binding, and including such an energy penalty into docking can improve the scoring accuracy. For instance, Fischer et al.106 reported a successful VS method that weighted the docking results from each protein structure with a penalty term related to their crystallographic occupancies. Although they used experimental structures, this approach could be applied to the MD-derived structures in association with their respective population. These aspects would be important for further improvement of the MD-based ensemble docking.

method. The log-scaled ROC plots for the average scoring results are shown in Figure 4. For the pure water MD and the isopropanol probe CMD, the BEDROC values of the average scoring results were slightly better than those of the minimum scoring results. In contrast, for the benzene probe CMD and the purine probe CMD, the average scoring method resulted in lower BEDROC values than those of the minimum scoring. Significant improvements were found in the case of HIVPR, for which the average scoring method showed clear improvements of the BEDROC value compared with the minimum scoring method across all of the simulation methods. In particular, the average scoring of isopropanol probe CMD achieved the BEDROC value of 0.326 for HIV1PR, which is over 2-fold higher than that of the minimum scoring (BEDROC = 0.134). On the contrary, in the purine probe simulation for TP, the BEDROC value of average scoring (0.031) was much lower than that of minimum scoring (0.186). This result suggested that the multiple conformations of TP generated by the purine probe simulation might be substantially different from each other and highly selective for the typical ligands. For such reasons, an active might be successfully docked to a particular conformation of the ensemble but could not fit other conformations, resulting in the worse average scoring and good minimum scoring results of the ensemble docking (Figures 2 and S6). It is speculated that the contrasting situation, good average scoring and bad minimum scoring I

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reproduced a part of essential interactions between the protein and ligand and that such a probe-induced conformational change was beneficial for the docking of diverse ligands. Similar probe concentrations were found in the purine probe system of PR. The purine probes were bound to the binding pocket during the equilibrium phase of the MD simulation and stayed in the binding pocket during 50 ns of the production run. Figure 6B shows a snapshot of this simulation at around 25 ns, which has the best BEDROC value of 0.276 among the VS studies in the purine system. The number of purine probes in the binding pocket was the same as that of the benzene system, but the bound structures were different. The purine probes successfully overlapped the two-membered-ring moieties of the same ligand. Such kinds of probe concentrations were similarly found in other systems and might affect the binding pocket conformations of protein targets. Protein Motion in CMD Simulation. Although the CMD simulation might cause protein unfolding or aggregation of probe molecules,70 all of the MD runs performed in this work finished without such difficulties. We checked the protein dynamics of each MD run regarding the RMSD plots of backbone Cα atoms and binding pocket atoms with the lapse of time (see Figures S8 and S9). Contrary to our expectations, there was no consistent change in protein dynamics with different probe molecules. The motions of backbone and binding pocket atoms also were not correlated for all cases. These results suggested that probe molecules partly affected protein motion and that this effect was target-dependent. However, it should be noted that the 50 ns simulations in this study could only realize states far from equilibrium. Sampling the protein conformational space and obtaining an equilibrated distribution of the probe molecules around the protein surface would require an extremely long simulation.107 Instead, the present simulations simply explored small conformational fluctuations around the X-ray structures. In this context, we supposed that the poor enrichment of ensemble docking for CDK2 might be related to this issue. The apo-form structure of CDK2 used in this work showed very low enrichment, thus suggesting that such a structure might be far from a suitable pocket conformation for ligand binding and that the 50 ns of MD could not generate large conformational changes. This problem would be verified by using another X-ray structure for MD. On the other hand, focusing on the small fluctuations, the results clearly show that the different probe molecules induce distinct protein motions. For example, the purine probe significantly stabilized the binding pocket of PR (average RMSD = 1.02 Å), whereas it destabilized the binding pocket movement of SIRT2 compared with the other probe molecules. Interestingly, in the cases of HIV1PR and TP, the probe molecules suppressed the backbone movement of proteins in comparison with the standard MD without probes, even though we expected that the hydrophobic probes would enhance the protein dynamics. We then found that some probe molecules concentrate into specific sites of the protein surface. Accordingly, these results suggest that such probe binding might stabilize the whole dynamics of the protein target. In fact, a similar mechanism in which the cosolvent of water and glycerol enhances the protein stability has been reported.108 Ensemble Selection from MD Trajectory by RSPI. Although the CMD-based ensemble docking showed superior VS performance compared with the use of a single X-ray structure, it should be noted that the structure selection

At last, we should note that the present study did not assess the certain advantage of ensemble docking that it is capable of identifying structurally diverse new hits in contrast to singlestructure docking. It should be analyzed in a future study, especially focused on the difference of probe molecules. Binding Pocket Conformation and Probe Concentration. For further analysis of the effect of the probe molecule, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on all of the ensemble structures. PCA is a valuable tool for comparing conformations obtained through MD simulations to the experimental structures. In this study, PCA was carried out on the Cartesian coordinates of binding pocket atoms using the ptraj module in AmberTools 16. The resulting projections along the first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) are plotted in Figure 5. As expected, the PCA results clearly showed distinct distributions of binding pocket conformations in response to the different probe molecules, except in the case of HIV1PR. This result also suggested that the probe molecules induced conformational changes of binding pockets. Particular probe bindings have been found in several snapshots of MD trajectories. For instance, Figure 6 shows

Figure 6. Bound probe molecules in the binding pocket of PR (white ribbon) and superposed ligand of PDB ID 2W8Y (red sticks). (A) Snapshot of the CMD simulation with benzene probes (cyan sticks) at around 46 ns. (B) Snapshot of the CMD simulation with purine probes (green sticks) at around 25 ns.

the benzene and purine probes concentrating to the binding pocket of the PR system. Figure 6A shows a snapshot of the benzene probe simulation at around 46 ns, which has the best BEDROC value of 0.217 among the VS experiments in the benzene system. Through the MD simulation, three benzene probes were bound to the binding pocket of PR. Interestingly, the bound structures of these benzene probes overlapped well the ring moieties of the cocrystallized ligand of PR (PDB ID 2W8Y). This result suggested that the benzene probes J

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Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling method presented here still has room for improvement, and further discussion is needed. The RSPI method successfully selects many useful structures from the MD snapshots, whereas it also includes some poor structures that enhance the false positive rate of ensemble docking and lower the enrichment of VS experiments. In fact, there were no correlations between the BEDROC values and the RSPI scores in the selected 10 structures across all cases (Table 3). It might be concluded Table 3. Correlation Coefficients (R2) between the RSPI Scores and BEDROC Values among the Top 10 Protein Structures Based on RSPI Score Obtained from Each MD Runa target PR CDK2 SIRT2 HIV1PR EGFR TP

pure water 0.025 0.003 0.362 0.017 0.052 0.162

(1) (0) (6) (5) (3) (2)

benzene probe 0.001 0.029 0.000 0.051 0.001 0.001

(4) (0) (7) (2) (5) (9)

isopropanol probe 0.036 0.444 0.229 0.162 0.025 0.141

(1) (1) (10) (3) (2) (6)

purine probe 0.205 0.018 0.188 0.066 0.005 0.001

(8) (1) (8) (8) (6) (0)

Figure 7. Relationship between ensemble size and BEDROC. Using the top 10 structures based on RSPI scores selected from each MD trajectory for TP, ensemble dockings (minimum scoring method) with all possible subsets were tested. (A) Pure water MD. (B) Isopropanol probe CMD. (C) Benzene probe CMD. (D) Purine probe CMD. In each panel are shown the average BEDROC value of all structural subsets (green line), the maximum and minimum BEDROC values in all subsets (green dotted bars), and the top structures ranked by the RSPI scores (blue line).


The values in parentheses represent the numbers of structures that show better BEDROC values than the X-ray structures among the 10 ensemble structures used in the VS experiments.

from the results that our assumption for the RSPI score was not correct. It also indicates the fact that if many actives dock to a protein structure with lower docking energies relative to the other structures, such a structure does not always distinguish actives and decoys in virtual screening. We also analyzed the cluster size of each structure selected by RSPI score (Table S1 in the Supporting Information). However, there were both highly and rarely populated groups in the top-ranked structures, and no relationship between the VS performance and the cluster size was found. It could be concluded from this result that a more sophisticated structure selection method is needed for further improvement of CMD-based ensemble docking. For instance, Xu and Lill62 reported that the use of a small subset of actives and decoys is capable of selecting appropriate protein structures for the VS study. They also suggested that a very small number of protein structures (three to five) could perform good ensemble docking with a feasible training process. In this study, we also tested a smaller ensemble of five structures (Table S2), but the VS performance was almost unchanged in comparison with the ensemble of 10 structures. This result might also be caused by the insufficient ranking of RSPI. For instance, Figure 7 shows the relationship between ensemble size and enrichment for TP. These results indicate that if appropriate structures were selected from MD snapshots, the smaller ensemble would achieve superior enrichment to the larger ensemble. On the other hand, the use of the larger ensemble could suppress the variance of the results and minimizes the risk of giving the worst virtual screening performance possible. This result agreed with some previous studies.42,61 However, the present RSPI score could not select appropriate structures and sometimes resulted in poor enrichment when the smaller number of protein structures was used. At last, we should note that the ensemble selection protocol by RSPI was not completely appropriate in this study. We used the same 40 ligands in both the conformational selections (training processes) and the evaluations of VS performance

(test processes). It did not matter whether we compared the ensemble docking results using the same training protocols (ensemble dockings of pure water MD and three CMDs), but it might cause a potential bias to compare them with the other results obtained by different protocols (ensemble dockings and single dockings). In this study, we did not divide the 40 ligands of DEKOIS 2.0 into a training set and a test set, since the subsets would become too small. We are fully aware that a more rigorous experiment will be needed for the appropriate validation of the ensemble selection method in future work.

CONCLUSIONS In this study, we have presented a novel ensemble docking strategy that combines an inexpensive conformational selection method and cosolvent-based MD simulations. The present method has been evaluated using the diverse protein targets with the three different probe molecules. The ensemble docking results revealed that multiple protein conformations produced by the CMD simulations are surely suitable for use in the VS studies. Moreover, the PCA of binding pocket atoms showed that different probe molecules induce different binding pocket movements, and such a difference significantly affects the VS performance. The results could lead to a conclusion that the use of the CMD simulation is more beneficial than standard MD with pure water. It was also more predictive than single-structure docking with X-ray structures of both apo- and holo-form proteins. In almost all cases, using an ensemble of proteins performed better than the average of a single protein structure result. Furthermore, in some cases, such as PR and SIRT2, the use of ensemble conformations outperformed or performed almost the same as the best BEDROC values among all of the single-structure dockings. This result also indicated that the present method appropriately introduces the essential protein conformational changes into the protein−ligand docking. K

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ABBREVIATIONS VS, virtual screening; HTS, high-throughput screening; MD, molecular dynamics; CMD, cosolvent-based molecular dynamics; SPI, screening performance index; RSPI, ranking-based screening performance index; PR, progesterone receptor; CDK2, cyclin-dependent kinase 2; SIRT2, NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-2; HIV1PR, human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease; TP, thymidine phosphorylase; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; PDB, Protein Data Bank; GAFF, generalized Amber force field; RESP, restrained electrostatic potential; AUC, area under the curve; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; BEDROC, Boltzmann-enhanced discrimination receiver operating characteristic; PCA, principal component analysis; PC, principal component; RMSD, root-mean-square deviation

However, the choice of probe molecule is still a delicate issue. In this work, we tested three probe molecules for the CMD simulations: isopropanol, benzene, and purine. The ensemble docking results showed that the use of different probe molecules significantly affects the VS performance. Although the use of the benzene and purine probes showed good results in this study, more sophisticated selection of probe molecules may further improve the VS performance. We suggest the utilization of a small moiety of a high-affinity ligand or a small fragment hit for the advance. On the other hand, the ensemble selection method presented here has been far from satisfactory. We proposed the RSPI method for structure selection for the ensemble docking. The present method successfully selects many useful structures from the MD snapshots, but it also includes some poor structures that enhance the false positive rate of the VS experiments. For further improvement of the MD-based ensemble docking method, an advanced structure selection method is strongly needed. The present study demonstrates the advantage of CMD simulations in the use of ensemble docking, but more logical analyses are still needed for why the cosolvent simulations perform better than conventional MD in the ensemble docking. Future work should clarify the relationship between the probe structure and the protein dynamics along with the guiding principle of cosolvent simulations. Although there remain several challenges to brush up cosolvent simulations to a practical tool for structure-based VS studies, we believe that the present study will contribute to the future development of drug design methodologies.


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* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00791. Comparison of SPI and RSPI (Figure S1), complete VS results performed in this study (Figures S2−S7), RMSD plots for all of the MD runs with the lapse of time (Figures S8 and S9), cluster sizes for all of the ensemble structures selected by RSPI (Table S1), and ensemble docking results with the ensemble size of five (Table S2) (PDF)



Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected] (S. Uehara). *E-mail: [email protected] (S. Tanaka). ORCID

Shota Uehara: 0000-0001-5214-8531 Shigenori Tanaka: 0000-0002-6659-2788 Funding

This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (26460035) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Prof. Kohei Shimamura for his useful comments and encouragement throughout this work. L

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