Coulometric analysis - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Chris E. Dixon. J. Chem. Educ. , 1982, 59 (9), p 805. DOI: 10.1021/ed059p805.1. Publication Date: September 1982. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 59, 9, 805-...
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with an opportunity to do a literature search on a substance given the proper "Chemical Abstracts" name which was derived from "The Merck Index." Physical data include empirical formula, molecular weights, per cent composition, melting andlor boiling point, and solubility information. Literature references attempt to represent a short history of the substance which may include methods of preparation, isolation, structural studies, pharmacology, patent data, and general reviews. A special advantage to "The Merck Index" is its inclusion of information and references to the therapeutic uses for and the cautions or toxicities of the listed materials. This is, of course, invaluable to the teacher who will be selectine lahoratorv investieations for these advanced studmra: Inh mnnunls are d r e n less than exhnuative where safety precautirms are concerned. Also it is imporrnnr that these students-and aU chemistry students-see that proper choices regarding chemicals and their uses must begin with detailed information as to their hazards and benefits. "The Merck Index" contains a formula index and a cross index of names to aid in the location of a eiven comoound. Also. there is included an ariortment of miscellaneous tables. One of these, a table of radk,laou,pes nnd their user in medical therapy and diagnosis, gkes a wry nlre i u m m q uf this timely subject. Other useful pages conrain first aid in poiionmg infurmation, m&r volumes otco~nmonchemalphabets! icals, isotonic s h t r o n s and even the Greek and Ru&w To be sure, there are vortkms of thii hook that will not be needed in a high school setting;but much of the information-particularly that which mieht influence decisions affectine the safetv of stud e n b s h o u l d \e immediately available to all h k h ghschwl chemistry teachers. For students in a second-year high school course, "The Merck Index" would serve well as an important part of their reference library. At a minimum, these students should have access to three bwks: a g w d "general chemistry'' text, the "Handbwk of Chemistry and Physics," and "The Merck Index." ~





coulometry, coulometric titrations and various applications, such as determining the thickness of metallic coatings. Part 2 also contains three very complete tahles of data on potentiastatie determinations, eoulometric titrations and coulometric dissolutions. Several of the labs in this parLi.e., coulometric titration of acetic acid, determination of orthophosphate, and redox titration of divalent metals-should be simple enough for the second-year student with good lab skills to perform with only minimal support from the instructor. Approximately six other experiments from those described in the text can also be done if you have access to platinum electrodes (solid and eauze). "~ ~. The book is rranslated from the original German and, perhaps as a result, the prose is terse and to the point.The explanations are direct, and all questioni are carefully labeled and rhevariables identilied as to their meaning. Finally, as part of the instrumentation portion of Part 1,several schematics for building the electronic equipment needed are given for use by those who are electronically proficient. All in all. this small b w k with its extensive references (513listines) would makea worthwhileaddition to your class bookshelf if you &e hoking tu expand the technical background of your second-year students ~

DAVIDBYRUM Globe High School 502 Ash Street Globe. AZ 85501

Hematology 8 Urinalysis Stanley L. Lamberg and Robert Rothstein, AVI Publishing Company, Westporf, CT, 1978.

DAVIDW. CRANE Greece Arcadla High S c b l 120 Island Conage Road Rochester, NY 14612

Coulometric Analyals Karl Abresch and lngegorg Classen, Franklin Publishing Co., 1966.

"Coulometric Analysis" by Abreseh and Classen is way beyond any high schwl student and in mast parts eventoo advanced for teachers. I t could find very limited use in a research or industrial laboratory, but most of the schematic circuit diagram illustrate tubes rather than tramistors and the symbolization is outdated With a publication date of 1966, the 513 entries (many are duplicates) are taken from the 1940 and 1950 puhlications, with the most recent reference being in 1959 and the oldest in 1887. I do not recommend this hook for use a t the high school level.

"Hematology and Urinalysis" is an excellent manual which instructs the beginning student in medical technology in the basic techniques of the clinical laboratory. Theory in very neatly woven into each procedure. Clear-cut, well-labelled diagrams aie drawn so that the student is able to follow the method described. With a little practice, the student can become quite skilled in the field of medical technology where accuracy is so vital to the work. The manual explains the various methods ofblood collection and determining coagulation times. The different types of hlocd cells ate defined. abnormalities are exnlained. and the nature of the disease they cause is given. The section on routine urinalysis explains the specific tests given, their purpose, and the maanmg of the tindinga. At the end "leach sectiun rofuhich there are fwrtcen), pmgrsmmed form. The correct answers questions are given in a rnultiple.rh~~irr to these questions ran be fuund on the back of thp sheet. Althwgh intended fm the student in thp clrnienl lshorawrv, this manual can be used verv advantaeeouslv .. . bv. the hieh schooiteacher of microbiology, nnntorny, and even AIJ biology courses. The language and style uf this manual, although professional, is clear and concise and can he underrtuod hy the average student in such courses. I t would be excellent in a library as a reference book.


CHRISE. DlXON Columbus ~ i g hsmwl Columbus, NE 68601


Augustine Academy 14808LakeAvenue Lakewexi, OH 44107


2 The publisher's overview of this book promises a ''concise hut comprehensive treatise on coulometric analytical methcds," and that is exactly what YOU eet. This book would be useful as a reference for the inst&ctor a i d f& those second-year chemistry and physics students who are interested in learnine " a widesoread and useful analytical whnique. In addition, thew nrr several l n h m m q pnredures uhirh would be suirahie for second-year students to perform. The book is divided into two sertrcm. Pnrt 1,"Prmciples, Appa. presenm n thorough inrrudurtion to the ratus & In~trument~tion." state of the art methods in coulometry an of 1SRfi and the laws on which it is based (OHM. Farndnv. Nernst. etc.,. Part 2, "Analytical ~ ~ & c a t i o n i ;gives " directions for potentiostatic ~


"Hematulow and Urinalysis" is one of a series of five manuals prepared for the heginning student in medical technolo~y.The reading level is not mvrr difficult thnn a aood secondarv teathuok. excentior a few technical terms indieenousto the subiegarea. Most of the vmabulary and mnthernnric~would appear [n s secondary chemistry class. Eleven arpcuti i ~ routme f chemical analysir