Count Rumford of Woburn, Massachusetts ... - ACS Publications

Publication Date: June 1966. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 43, 6, XXX-XXX. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increas...
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BOOK REVIEWS in London where he introduced her to fashionable and snobbish society. During a grave crisis Rumford was called hack to Munich, where Sarah was introduced to his magnificent but. tarnished mode of life. Since Rumford had acquired a goodly number of enemies, he was eased out of Munich with an ambassadorial appointment to London, but the British refused to accept him on technical grounds. He went to Paris, where he eventually married Lavoisier's widow, a mismatch that ended in divorce. Once again he sent for Sarah, But who had returned to America. though she enjoyed the luxury of his home, it was not a happy relationship, Count Rumford died during her absence, under circumstances whose authenticity Sarah refused to accept. The author, a distinguished British novelist, has chosen to present Sarah Thompson's life in the form of a dream. Miss Cost has gone to infinite pains to collect d l information possible an Rumford snd his daughter, and has consulted both published material and many letters, archives, records, ete., to good advantage. Those readers who are not familiar with the life and work of Rumford are advised to read a biography (e.g., Egon Lamen, "An American in Europe") before embarking on the volume here reviewed. The author herself has provided a lengthy bibliography. RALPEE. OESP~R University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio



Journal o f Chemical Education

Counl Rumford of Woburn, MarrachureHr

science are mged to learn about it in this authentic and well-mitten hook. RALPHE. OESPER Un?uemity of Cinernmti Cincinnati, Ohio

Wilfred James Sparrmu, University of Birmineham. Ennland. Thomsn Y. ~ r o w e f ~ o . , ' ~Pork, e w 1965. Figures. 14 X 21 cm. $5.95. The subtitle of this biography reads: The strange career of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Knight of the White Eagle, scientist, inventor, Revolutionary War turncoat, financial wizard, philanthropistreformer, Bavarian general. To this might well have been added: Founder of the Royal Institution, discoverer of Humphry Davy, husband of Lsvoisier's widow. It is not, therefore, surprising that biographers have often chosen to deal with this, in many respects, fictionlike life. In the opinion of this reviewer, this most, recent biography is the best of the lot. The author has treated his subject ahjectively and calmly, praising his a c oomplishments, hut not glassing over his defects and a t times almost despicable personal characteristics. The attractive feature of this account is the skill with which the author (a trained physicist) has analyzed and assessed Rumford's scientific work 9 p.ointing out its importanre but always keepmg in mind that "scientifically, Rumford was mare of an amateur than most men of science in an age of ~matews." Those already acquainted with Rumfard and his dramatic life will welcome this outstanding treatment. Those who do not know this chapter in the history of

Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganirchen Chemie. 8. Auflage, System Nummer 21, Natrium. Lieferung 2, Das Element, Verbindungen mit Warserstoff und Sauerstoff

Edlted by E. H. E. Pietseh and the Gmelin Instit&. Verlag Chemie, GhlBH, Wienheim/Bergstrasse, 1965. xxxv 496 pp. Figs. and tahles. 17.5 X 25.5 cm. $115. This supplement updates and adds to the information on sodium covered in the main volume which wa? puhlished in 1928. The data are complete through 1960with selected references up to 1965. Coverage includes: preparative methods of the metal, special forms and isotopes; chemical reactions of the and t,he ion; and detection and determination of sodium and its isotopes. Physical properties are covered extensively, particularly electrical propertiw such as electrodes and the standard potentials of various species. Numerous sodium eompaunds wit,h oxygen are discussed. Data on the sodium penrenate, Na4Se0., and the newer hydrate structures of NeOH (NaOD) are included. In general, this volume covers all the data on sodium and its properties available from modern techniques and methods.



v. D.