Courses in radioisotopes at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies

Describes challenges to and solutions offered by several courses in radioisotopes developed at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies...
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Symposium on the Teaching of N u c l ~ a rChemistry* *

COURSES IN RADIOISOTOPES A T THE OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR STUDIES R. T. OVERMAN O a k Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Tennessee W . \ n nnd p a - t w r rrsr:~rrlr nnd clrvelopmrnt. i n the 1~11r4r:lr seirnrrx crentrd mnny new nnrl important rescweh terhniqum spplir:~hlr to lnrgr nrc:ts of rvork. At tllr snme timr, srwrity rrquirrmrr~tswri~n~sly intrrf r r ~ lwith t h r nonn:A sprrnd of tl~rsrtrrlmiqucs to intrrestrrl lnl~orntorirs. 1.1111s111.- n m l nrwe for sl~ort, eonrrntr:~twl ro~~rrr.;n i m ~ lnt the mnturr rrsrnrrh norkrr nlrcnily trninwl i l l his given firlrl. ' ~ h rSpwid l'rnining 1)ivision of the Oak Ridge 111stitutr01 X~wIrnr Stwlirs WIIS srt up to mrrt this ntwl. I lrr most prrs-ing clemnnrl frrr training \vnr in the firlrl of rn(lioisotr~pw. Ilrrv wns n rrsrnrrh tmI of


O a k Ridge,

mnjor importnnce, applicable to w r y large areas of hot11 f ~ ~ n ~ l n m r unnd t n l nppliwl rrsrnrrh. Ry June, l!I?R, t l ~ e,\tomic ISncryy ('~~rnminsion w:~snhle to m e t nll lrgitim~~tr requests lor rdir,isotopes. The mu& rooming r d i a t inn-instmment rn:~n~~fnrturers were turning o ~ l trollntrrs nnrl other rquipment with great spccrl. Yet thrrr w r e rclntivrly f c n rrsrnrch srientistn \vho knew how 'to npply r:~~lioisotopes to thrir work n.it11 snfety mil rffirirnry. Tllror~ghn srrirs of scvrntern COIIR~S, t,he Sprrinl Trt~ining1Xvisi11nl ~ n sgiven t h r t.rnining to mow thnn 55ll svirntists i n this r w n t r y nud n few foreign r o m trirn. 'These milinisotope trnining courses p r e w n t d some I I ~ I I S I I : ~prfhlrms. An important one W:IS 111~ great flivrrsity of hnrkground of participnnts, both in eclur,ntion nnrl esprrienrr. :~gr~cwlturr 1.0 roo lo^. 1 3 ~~wtionnlly, n major portion nf t he pnrtiripnnts h ~ l dilort ~ ~ r rlrprres nl in ihr .srirnrrs or in mcdirinc; some 11rlrl 110th 11.1). nnd P1l.D. ilrcrwx, while rr few 11nd only :I hnrhrlor'~ degre, hut w r e group lenrlrrs in thrir 'hother prohlem was the fnrt thnt participants v n r i d widrly in the rvnys they pI:~nnrulto use rndioisotoprs tinrl in the prohlrms they 11ndunder studv. To meet and reI n t d proklems, the courser were huilt on the following hnsw prrmisrs: (1) The work in the coursr .should be p d o m i nnntly inhorntow eupcrienre with n minimum of lerture mnterial. (2) Background mnterinl in the (levrlopmmt of con-

rrpts should I* presented by nnr l r e t ~ ~ r in e r order to pant luul to hnw :In ndrquntn grnsp of t h r field before h r salisfnctorily rornplrted the conrsr. ol~tninrontinuity nnd rompletrnrs*. 'l'hr p r e w ~ t twhnicnl stnfl is rompowl of Dr. ( 3 ) T h r clisrus?;ion of t r ~ h i q u mand throry of the trrl~niquesshould he intrprxtnl into the Inhorntory Itnlph 1'. Ovrrmi~n,rhcmist end rlivisionnl rhnirmnn, srs*ions nnd sl10111dbe t n ~ ~ p hprimnrily t hy prmonnl I h . ICliznhrth Rnnn. fivliorhrmist., Dr. Rex Cr. F l ~ ~ h n r t y ,, rind Jlr. Italph I'irminhnc, chrmist and instnlsuprrvisinn of 1111 instmrtor. ( 4 ) Thrre shoulrl I= n maximum of two persons to n mrnt clrsignrr. ;\ survny Iuw brrn made of the fields to whir-h the working group to insure nrtire pnrtiripntion hy all in both the lnhorntory terhniques nnrl in mrnsurrment psrtiripnnts err npplyinp their kno\vledge nnd shows Iwm I~rn:allyall the fields of srience h a w Ixen covrrwl. exprrimrnts. ( 5 ) Thrrp shoulcl bc ndequnte discu?iqion periods l'hr usr nf rndioisotopcq in rrwnrrh nnrl in mrflirr~l stedily, nnd nmong the lendrrs crntrml nrowd the prohlrms common to the whole trrntmrnt is sprr~~rling nrr thorn \vho h a w nt~endwlour 11:wir: rourRs in rndinrlnss. (6) There should he n w e l l c q u i p ~ d library nnd isotopr trchniqurs. .\ltl~ough the rxnrt firld of nppliadrnunte time nvsilnhle for studv to sunnlrment the Irrture work of t h r pnrt,iripnnts. (7) There shor~ld hr nmplc time for consdtntion hrt\vren the pnrtiripnnt nnd his inst,n~ctow. ( R ) Thr eiprrim&ts sho~~lrl be n.q simple n.9 po?iqihlr so thnt the rarlionctirity terhniquen will he prmlominnnt. In ernrral. onlv . n w a r or so of rollem cl~emistrv should hr wwssnn. ns n common rlrnominntnr f