Covariation of a Specificity-Determining Structural Motif in an

prokaryotic conserved glutamine 118 of the motif 2 loop and cytosine 73. ... motif 2 with glutamate decreased discrimination between cytosine and urac...
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Biochemistry 2001, 40, 1930-1936

Covariation of a Specificity-Determining Structural Motif in an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase and a tRNA Identity Element† Susan A. Hawko and Christopher S. Francklyn* Department of Biochemistry, UniVersity of Vermont, Health Sciences Complex, Burlington, Vermont 05405 ReceiVed NoVember 3, 2000; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed December 28, 2000

ABSTRACT: Transfer RNA (tRNA) identity determinants help preserve the specificity of aminoacylation in vivo, and prevent cross-species interactions. Here, we investigate covariation between the discriminator base (N73) element in histidine tRNAs and residues in the histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) motif 2 loop. A model of the Escherichia coli HisRS-tRNAHis complex predicts an interaction between the prokaryotic conserved glutamine 118 of the motif 2 loop and cytosine 73. The substitution of Gln 118 in motif 2 with glutamate decreased discrimination between cytosine and uracil some 50-fold, but left overall rates of adenylation and aminoacylation unaffected. By contrast, substitutions at neighboring Glu 115 and Arg 121 affected both adenylation and aminoacylation, consistent with their predicted involvement in both half-reactions. Additional evidence for the involvement of the motif 2 loop was provided by functional analysis of a hybrid Saccharomyces cereVisiae- E. coli HisRS possessing the 11 amino acid motif 2 loop of the yeast enzyme. Despite an overall decreased activity of nearly 1000-fold relative to the E. coli enzyme, the chimera nevertheless exhibited a modest preference for the yeast tRNAHis over the E. coli tRNA, and preferred wild-type yeast tRNAHis to a variant with C at the discriminator position. These experiments suggest that part of, but not all of, the specificity is provided by the motif 2 loop. The close interaction between enzyme loop and RNA sequence elements suggested by these experiments reflects a covariation between enzyme and tRNA that may have acted to preserve aminoacylation fidelity over evolutionary time.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS)1 catalyze the ligation of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs, a two-step reaction that contributes to the specificity of translation (1). Each synthetase is confronted by 75 potential tRNA isoacceptor substrates, a selection process described as the tRNA identity problem. Despite extensive work over the past decade which has resulted in the identification of tRNA identity determinants (2), how enzyme elements contribute to tRNA specificity still remains unknown. Crystallographic studies have served to define subclass- and system-specific tRNA recognition features, but the precise mechanistic steps where recognition determinants mediate their effect are still being defined (2, 3). In this paper, we address the functional significance of a strict evolutionary covariance between the discriminator base (N73) in histidine tRNAs (tRNAHis) and a discrete peptide † This work was supported by NIH Grant GM54899. S.A.H. was supported by an NCI Cancer Biology training fellowship (CA09286). * Correspondence should be addressed to this author at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Health Sciences Complex, Burlington, VT 05405. E-mail: franck@, phone: (802) 656-8450, fax: (802) 862-8229. 1 Abbreviations: aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are abbreviated as aaRS, with individual enzymes identified by the three-letter code referring to the appropriate amino acid followed by RS; IPTG, isopropyl 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside; Ni-NTA, nickel nitrilotriacetic acid; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; β-ME, 2-mercaptoethanol; E. coli, Escherichia coli; S. cereVisiae, Saccharomyces cereVisiae; DTT, dithiothreitol; NTP, nucleotide triphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; GMP, guanosine monophosphate; NaPPi, sodium pyrophosphate; PPi, inorganic pyrophosphate.

structural element in the motif 2 loop of histidyl-tRNA synthetases (HisRS). HisRS possesses the characteristic antiparallel β-sheet fold (4) and the three diagnostic sequence motifs (denoted motifs 1, 2, and 3) that distinguish class II enzymes (5, 6). Motif 1 comprises part of the dimeric interface, while motifs 2 and 3 contribute conserved charged and polar side chains that dictate the bent conformation of ATP unique to this class of aaRS (7). Of particular importance is a loop element in motif 2 (hereafter the m2 loop) that provides a framework for class-conserved glutamates and arginines. Motif 2 residues provide electrostatic contacts to the PPi leaving group during the first reaction, and critical sequencespecific tRNA interactions in the subsequent transfer step (7). In the aspartyl system, detailed crystal structures (8, 9) and alanine scanning mutagenesis experiments (10) indicate that side chains within motif 2 (Asp 328, Ser329, and Thr331) are responsible for direct contact of G73, with specificity mainly realized at the level of kcat (11). The mutagenesis experiments further revealed strong negative thermodynamic coupling (∆∆Gkcat ) 2.02 kcal/mol) between these side chains, which may indicate the interdependent nature of the interactions required to correctly position A76. These data and related observations from the seryl- system (12) suggest that ejection of pyrophosphate may be coupled to tRNA binding by the action of the motif 2 loop. For the histidine system in particular, the transfer step may be highly dependent on interactions made by the enzyme with the -1:73 base pair. Analysis of the identity determi-

10.1021/bi0025316 CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/26/2001

Discriminator Base Recognition by Motif 2 Loop nants of tRNAHis in both E. coli and S. cereVisiae systems suggests that the -1:73 base pair and the anticodon trinucleotides serve as the principal recognition elements, with the following differences. Loss of G-1 is associated with a 230-fold decreased kcat in E. coli, and a relative 500-fold decrease in yeast (13, 14). Discriminator base substitutions bring about approximately 10-100-fold decreases in bacteria and somewhat less of an effect in yeast tRNA (13, 15). In general, substitutions at -1:73 are preferentially associated with decreases in kcat rather than increases in Km. By contrast, the anticodon is a weaker but nonetheless significant identity determinant, and substitutions of G34 and U35 typically impose 5-fold decreases in binding, as measured both by Km and by Kd (14-16). The histidine tRNA synthetase is also notable for its ability to aminoacylate RNA structures possessing acceptor stem determinants alone in a variety of contexts, including mini- and microhelices (17, 18) and tRNA-like domains from plant viruses (19). Owing to the close proximity of -1:73 to A76, this raises the question of how recognition of 73 is integrated with the amino acid transfer step. In the work described below, this question is approached by consideration of the apparent covariation of the identity of the discriminator base with sequences located in the motif 2 loop of HisRS. The discriminator base shows a distinct pattern of conservation, with prokaryotic histidine tRNAs containing C73, and archaeal and eukaryotic tRNAs containing A73 (20). This pattern of conservation is mirrored in the enzymes, with the prokaryotic homologues sharing a conserved glutamine at position 118, and the eukaryotic enzymes replacing this residue with an Ala-Met-Thr tripeptide motif (21). Here, the functional significance of this apparent covariation is addressed by probing the requirement for Gln 118 in discriminator base specificity and by analysis of the properties of a chimeric prokaryotic HisRS containing a eukaryotic motif 2 loop. MATERIALS AND METHODS Construction of Mutant Proteins. Mutant HisRS proteins were constructed using published modifications of the Kunkel procedure (14, 21). Mutagenic oligonucleotides (Operon) were designed with randomized codons at positions corresponding to amino acids 115 and 118, and by direct changes for 121 and the m2 loop swap mutants. The HisRS mutants were cloned via an intermediate step using the TA-vector (Invitrogen) in the pQE-30 expression vector (Qiagen) as previously described (21). Construction of the M162A mutant was then carried out using the Quick-Change mutagenesis procedure (Stratagene). All mutations introduced were verified by sequencing using an ABI-381 sequencer. Protein Expression and Purification. Purification of wt HisRS was carried out as described previously (22). Overexpression and purification of all mutant hexahistidine-tagged HisRS proteins were carried out as previously described (21). Final Ni-NTA agarose peak fractions were concentrated (Amicon filter cell and Centricon concentrators) and retained at -20 °C in storage buffer (100 mM Tris‚HCl, pH 7.0, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM β-ME, and 40% glycerol). Concentrations of all HisRS stocks were determined by absorbance at 280 nm, using an extinction coefficient of 127 097 M-1 cm-1. tRNA Transcription and Purification. In vitro transcripts of C73 and U73 E. coli tRNAHis sequences were prepared

Biochemistry, Vol. 40, No. 7, 2001 1931 as described previously (14, 16). The A73 E. coli transcripts were constructed as an annealed tRNA (23, 24). A 19-mer oligonucleotide corresponding to the 3′ end of tRNAHis was synthesized by Dharmacon Research (Boulder, CO) encoding the corresponding A73 nucleotide. T7 RNAP transcription of a TaqRI linearized plasmid containing the wt E. coli tRNAHis sequence generated the 3/4 length molecule to which the 3′ oligo was annealed to create the full-length A73 tRNAHis. S. cereVisiae tRNAHis transcripts were prepared from a plasmid generously provided by Richard Geige´, CNRS, Strasbourg. The yeast (C73) tRNAHis transcript was prepared following Quick Change mutagenesis (Stratagene) of N73. Following purification of in vitro T7 transcripts on 7 M urea/12.5% acrylamide gels, tRNAs were collected by electroelution (Bio-Rad Elu-Trap) prior to ethanol precipitation. Transcripts were quantitated by absorbance at 260 nm (1 AU ) 33 µg mL-1) and by subsequent activity assay to determine the concentration of functional molecules. Total yeast tRNA (baker’s yeast) was supplied by BoehringerRoche. The final concentration of total yeast tRNA was approximated in units of milligrams per milliliter to correspond to the molar concentrations used for the other yeast transcripts. Purified E. coli tRNAThr was the generous gift of Anne Catherine Dock Bergeon, IGBMC, Strasbourg. Yeast tRNAAsp template plasmid was supplied by R. Giege´. Enzyme Assays. Pyrophosphate exchange reactions were performed as previously described (21) using enzyme concentrations of 10 nM. Aminoacylation of tRNAHis transcripts was carried out under standard conditions described previously (10, 14, 21). Wild-type untagged HisRS has been shown previously to have the same kinetic parameters as the hexahistidine-tagged enzyme (14, 25). Enzyme concentrations of 10 nM were used for aminoacylation of C73 transcripts by wild-type and single loop substitution mutant proteins, while higher concentrations (500 nM) were required by the yeast loop substituted enzymes (ScM2L.HRS and M162A-SL.HRS). Aminoacylation of U73 and yeast transcripts required enzyme concentrations of wildtype and single loop substitution mutants at 100 nM, while ScM2L.HRS required 500 nM concentrations. Concentration ranges of 0.5-5 µM in E. coli transcript were used for assays with single substitution HisRS mutants, and 0.5-50 µM for ScM2L.HRS charging of both E. coli and yeast tRNAHis. Kinetic constants were determined by fitting of the data to the Michaelis-Menten equation as implemented by the Kaleidagraph package (Synergy Software version 3.08d). Comparative aminoacylation of yeast tRNAs was carried out using a fixed concentration of tRNA, 200 µg/mL bulk yeast tRNA, and 2.5 µM yeast C73 tRNAHis, and an enzyme concentration of 200 nM for both wt HisRS and ScM2L.HRS. All kinetic parameters reported represent the mean of at least two, and often three, independent determinations. RESULTS Predicting Discriminator Base Contacts from a Model of the HisRS-tRNAHis Complex. As a first approach to understanding the molecular basis of discriminator base recognition, a docking model between HisRS and tRNAHis was created by superposition of HisRS and the yeast AspRStRNAAsp complex, with the subsequent deletion of atoms corresponding to AspRS (Figure 1). The general features of this model have been described previously (4, 14) and agree

1932 Biochemistry, Vol. 40, No. 7, 2001

Hawko and Francklyn

FIGURE 1: Molecular modeling of HisRS-tRNAHis interactions. (a) GRASP (40) model of dimeric HisRS complex with yeast tRNAAsp, which serves as a proxy for the authentic tRNAHis. The model was constructed by superimposing the coordinates for the R carbons of the catalytic domains of E. coli HisRS and the yeast AspRS-tRNAAsp complex, and then using the resulting position of tRNAAsp to approximate the approach of tRNAHis to the active site. Only one tRNA molecule is shown for clarity. The tRNA lies across the dimeric interface, but makes most of its contacts to one monomer by interacting with an extended region of positive potential that runs diagonally from the active site to the C-terminal domain. (b) Close-up of the active site showing predicted interactions between the motif 2 loop and acceptor stem. The histidyladenylate is rendered in green and the tRNA in cyan. No attempt has been made to model the position or interactions of G-1, which is not included in this model.

with recent footprinting data (16). As this model is not based on crystallographic data, the positions of nucleotides and side chains are only approximations and do not reflect the possibility that specific conformational changes in HisRS active site polypeptide segments (such as the m2 loop) may be associated with tRNA binding. With this caveat in mind, examination of the model allows the formulation of specific predictions concerning the discriminator base and the m2 loop that are amenable to experimental test. First, we find that Q118 is in close proximity to the G-1:C73 base pair, creating the potential for a bidendate interaction in which

the O1 of the side chain accepts a hydrogen bond from N4 of C73, while N1 donates a hydrogen bond to O6 of G-1. Such an interaction would be predicted to be specific for prokaryotic HisRS. The HisRS motif 2 loop is also predicted to make the class II conserved tRNA contacts, which in this case include direct hydrogen bonds made by Arg 121 to C74, and the interaction between Glu 115 and the ribose of C74. In the model, Glu 115 is shown pointing into the active site to interact with N7 of ATP, but a side chain rotation around χ1 and χ2 would allow for interactions between  oxygens and the 2′ hydroxyl group. These potential interactions were probed by oligonucleotide mutagenesis, substituting Q118 with glutamate, R121 with histidine, and E115 with alanine or aspartate. These conservative substitutions alter side chain chemistry and hydrogen bonding potential with minimal impact on structure. The resulting mutant proteins were expressed and purified to the high yields characteristic of the wild-type enzyme. Single Residue Motif 2 Loop Substitutions Alter Discriminator Base Recognition. On the basis of the HisRS-tRNAHis docking model, a conservative substitution of Q118 would be predicted to reduce discrimination at N73 with minimal impact on adenylate synthesis. The converse prediction would hold true for substitutions at R121 and E115, which are predicted to contact C74. These hypotheses were tested using the pyrophosphate exchange assay, which measures the rate of histidine activation. Table 1 shows that the primary effect of the E115D,A and R121H substitutions was to reduce the turnover rate of pyrophosphate exchange (kcat) by 2-, 33-, and 33-fold, respectively, while the Q118E substitution had no effect (