CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (11), pp 112A–112A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60217a806. Publication Date: October 1964...
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END MIXING-GRINDING DRUDGERY Using Plastic, M e t a l or Agate Vials t h e Wig-L-Bug will become indispensable t o you as it has already in hundreds of laboratories in this country a n d dozens of countries abroad. Use plastic vials for mixing powders or prepar­ ing mulls with mineral oil. For grinding h a r d materials use t h e hardened tool steel or agate vial. W i t h these you can obtain 200 mesh materials in 2-3 minutes.

For preparing K B r pellets use stainless steel or agate vials. Invaluable in t h e fields of X - R a y Diffraction, Emission Spectrographic Analysis, X - R a y Spectroscopy, Infra-Red Spectroscopy, Metallurgy, Geology, Oil Re­ search, Aluminum, Manufacture, Chemical, P a i n t and Color Analysis, Ceramics, Foods, Agriculture.

HEAVY DUTY #6—FOR YOUR MIXING AND GRINDING PROBLEMS In the Field of Powder Metallurgy — Ceramics — XRay Diffraction — Emission Spec­ troscopy and Ana­ lytical Chemistry.

A HIGH SPEED MIX GRINDER, same agitating action as in small models illustrated. For pulverizing, grinding, crushing, mixing, diluting laboratory samples quickly, con­ sistently and uniformly. In optical emission and X-ray spectrograph^ laboratories this instrument is ideal for mix­ ing and grinding both samples and standards. Not only is the effort of Mortar & Pestle labor eliminated but results are made more reproducible as consistency in particle size is attained every time. A 1/i H.P. Split Phase Motor complete with 1 hr. timer and special adapters and arms to hold Plastic, Carbide or Stain­ less Steel Capsules & Pestles. Approximate weight 40 Lbs. Price $300.00 115V.-60 c. (No Accessories included.) Fin type bearing retainer for longer running intervals available at $25.00 additional. FOB factory. ACCESSORIES FOR NO. 6 include Plastic Balls & Vials (60 ml) to eliminate metallic contamination. Stainless Steel Vials 6 ml or 10 ml and Red Pestles or Ball Pestles. Tungsten Carbide 6 ml and 25 ml Vials and Rod or Ball Pestle.

For literature and details write to:

5A—Wonder Electric Mortar—the action is reciprocating in the form of a figure 8 swung through a 6^/%° arc at 3200 R P M , the ball pestle then strikes the end of the vial some 2000 times in ten seconds. Can be run con­ tinuously for 5 minutes (and this depends on the load) with a rest period between the 5 minutes to cool the motor completely.

3A—Model with Fan and 1 Hour Timer— same type of motor and action as 5A Model but this 3A can be run for 20-30 minutes with cooling off periods between to cool the motor. $96.50 115V-60c. FOB factory.

ACCESSORIES FOR 5A OR 3A WIG-L-BUGS 3113 Adapter for l/i" dia. x 1" long vials. 3111 Vial, V2" x 1. polystyrene with cap. 3112 Ball-pestle, clear plexiglas, 3/*" dia. 3115 Adapter for V2" dia. χ 2" long vials. 3116 Vial, Va* x 2" polystyrene with cap. 3114 Vial, stainless steel V2" x 1" with ball-pestle i A " dia. 3117 Vial, tool steel (hardened) V2" x 1" with steel ball-pestle V*" dia. 3118 Vial, agate 9/u" dia. χ l 5 /ie" long 2 ml capacity with agate ballpestle 1/i" dia. (Requires 3115 adapter.)


CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO. 1837 So. Pulaski Road Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card

112 A



Chicago 23, III.