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Chapter 32 Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models for Radon Progeny Exposure Edward A. Martell National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307 Based on studies of the uranium miners, elaborate models have been developed for estimating the risks of lung cancer to nonsmokers in the general population from exposure to indoor radon progeny. These models can be faulted on mechanis­ tic, dosimetric, and epidemiological grounds. Even the basic model assumption, that the relevant lung dose is the alpha radiation dose to basal cells of the bronchial epithelium, is no longer valid. These models are based on a simplistic correlation of risk versus radiation dose, with no consideration of mul­ tistage processes which may explain latent-period variations and the age-incidence of lung cancer. Questions of consider­ able relevance—such as the minimum tissue volume for tumor induction, or synergism between radon progeny and tobacco smoke—have not been taken into account. Because they are not applicable to groups at highest risk—i.e., smokers and pas­ sive smoker—such models, even after improvement, will yield qualitative risk estimates of marginal value. Elaborate radiation dosimetry models have been developed for the purpose of estimating risks of lung cancer to nonsmokers in the general popula­ tion due to exposure to indoor radon progeny (United Nations, 1977; Na­ tional Academy of Sciences, 1980; Harley and Pasternack, 1981; ICRP, 1981; NCRP, 1984). These models involve assumptions that can be seriously ques­ tioned on the basis of epidemiological, dosimetric and mechanistic considera­ tions. Some alternative dosimetric concepts have been discussed by Hofmann (1983). Other serious shortcomings of these models have been identified (Ellett and Nelson, 1985). One of the basic model assumptions-that basal cells of the bronchial epithelium are the target cells for induction of bronchial cancer-must now give way to impressive evidence that secretory cells are the primary progenitor cells for malignant transformations (Keenan et al., 1982; McDowell and Trump, 1983). Questions of major importance-e.g., the mini­ mum cell population for bronchial cancer induction, the nature of multistage processes that may explain latent period variations and the age-incidence of lung cancer, and the relative merits of alpha and β~ radiation interactions 0097-6156/87/0331-0444$06.00/0 © 1987 American Chemical Society

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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models


as initiators and promoters in the progression of malignancy-have not even been considered. It is widely recognized that failure to assess the effect of smoking on risks of radon exposure, a common failure of all current models, may result in a serious overestimation of the lung cancer risks to nonsmokers. Thus, for example, it is acknowledged (National Academy of Sciences, 1980, p. 328), "If the lung-cancer risk after radiation exposure is proportional to the usual age-specific rates for smokers and nonsmokers, then the estimates of excess risk should be increased by about 50% to apply to smokers, and reduced by a factor of about 6 for nonsmokers, as well as delayed in time." The epidemio­ logical evidence for lung cancer in passive smokers, plus other considerations discussed in this paper, indicate that lung cancer in nonsmokers resulting from indoor radon progeny exposure alone may be a relatively rare disease of old age, with an incidence that is far lower than current model predictions. In this paper I review epidemiological and experimental evidence which has considerable relevance to these issues. The age-incidence of lung cancer vs smoking rate and gender clearly indicates a multiplicative effect due to synergistic interactions between smoking and radon progeny exposure. Se­ rious shortcomings of the limited evidence for an additive effect (Radford and Renard, 1984) are pointed out. Several lines of evidence indicate that bronchial cancer can be induced by irradiation of as little as 1 mg of epithe­ lium at bifurcations, and that such "hot spots" may be attributable mainly to the selective deposition of mainstream cigarette smoke. Possible com­ plementary roles of β~ and alpha radiation interactions as initiators and promoters in the multistage process of bronchial cancer induction also are discussed.

Epidemiological Evidence The observed high incidence of lung cancer in uranium miners provided the first evidence that clearly implicated inhaled radon progeny in the etiology of human lung cancer (Altshuler et al, 1964). Respiratory cancer deaths in uranium miners not only increase with cumulative radon progeny exposure but also were observed to be about ten times higher in smoking uranium miners than in nonsmokers (Lundin et α/., 1969). Commenting on these observations, Doll (1971) concluded: "The data fit the hypothesis that the agents interact to produce their effects by multiplication and the hypothesis that they act independently is hardly tenable (P < 0.001)." A more compre­ hensive follow-up of uranium miners (Archer et α/., 1976) showed that, over a wide range of cumulative radon progeny exposures, miners who smoked more than 20 cigarettes per day had seven to nine times higher incidence of lung cancer deaths than nonsmokers-clearly indicating a multiplicative effect. It is particularly noteworthy that approximately the same ratio holds for the lifetime incidence of lung cancer deaths in male smokers and nonsmokers of the general population (Kahn, 1966), summarized in Figure 1. The impli­ cations are obvious-synergistic interactions between indoor radon progeny exposure and cigarette smoking also may explain the high incidence of lung cancer in smokers in the general population. This important possibility is reinforced by the experimental evidence reviewed below. The age-specific incidence of lung cancer deaths in male smokers and nonsmokers (Figure l) reflects the dominant influence of smoking rate and duration of smoking in years. When smoking rates are not taken into account, the age-specific incidence of lung cancer deaths in the general population appears to decrease markedly after age 65 (Kohn, 1978; Ellett and Nelson,

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45-55 AGE





Figure 1. The age-specific incidence of lung cancer deaths in male cigarette smokers and nonsmokers (Kahn, 1966, Appendix Table A). The lifetime incidence for nonsmokers includes lung cancers attributable to passive smoking, asbestos inhalation, and other occupational exposures.

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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models


1985), a trend which has been attributed to competing risks. However, an alternative explanation is provided by the fact that smokers have a higher and earlier incidence of all common causes of death (Kahn, 1966) and thus a shorter life expectancy, as shown in Figure 2. The decrease in the incidence of lung cancer after age 65 is more logically attributed to the earlier depletion in the ranks of those at highest risk. The age-incidence gradually drops off from that influenced by heavy smokers to that for nonsmoking females. However, within each group classified by sex and smoking rate, the agespecific incidence of lung cancer increases markedly with age, as shown in Figure 1 for males and elsewhere for females (Hammond, 1966; Enstrom and Godley, 1980). Below age 75, the incidence of lung cancer in nonsmoking females is only about one-third that for nonsmoking males (Enstrom and Godley, 1980). This sex difference can, in part, be attributed to higher levels of exposure to occupational factors and promoters in the work place for males. In addition, many of the lung cancers in nonsmokers can be attributed to passive smoking effects. Published evidence does not provide an adequate assessment of the lung cancer risk for passive smokers; however, the positive studies suggest a modest risk of about two to three times that of other nonsmokers (Samet, 1985). The prevalence of passive smoking among nonsmokers, approximately 63% in the United States (Friedman et α/., 1983), suggests that passive smok­ ing may account for 50% to 80% of the lung cancers in nonsmokers. On this basis the lifetime incidence of lung cancer in nonsmokers who are not passive smokers would be about 0.2% for males and 0.1% for females. One recent study of lung cancer mortality in Swedish iron miners (Rad­ ford and Renard, 1984) yielded results which suggest that the effects of smoking and exposure to radon progeny may be nearly additive and not synergistic. Based on these results, Radford and Renard propose that ex­ posure to indoor radon progeny alone accounts for an appreciable number of lung cancers in the general population. These limited results are not very convincing because they are at odds with results for United States ura­ nium miner studies (Lundin et ο/., 1969; Archer et ο/., 1976; Whittemore and McMillan, 1983) and for animal experiments fChameaud et α/., 1982) which clearly indicate marked synergistic effects. Otner recent studies of lung cancer in iron ore miners in Northern Sweden (Damber and Larsson, 1985; Jorgensen, 1984) show marked, multiplicative effects of smoking and under­ ground mining, in disagreement with the Radford-Renard results. Radford and Renard included long-term ex-smokers with "nonsmokers" and included pipe and cigar smokers as well as short-term ex-smokers with "smokers." This is a highly questionable procedure, particularly in view of the results of Archer et ai (1976) who observed a systematic increase in lung cancers with cumulative radon progeny exposure only for smoking rates of 20 cigarettes per day or more. Light smokers had fewer lung cancers and more excess deaths from other respiratory disease at lower and intermediate cumulative radiation exposures, indicating that the promotion of lung cancer is more effective at higher smoking rates. Archer et ai (1976) also show a much higher incidence of lung cancers in ex-smokers than in nonsmokers over a wide range of cumulative radiation exposures. Thus, the best way to test the multiplicative effects of smoking and radon progeny exposure would be to compare lung cancer deaths vs cumulative radon progeny exposure only between smokers of one pack per day or more and true nonsmokers who never smoked. The mortality ratios for current cigar and pipe smokers, cur­ rent cigarette smokers, and heavy smokers (>39 cigarettes per day) are 1.7,

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Figure 2. The age-specific incidence of deaths from all causes in male cigarette smokers and nonsmokers (Kahn, 1966, Appendix Table A).

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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models


10.9, and 23.6, respectively (Kahn, 1966). Clearly, pipe and cigar smokers should not be included in epidemiological studies of multiplicative effects. Radford and Renard also assumed that for the miners, the relative risks of lung cancer for equal current smoking status were independent of age. On the contrary, there is an extraordinary dependence of lung cancer risk on duration of smoking in years (Peto and Doll, 1985) and thus with age. For a given smoking rate, the annual excess incidence of lung cancer is about 20 times higher after 30 years of smoking than it is after 15 years. The age-specific incidence of lung cancer in smokers, and of other common hu­ man cancers, is the basis for proposed multistage models of carcinogenesis (Armitage and Doll, 1961; Doll, 1971).

Synergistic Interactions The observed lung cancer mortality in smoking and nonsmoking miners (Lundin et ai, 1969; Archer et ai, 1976; Whittemore and McMillan, 1983; D amber and Larsson, 1985; Jorgensen, 1984) clearly indicates marked multi­ plicative effects. This implies a synergism for exposure to both radon decay products and cigarette smoke. Such synergism has been confirmed in animal experiments. Large numbers of mice, exposed continuously to inhalation of high concentrations of radon and radon decay products attached to natu­ ral indoor aerosols, experienced substantial life shortening and weight loss compared to controls, but did not develop lung cancer (Morken and Scott, 1966; Morken, 1973). Experiments in which rats inhaled very high concen­ trations of cigarette smoke for prolonged periods resulted in no malignant lung tumors (Chameaud et α/., 1982). Rats exposed to very large cumu­ lative doses of radon decay products-500 and 4,000 WLM (working level months)-developed some lung tumors and both the incidence and the degree of malignancy were increased by exposure to cigarette smoke (Chameaud et α/., 1982), clearly demonstrating synergism at these high exposure levels. These authors pointed out that the combined effect of cigarette smoke and radon is not additive because no cancers were found in rats exposed only to smoke, thus indicating only a promoting effect for cigarette smoke. Synergistic interaction mechanisms which explain how cigarette smoking may enhance the risk of lung cancer from indoor radon progeny exposure have been identified. For a given indoor radon concentration and ventilation rate, the concentration of airborne radon progeny is substantially enhanced in smoke-filled rooms compared to that in clean,filteredindoor air (Martell, 1983; Bergman and Axelson, 1983). Inhaled smoke tar particles and attached radioisotopes are selectively deposited and retained at respiratory tumor sites. Because smoke tars are highly resistant to dissolution in lung fluid (Ermala and Holsti, 1955), the radiation insult is localized at tissue sites with concentrated smoke tar deposits, due to a high degree of radioactive decay of short-lived radon decay products at these sites before clearance. These processes may explain the surprising differences in patterns of cancer incidence in smokers and passive smokers (Higgins, 1985), discussed below. Experimental evidence which indicates that bronchial tumors are induced by radiation in small volumes of bronchial epithelium and that radioisotopes in mainstream cigarette smoke contribute substantially to the high risk of lung cancer in smokers is briefly reviewed in the next two sections of this paper.

Target Cell Population Current lung dosimetry models are based on the assumption that basal cells of the bronchial epithelium are the critical target cells for malignant transfor­ mation and that the alpha dose to these cells is the relevant radiation dose.


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Because the alpha particle range is short, the thickness of the bronchial ep­ ithelium and mucus layers and the variable depth of basal cells within the bronchial tree are considered to be important dose-determining factors. The alpha dose is averaged over large tissue volumes, ranging from 45 grams of the upper bronchial tree (ICRP, 1981) to the regional dose in a few grams of a single bronchial generation (NCRP, 1984). However, there is now com­ pelling evidence indicating that secretory cells rather than basal cells may be the primary targets for malignant transformation and that tumors may be induced focally in much smaller volumes of tissue. A comprehensive study of the repair of injured tracheal epithelium of hamsters, in which tritiated thymidine labelling was used to identify mitotically active cells, demonstrated the dominant role of secretory cells in the regeneration of damaged epithelium (Keenan et α/., 19821. Secretory cells outnumber basal cells by more than five to one and pass through DNA syn­ thesis into mitosis at twice the rate of basal cells. The columnar secretory (mucus-secreting) cells of the bronchial epithelium extend all the way from the basal lamina to the surface of the airway. These numerous and rapidly dividing secretory cells are identified as the major progenitors for bronchiogenic neoplasms, regardless of phenotype (McDowell and Trump, 1983). Evidence that alpha radiation doses from P o (polonium-210) and from indoor radon decay products are implicated in the etiology of bronchial cancer in cigarette smokers is now substantial. Surprisingly high concentra­ tions of P o were found at individual bifurcations in seven of 37 cigarette smokers (Little et al., 1965). It was later pointed out that the observed high concentrations of P o at the bifurcations of smokers could be explained by the presence of insoluble Pb-enriched smoke particles produced by com­ bustion of tobacco trichomes in burning cigarettes (Martell, 1974; 1975). This possibility has been confirmed by Radford and Martell (1977), who determined that high concentrations of P o at bifurcations of smokers were invariably accompanied by higher concentrations of P b . Little et al. (1965) estimated that the alpha radiation dose due to P o at "hot spots" in the bronchial epithelium of smokers would be about 20 rads in 25 years. This component of the alpha radiation dose at bronchial bifurca­ tions of smokers can be attributed to the accumulation and persistence of Pb-enriched particles in lesions with cilia absent and carcinoma in situ, lesions which increase with smoking rate and duration of smoking in years (Auerbach et ai, 1961). However, during the earlier years of smoking, an important contribution to the alpha radiation dose at bronchial bifurcations of smokers can be attributed to the indoor radon decay products, P o and P o (Martell and Sweder, 1981, 1983; Martell, 1983a), discussed below. Another issue of particular significance is that of the minimum, critical tissue volume or critical cell population for cancer induction. Lung dosime­ try models are concerned with small differences in the alpha dose to basal cells within a relatively large volume of the upper bronchial tree. However, as Brues (1954) pointed out, radiation-induced tumors arise focally in small tissue volumes and tumors can be induced by β~ irradiation of 10 to 10 cells-i.e., only 10 to 100 mg of tissue. For chronic irradiation by alphaand /?~-emitting radon progeny at bronchial bifurcations, a cumulative total of 10 to 10 cells are irradiated in only ten cell generations within tissue volumes of 1.0 to 10 mg of bronchial epithelium. Thus it is reasonable to hypothesize that chronic irradiation of a dividing cell population in a few milligrams of bronchial epithelium may be adequate for the induction of ma2 1 0

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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models


lignant transformations. The minimum cell population for malignant trans­ formation due to chronic irradiation by internal emitters is an unresolved question of great radiobiological significance.

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Dilute Aerosols vs Mainstream Smoke Current practice in lung dosimetry involves detailed calculations of patterns of lung deposition and clearance for dilute radon progeny aerosols in indoor air in the form of unattached ions and the fraction attached to natural, solu­ ble aerosols. Consideration is given to the influence of the particle size spec­ trum, breathing patterns, and the degree of radon daughter disequilibrium, on deposition and clearance patterns and on bronchial airway dosimetry. Such model calculations provide estimates of the natural alpha radiation dose distribution for inhaled, natural radon progeny aerosols. However, exposure to this natural background radiation appears to have little direct relevance to the induction of human lung cancer. This possibility, first indicated by the experimental results of Morken and Scott (1966), is strongly reinforced by a consideration of the properties and distribution of mainstream cigarette smoke as well as the pattern of cancers in passive smokers. Published results on the concentration and size distribution of small particles in mainstream smoke vary widely, with concentrations ranging from 10 to 10 c m and with NMAD (number median aerodynamic diameter) ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 μπι (Ishizu et al, 1978). The M M AD (mass median aerodynamic diameter) of undiluted mainstream smoke particles ranges be­ tween 0.93 and 1.00 μπι (Langer and Fisher, 1956; Holmes et α/., 1959). Lower values of the MMAD for diluted mainstream smoke, which decreased with degree of dilution, are reported by Hinds (1978). However, the particle size distributions for mainstream smoke appear to have little relevance to its retention and distribution in the lung, for reasons discussed below. Note that the concentration of tars in mainstream smoke is about 1,000 times that of air in smoke-filled rooms. The deposition and retention of dense, undiluted mainstream cigarette smoke is substantially greater than that expected for dilute aerosols of the same size distribution. Hinds et al. (1983) review several earlier studies which showed average depositions ranging from 82 to 97% of the mass of inhaled smoke. With improved techniques, Hinds et al. (1983) obtained results which varied widely for individual smokers, with an average deposition of 57% for male smokers-still about three times higher than expected for dilute particle behavior. By comparison, the retention of highly diluted mainstream cigarette smoke in the human lung was shown to be only 1520% (Porstendôrfer and Schraub, 1972), in good agreement with lung model predictions. It is evident that dilute aerosol behavior is not applicable to the deposition and retention of dense, undiluted mainstream smoke in the lungs of smokers. This apparent contradiction is best explained by the ensemble behavior of dense mainstream smoke, described by Fuchs (1964). When undiluted mainstream tobacco smoke is passed horizontally into a chamber, the dense smoke column settles as an ensemble, with a gravitational settlement rate equivalent to that for individual particles of 47 μπι diameter. Such behavior can explain the remarkable retention of undiluted smoke (Hinds et α/., 1983) as well as the highly nonuniform pattern of deposition for inhaled smoke tars observed by Ermala and Holsti (1955). The heaviest tar deposits occur where the dense smoke column strikes directly on projecting surfaces of the pharynx and the larynx, and at the tracheal and bronchial bifurcations (Er7


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mala and Holsti, 1955). If gravitational sedimentation has a strong influence on the bronchial deposition of mainstream smoke, the orientation of bifurcations in the bronchial tree should influence deposition patterns, with highest deposition at the carina of bifurcations of large branching angle where the inspired air flow is directed downward. The actual pattern for the deposition of mainstream smoke in the bronchi of smokers should be determined in experiments in which Pb-tagged mainstream smoke is passed through hollow casts of the tracheobronchial tree and the concentrations of P b tagged smoke tar deposits at brochial bifurcations of various orientation are determined. The possibility that it is the constituents of mainstream smoke in concentrated smoke tar deposits at tumor sites that account for the high incidence of respiratory cancers in smokers is further reinforced by the surprisingly different pattern of cancers in passive smokers. Passive smokers, who inhale the same dilute airborne particles in indoor air as that which smokers inhale between puffs and between cigarettes, have a surprisingly low incidence of lung cancer-no more than two to three times that of other nonsmokers (Samet, 1985). On the other hand, passive smokers have a relatively high incidence of paranasal sinus cancers (Hirayama, 1983), lymphomas, leukemia, and other cancers (Sandler et ai, 1985a, b). This pattern of cancers in passive smokers may be attributed to their inhalation of dilute smoke tar particles and attached radon progeny in indoor air by normal nose breathing. A fraction of the inhaled particles is trapped on hairs in the nasal passages. Particles which are deposited in the normal, healthy lungs of passive smokers are readily cleared and, in part, accumulate at secondary tumor sites, including the lymph nodes and bone marrow. Thus, the otherwise surprising pattern of excess cancers in passive smokers appears to be explainable on the basis of differences in the tissue distribution for inhaled smoke tar particles and for the associated radiation insult. 212

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Dosimetric Considerations Based on the epidemiological and experimental evidence discussed in this paper, several basic assumptions common to all current lung dosimetry models are subject to question. There now is persuasive evidence that secretory cells rather than basal cells of the bronchial epithelium are the primary progenitor cells for malignant transformations (McDowell and Trump, 1983). On this basis the depth of the basal cell layer cannot be a significant factor in alpha radiation dosimetry. There also is good evidence which suggests that malignant transformations may be induced focally in as little as 1.0 to 10 mg of bronchial epithelium-some 10 to 10 cells. Current models also fail to give adequate consideration to published evidence which shows the marked influence of solubility and other properties of alpha-emitting radioisotopes on their effectiveness as carcinogens. As Morken (1973) has pointed out, inhaled radon and its short-lived decay products on natural aerosols are particularly ineffective in the production of lung tumors in experimental animals, whereas inhaled polonium-210 and plutonium are highly effective. The effectiveness of low doses of P o has been demonstrated in experiments with hamsters (Little et al., 1975). For the induction of lung cancer by plutonium, the RBE (relative biological effectiveness) ranges from about 23 for soluble compounds to about 85 for insoluble compounds compared with radiation from intratracheally administered beta-gamma emitters (ICRP, 1980). The effectiveness of both soluble and insoluble plutonium can be attributed to their persistence in tissue with 6


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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models



a highly nonuniform distribution (ICRP, 1980, Figures 26-27), giving rise to a correspondingly nonuniform pattern of alpha interactions with cells. By con­ trast, the alpha radiation from the natural, soluble, short-lived radon decay products is distributed in a random, nonpersistent, relatively uniform pat­ tern of cellular interactions. The implications of these differences for cancer in active smokers, passive smokers, and true nonsmokers are clear. In ac­ tive smokers, the radiation insult is localized at tissue sites with concentrated smoke tar deposits-the respiratory tumor sites (Ermala and Holsti, 1955). In passive smokers, radon progeny associated with diluted smoke tar particles that are inhaled by normal nosebreathing give rise to a quite different tissue distribution of smoke tars and radioactivity, and a correspondingly different pattern of tumors. True nonsmokers exposed to indoor radon progeny on natural, soluble aerosols alone, should experience a negligible risk of lung cancer. The special importance of radon progeny as well as polonium-210 in mainstream cigarette smoke for the induction of bronchial cancer in smokers has been overlooked because of the relatively small volume of inhaled air involved. A typical smoker will inhale only about 10 t of air through burn­ ing cigarettes into mainstream smoke per day compared to a total volume of about 10 i of air inhaled daily. However, the smoke tar concentration of mainstream smoke is about 1,000 times greater than that of indoor air which is inhaled between puffs and between cigarettes. The deposition and retention of dense, mainstream smoke also is several times higher than that for dilute aerosols of the same size distribution (Hinds et α/., 1983). If this difference is explained by the ensemble behavior of the dense mainstream column described by Fuchs (1964), the smoke tars should be concentrated selectively at the carina of bronchial bifurcations, particularly at bifurca­ tions of widest angle and where the inspired mainstream smoke column is directed downward. The more concentrated smoke tar deposits at bronchial bifurcations of active smokers will persist sufficiently long to allow almost complete radioactive decay of short-lived radon progeny, due to the far less effective clearance by ciliary streaming of mucous at bifurcations (Hilding, 1957). Clearance by the blood circulatory system is also very slow because smoke tars are highly resistant to dissolution (Ermala and Holsti, 1955). The comparative stasis of smoke tars, P o , and radon progeny at bifurca­ tions of smokers and the prolonged action of these agents on the epithelium at bifurcations can explain the progressive development of lesions with cilia absent and carcinoma in situ, which occur with a frequency that increases with smoking rate and duration of smoking in years (Auerbach et α/., 1961). The presence of high concentrations of P o in the bronchial epithelium at bifurcations of about 20% of older smokers (Little et α/., 1965) can be explained by the accumulation and persistence of insoluble, Pb-enriched particles present in mainstream smoke in lesions with cilia absent (Martell, 1975; Radford and Martell, 1977). 4


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Radon progeny which pass from indoor air through burning cigarettes into mainstream smoke will contribute an alpha radiation dose comparable to that from P o at smoke tar deposit sites during the early years of smoking. Recent surveys indicate that indoor radon levels in the United States exceed 4 pCi i~ in about 18.5% of homes and range up to more than ten times this level in homes with the highest readings (Hileman, 1983). In smoke-filled rooms with 4 pCi ί~ of R n , the air concentrations of P o , P b and B i will be about 4, 2, and 2 pCi respectively. Concentrations in 210



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mainstream smoke are about one half as high (Martell and Sweder, 1981). For ten draws of average puff volume of ~50 cm per cigarette (Hinds et α/., 1983), the activity per cigarette in mainstream smoke is ~1.0 pCi of P o and - 0.5 pCi each of P b and B i . There is -0.11 pCi of P o in the mainstream smoke of one nonfilter cigarette (Radford and Hunt, 1964). As­ suming the same deposition pattern for mainstream smoke constituents and further assuming essentially complete decay of short-lived radon progeny at sites of concentrated smoke tar deposits, it is evident that the potential al­ pha dose from P o and P o approaches or exceeds that from P o . The dose contribution of P o and P o will be relatively greater only during the early years of smoking, before the Pb-enriched particles begin to accu­ mulate in lesions at bifurcations. For smokers exposed to > 4 p C i R n £ the combined, 40 year cumulative alpha radiation dose-from P o , P o , P o , thoron progeny, and P o in Pb-enriched particles in mainstream smoke, plus radon progeny inhaled between puffs and between cigarettes-is some 40 to 80 rads (800 to 1600 rem) in hot spots at bronchial bifurcations. This appears to be an effective carcinogenic dose of alpha radiation (Little et ai, 1975). Alpha particles also produce exceptionally high concentrations of ions, free radicals, and effective chemical mutagens within alpha particle tracks and inside the protective membrane of the cells which they traverse (see below). 3


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Mechanisms In all current lung dosimetry models the relevant radiation dose has been as­ sumed to be the average alpha radiation dose to a large basal cell population. However there is no discussion of the specific mechanisms involved which can justify such an assumption. The fact that for lung cancer induction, the RBE for the alpha particle-emitting actinides is at least 20 times that for the same dose of X-rays (ICRP, 1980) appeared to provide some indirect support for it. It also should be noted that alpha particles are exceptionally effective in damaging or killing the cells whose nuclei they traverse (Goldman, 1976; Hofmann, 1983). However, premalignant and fully malignant cells are vi­ able cells, with no serious loss in mitotic or metabolic capability, and with a proliferative advantage over normal diploid cells. In view of these apparent contradictions, how can alpha radiation be so effective a carcinogen? This dilemma can be resolved if, in the multistage process of malignant transfor­ mation (Wolman, 1983), one of the primary roles of alpha radiation is that of promotion by killing cells, a hypothesis which has been proposed elsewhere (Martell, 1983b). A high frequency of lethal alpha interactions in small volumes of bronchial epithelium can promote by stimulating the mitotic activity of the surround­ ing dividing cell population. Dividing cells are far more vulnerable to muta­ genic transformation than cells during interphase (Evans, 1962). Initiation can be attributed to a high frequency of non-lethal radiation interactions with this dividing cell population, by β~ interactions as well as by non-lethal al­ pha interactions. Tumor progression involves both the selective proliferation of premalignant cells in the mitotically active cell population and the in­ duction of further chromosome changes in premalignant cells which enhance their proliferative advantage and give rise to progressively greater potential malignancy. It is recognized that the proposed hypothesis is at odds with the view held by some radiobiologists that a more uniform distribution of alpha-

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Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models

emitting radionuclides is more carcinogenic than a highly nonuniform dis­ tribution (National Academy of Sciences, 1976). However, the latter view­ point is based on a consideration of experiments with inhaled actinides which have a highly nonuniform distribution and does not explain why the RBE is several times higher for insoluble than for "soluble" actinides (ICRP, 1980). And this view is completely at odds with the important implications of an­ imal experiments which demonstrate the ineffectiveness of natural, soluble radon progeny aerosol for lung cancer induction (Morken and Scott 1966; Morken, 1973). It appears that, for effective carcinogenic action, alpha particle-emitting radioisotopes must be present in a distinctly unnatural, nonuniform distribution and in a persistent form in tissue. It has been widely assumed that radon progeny exposure and cigarette smoking are two distinctly separate and independent sources of lung cancer risk (Evans et al. 1981; Harley and Pasternack, 1981) presumably because of early speculations that lung cancer in smokers can be attributed to sug­ gested chemical carcinogens in cigarette smoke. However, the epidemiolog­ ical and experimental evidence reviewed in this paper clearly establish that indoor radon progeny are implicated in the etiology of respiratory cancers in smokers. This possibility is strongly reinforced by a consideration of the exceptionally high concentrations of effective chemical mutagens produced inside the cells which are subjected to alpha interactions. Each alpha parti­ cle produces ^ 2 x 10 ion pairs and ~ 5 χ 10 excited molecules and free radicals in a short, straight track through the several cells in its path. De­ pending on energy, alpha particle track lengths range from 47 to 88 μπι in tissue of unit density. Alpha radiolysis products include O, 0 , OH, H2O2, CH2O, and other highly reactive chemicals. Thus, alpha interactions with cells produce highly effective mutagens and carcinogens at concentrations which are orders of magnitude higher than that from other sources of radia­ tion or chemical pollutants. Alpha radiation also is exceptionally effective in the production of DNA double-strand breaks, the most critical lesions leading to the types of chromosomal aberrations observed in malignancy (Leenhouts and Chadwick, 1978). By contrast, the suspected chemical carcinogens in tobacco smoke are present at such low concentrations that their effectiveness in contributing to malignant transformations is admittedly only a matter of conjecture (Wynder and Hofmann, 1976). Thus, although lung cancer has been causally associated with cigarette smoking, it is now evident that in­ door radon progeny and P o must be the primary carcinogenic agents for the induction of bronchial cancer in smokers. y





Once it becomes recognized and accepted that radon progeny are the pri­ mary agents of lung cancer in smokers and that radiation-induced bronchial cancer is a multistage process, it becomes possible to design lung dosimetry models which may explain latent period variations and differences in the ageincidence of lung cancer vs gender and smoking rate. In the development of lung cancer in uranium miners it is observed that "the shortest latent periods are found among those men who are elderly at the start of mining, who smoke heavily, and who have the most intense (radiation) exposure" (NCRP, 1984, p. 111). This is readily explainable when we recognize that lung cancer in smokers is due to synergistic interactions with indoor radon progeny and the multistage process is dependent on smoking rate, cumulative indoor radon progeny exposure, and especially duration of smoking in years. Because the progress of lung cancer is already in an advanced stage in older smokers, it requires a much shorter period of exposure to higher radiation levels in underground mines to complete the process. Discussion of dosimetry models



which take into consideration the important parameters that determine lung cancer risks is outside the scope of this paper. However, a mathematical model which describes a multistage process for radiation-induced bronchial cancer in smokers, in which both the initial and final stages of DNA trans­ formation are dose-rate-dependent and in which premalignant cells undergo exponential proliferation, is described elsewhere (Martell, 1983b). Radon and Its Decay Products Downloaded from by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on 01/08/16. For personal use only.

Summary Discussion It is evident that current lung dosimetry models for exposure to indoor radon progeny have many serious shortcomings and grossly overestimate lung can­ cer risks for nonsmokers in the general population. The epidemiological evidence that takes into account the influence of gender and smoking rate shows large differences in the age-specific incidence which increases with smoking rate, especially with duration of smoking in years; is higher for males than for females; and increases with age-and thus with cumulative radon progeny exposure-in each group. The relatively low incidence of lung cancer in nonsmokers is in large part attributable to occupational factors and passive smoking effects. In female nonsmokers who are not passive smokers lung cancer is a relatively rare disease of old age, with cumulative lifetime incidence of about 0.1 percent. It is unlikely that a significant fraction of this low incidence is attributable to exposure to high indoor radon progeny alone. Experiments in which mice, rats, and dogs were exposed to inhalation of high concentrations of radon progeny on natural aerosols for prolonged periods resulted in life shortening and weight loss but no bronchial tumors (Morken, 1973). Lung dosimetry modelers have chosen to disregard these experimental results and their important implications, ostensibly because other experiments with rats gave a few positive results (Chameaud et α/., 1982). However, in the latter experiments radon progeny exposure levels and aerosol properties were inadequately described and no control animals were used. Positive results showed only two very small lung tumors (< 2mm diameter) in 28 rats exposed to an estimated 500 WLM of radon progeny exposure and a higher incidence in 50 rats exposed to the unrealistically high cumulative exposure of 4,000 WLM. This is hardly an adequate basis for rejecting results of a series of well designed experiments (Morken and Scott, 1966; Morken, 1973) in which much larger numbers of animals, in­ cluding adequate numbers of controls, were used. Morken's findings are not inconsistent with the epidemiological evidence for true nonsmokers. They also suggest that mammalian cell populations have evolved to cope with the adverse effects of natural radon progeny exposure to a remarkable degree. These experimental results clearly imply that the inhalation of indoor radon progeny associated with natural, soluble aerosols should not be expected to give rise to a significant risk of lung cancer. The epidemiological evidence clearly indicates the multiplicative effects of smoking and exposure to radon progeny. Results of animal experiments also show marked synergism for exposure to both radon progeny and cigarette smoke. Axelson (1984) concludes that "there is even some justification for believing that radon daughter exposure could be a main initiator of lung can­ cer, whereas smoking might merely act as a promoter." Evidence reviewed in this paper indicates that smoking promotes lung cancer by localizing the radiation insult in concentrated smoke tar deposits at respiratory tumor sites. It also is evident that concentrated smoke tar deposits at bronchial bifurcations and other tumor sites in smokers are due to the highly selective



Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models


tive deposition and retention of dense mainstream smoke-not to a selective deposition of dilute aerosols inhaled between puffs and between cigarettes. The alpha dose contributed by P o due to short-lived radon progeny in mainstream smoke exceeds that from P o at above average indoor radon progeny levels. This P o dose contribution increases with smoking rate and indoor radon progeny level. The importance of mainstream smoke and its radioisotope constituents as agents of respiratory cancers in smokers is in­ directly reinforced by the very different pattern of excess cancers in passive smokers. Passive smokers inhale diluted smoke tar particles and attached radon progeny by normal nose breathing. Excess cancers in passive smokers include a surprisingly low incidence of respiratory cancers (Samet, 1985) as well as an unexpectedly high incidence of lymphomas and leukemia (Sandler et α/., 1985a,b) and paranasal sinus cancers (Hirayama, 1983). This other­ wise surprising pattern of cancers in passive smokers may be explained by differences in the pattern of deposition and clearance for inhaled smoke tar particles and the consequent differences in the pattern of radiation exposure. A review of the relevant literature has revealed a number of other serious shortcomings of current lung models. Secretory cells-not basal cells-are the primary progenitors for bronchial cancers. Thus, the depth of basal cells is not an important factor. Tumors may be induced focally in small tissue volumes, possibly as little as 1.0 mg of tissue- ~ 10 cells. Tumors induced by inhaled plutonium are attributable to a highly nonuniform distribution of alpha interactions with target cell populations. In the multistage process of malignant transformation alpha interactions may play a dual role of (1) promotion by lethal interactions at hot spots, and (2) initiation by nonlethal interactions in nearby dividing cell populations. β~ radiation also may contribute significantly to the initiation and evolution of malignant stem cells. It should be possible to model the multistage processes which explain the age-specific incidence of lung cancer in smokers as well as the observed large variations in latent period for lung cancer development. For those who might wish to preserve the speculative hypothesis that lung cancer in smokers is due to suspected chemical carcinogens rather than to radon progeny, the exceptional effectiveness of alpha particles as carcino­ gens has been pointed out. Alpha particles produce extremely high concen­ trations of ions, free radicals, and highly effective chemical mutagens inside the protective membranes of cells they traverse. By contrast, the effective­ ness of suspected chemical carcinogens at the very low concentrations present in cigarette smoke has not been established (Wynder and Hofmann, 1976). The long list of serious shortcomings and questionable assumptions which characterize current lung dosimetry models brings to mind a comment by Erwin Chargaff: "One of the most insidious and nefarious properties of scientific models is their tendency to take over, and sometimes supplant, re­ ality." Undoubtedly, exposure to high levels of indoor radon and its decay products contributes significantly to cancer risks and other chronic health effects, particularly in smokers and passive smokers. However, there is no adequate basis for predicting a significant risk of lung cancer for true nonsmokers exposed to high indoor radon progeny alone. 2 1 4

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Acknowledgments The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

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