Crummett Retires from Dow - ACS Publications - American Chemical

compilation of independent specification sheets for hun- dreds of analytical instruments ... ment Society of America, 67 Alexander Dr., P.O. Box. 1227...
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Novotny Receives the 1988 Isco Award Milos Novotny, professor of chemistry at Indiana University, is this year's recipient of the annual Isco Award for significant contributions to instrumentation for biochemical separations. The award is presented jointly by Isco and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Novotny's contributions to separation science and bioanalytical chemistry include advances in column design, high-sensitivity detectors, sample concentration techniques, and applications of capillary gas chromatography to biochemistry and environmental analysis. Novotny and his co-workers were the first to report on the use of open tubular columns in supercritical fluid chromatography. More recently, he has been investigating capillary electrophoresis and ultrasensitive techniques for separating and detecting biological species such as individual cells and fluorescence-labeled biomolecules. He is also actively studying the biochemistry of diabetes and pheromone communication in mammals.

Crummett Retires from Dow Warren B. Crummett retired as a research fellow in the Michigan Division Analytical Laboratories of Dow Chemical USA on March 31. The title of research fellow is the highest honor Dow bestows on a career scientist. Crummett, who has authored more than 50 technical papers and is credited with two patents, has developed a wide range of analytical methods and instrumentation. He was awarded the H. H. Dow Medal in 1980 for his pioneering work in advancing analytical technology. In 1983 Crummett served as chairman of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. He has also served on numerous national scientific panels, including the Environmental Measurements Advisory Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency's Science Advisory Board. Crummett received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Bridgewater College in Virginia (1943) and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from The Ohio State University (1951) before joining Dow in 1951.

For Your Information A new analytical instrument selection resource is available from the Instrument Society of America. A n a d a t a is a compilation of independent specification sheets for hun-

dreds of analytical instruments. Information from vendor literature is reviewed and organized into a unified format. A typical review includes major features, mode of operation, installation requirements, application limits, performance specifications, and output provided. For further details, including costs, call or write Thomas Bitar, Instrument Society of America, 67 Alexander Dr., P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 (919-549-8411). The National B u r e a u of Standards (NBS) is seeking scientists and technical experts experienced in polarized light microscopy (PLM) to conduct on-site assessments of laboratories that perform asbestos analyses in bulk insulation and building materials. The experts are needed for a new NBS program to accredit laboratories in accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. Individuals with a background in mineralogy, geology, and optical crystallography with recent experience in performing P L M analyses of asbestos should send a resume to Lawrence Galowin, Asbestos Program Manager, NVLAP, A527 Administration Bldg., NBS, Gaithersburg, Md. 20899 (301-975-4016). The Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation, a recently formed consortium of seven companies, will use public and private funding to conduct biotechnology research and development. Its members are American Cyanamid Co., Amoco Technology Corp., The Dow Chemical Co., Ecogen Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., International Minerals and Chemical Corp., and the Agricultural Research and Development Corp. The consortium will work closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Northern Regional Research Center and the University of Illinois Biotechnology Center to perform basic R&D in fermentation and associated biotechnologies. James F. Roth, chief scientist and corporate research director for Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., recently received the 1988 Perkin Medal, sponsored by the Society of Chemical Industry (American section). The medal was established in 1906 to commemorate the discovery of the first synthetic dye by Sir William Henry Perkin in 1856. Roth was cited for his outstanding work in applied chemistry, specifically his technical accomplishments and leadership in the field of catalysis and chemical process development. He has authored more than 30 scientific papers and holds more than 100 U.S. and foreign patents. A new report, The Analytical Instruments Market, provides sales data for spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemical instrumentation. The 280-page study includes information on market size, share and growth rates, forecasts, and an analysis of considerations that influence future growth. The report is priced at $1295 and is available from Find/SVP, Dept. T l A , 625 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10011. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 60, NO. 9, MAY 1, 1988 · 557 A