CRYOGENIC ASSOCIATES INC. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 23, 2012 - CRYOGENIC ASSOCIATES INC. Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44 (7), pp 59A–59A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60315a744. Publication Date: June 1972...
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New Books Electron Beam Microanalysis. Special technical publication # 5 0 6 . Donald R. Beaman and Jose A. Isasi. 80 pages. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia, PA 19103. 1972. Paperbound. $3.75 plus shipping charges ( 5 % domestic, 7 % foreign)

This book is a review of the many techniques available for microanalysis. It illustrates how the various techniques are related, when they can be most appropriately used, and when they can be successfully combined in a single instrument. It should aid the ma­ terials scientist in selecting the proper technique and instrument for his par­ ticular problem, guide the novice in his initial efforts in the field of micro­ analysis, and provide the expert with a critical review and state-of-the-art de­ scription of the field. Particular em­ phasis is placed on the quantitative capabilities of the various techniques, and the problems associated with ac­ curacy and precision in electron beam microanalysis are discussed. The fol­ lowing instruments and/or techniques are examined: electron probe ana­ lyzer, transmission electron analyzer, scanning electron microscope, Auger electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer, ion mass analyzer, auto­ mated instruments, and quantitative metallography. Finally, applications in many disciplines are presented to il­ lustrate the vast potential of the tech­ niques.

Coblentz Society Evaluated Infrared Reference Spectra. Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. 1972. $225 per volume

Volumes 7 and 8 of the "Reference Spectra" have been published under the auspices of the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data. Each volume contains 1000 high-quality (Classes II and III) spectra. Class II spectra have been defined by the Co­ blentz Society as those spectra which conform to specified precision criteria and which have been obtained from pure compounds whose structures are verified and documented. Class I I I spectra are obtained from compounds of verified structures or are determined by competent evaluators to be con­ sistent with the normal chemical com­ position. Included are many organic compounds whose spectra have not been previously available in the litera­ ture. Volumes 7 and 8 as well as their predecessor, Volume 6, are issued in three loose-leaf binders each.

Instrumentation for Environmental Monitoring AIR. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-1, Vol 1. Technical Information Division, Law­ rence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 1972. $7


Instrumentation for Environmental Monitoring RADIATION. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-1, Vol 3. Technical Information Divi­ sion, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 1972. $7

The National Science Foundation has engaged the Environmental Instrumen­ tation Group of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to conduct a survey of in­ strumentation for environmental moni­ toring. Consideration is given to in­ struments and techniques presently in use and to those developed for other purposes but having possible applica­ tions to this work. The results of the survey include descriptions of the phys­ ical and operating characteristics of available instruments, critical compari­ sons among instrumentation methods, recommendations for the development of new instruments, and promising methodology. The survey material is compiled in four loose-leaf volumes which will be periodically updated. The price of each volume includes the cost of additional sections that will be issued through June 30, 1973. Volumes 1 and 3 are now available, and Volumes 2 (WATER) and 4 (BIOMEDICINE) are expected to be issued in late 1972. Volume 1 (AIR) as initially issued covers sulfur dioxide monitoring. Addi­ tional sections on oxides of nitrogen, photochemical oxidants, mercury, lead, beryllium, and asbestos will be issued during the year. Volume 3 (RADIA­ TION) now covers ionizing radiation: accelerators, calibration methods, gamma radiation, X-radiation, and neu­ trons; as well as nonionizing radiation: microwaves, lasers, and ultraviolet. Additional sections on reactors, do­ simeters, radionuclides, and infrared radiation will be issued during the year. Polymer Networks: Structure and Me­ chanical Properties. A. J. Chompff and S. Newman, Eds. xiv + 493 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 West 17th St., New York, NY 10011. 1971. $27.50

This book presents the proceedings of the ACS Symposium on Highly CrossLinked Polymer Networks, held in Chi­ cago, IL, September 13-18, 1970. The first 10 papers deal with networks as continua. Topics covered in these in-

. . . the 3He/*He Dilution Refriger­ ator system by Cryogenic Associates . . . tested, proven and licensed* . . . a superior performer in the field. The complete modular system de­ livers continuous externally meas­ ured sample temperatures as low as 0.020° K. Heat extraction capability (also measured externally) is as large as 1000 erg/sec. at 0.1° Κ and 120 erg/sec. at 0.040° K. There's more! The versatility of de­ sign allows individual components to be matched to specific needs. Sev­ eral optional devices make it even more interesting. Complete specifications are yours on request. One look and you'll easily determine that Cryogenic Associ­ ates' Dilution Refrigerator is the answer for Mossbauer Effect Spectroscopy/Polarized Targets for Nu­ c l e a r and E l e m e n t a r y P a r t i c l e Physics/Quantum Liquids/Super­ conductivity/Thermal Transport Properties of Solids/Kondo Effect/ Nuclear Demagnetization.

CRYOGENIC ASSOCIATES INC. ". . . tor the finest in Cryogenic Systems". 1718 North Luett Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46222 Phone: (317) 632-2515 " L i c e n s e d u n d e r U.S. Pat. No. 3,195,322 CIRCLE 34 ON READER SERVICE CARD



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