May 23, 2012 - CRYOGENIC ASSOCIATES INC. Anal. Chem. , 1971, 43 (1), pp 97A–97A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60296a791. Publication Date: January 1971...
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Floating Point Processor for PDP-12 A floating point processor for the PDP-12 laboratory computer does cal­ culations as much as 39 times faster. The FPP-12 is designed for all types of floating point arithmetic. Typically, a three-word, 36-point floating point mul­ tiply took 1100 //.sec when done by soft­ ware, and 500 ,usec when done by soft­ ware and an Extended Arithmetic Ele­ ment. An FPP-12-equipped PDP-12 can do the same calculation in 28 ^sec. The price of the unit is $7500. The ba­ sic price of the PDP-12 which includes visual display, analog-to-digital con­ verter, and two magnetic tape units, is $29,900. Digital Equipment Corp., Mavnard, Mass. 01754. 617-897-5111 418


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Low-Cost Digital Computer The SPC-12 automation computer with 4K memory (expandable to 16K) is ideal for remote site, locally dedicated control applications. Priced at only $3600 the computer includes 4K wordis of S-bit core memory, power supply, chassis, and front console. It also fea­ tures four 12-bit hardware accumula­ tors, three 12-bit hardware index regis­ ters, real-time clock, operations moni­ tor alarm, a 12-bit parallel I/O chan­ nel, a serial I / O channel and teletype­ writer interface, priority interrupt con­ trol with an interrupt line, D M A / D M T expansion capability, and a free com­ prehensive software support package. General Automation, Inc., 1055 S. East, St., Anaheim, Calif. 92805. 714-7784800 419

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Quantimet 720 image analyzing com­ puter performs pattern recognition tasks. Designed as a research instru­ ment, the computer is of modular de­ sign and allows the easy addition of many extra modules to the basic sys­ tem. The instrument will be shown at Nepcon '71 West at the Convention Center, Anaheim, Calif., Feb. 9 to 1 1 . The instrument is made by Image Ana­ lysing Computers, Ltd., Melbourne, Royston, Hertfordshire. $35,000. The U.S. subsidiary is Imanco, 40 Robert Pitt Dr., Monsey, Ν. Υ. 10952 420


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