Crystal and molecular structure of trimeric phosphonitrilic isothiocyanate

Victor Luaña,* A. Martin Pendás, and Aurora Costales , Gabino A. Carriedo and Francisco J. García-Alonso. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001 ...
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1656 Inovgunic Chemisiq, Vol. 9, N o . 7 , 1970


The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Trimeric Phosphonitrilic Isothiocyanatel BY J. BRIAh' FAUGHT,2 THERALD MOELLER,



Received September 8, 1969 T h e crystal structure of trimeric phosphonitrilic isothiocyanate, I\T3Ps( NCS)6, has been determined by three-dimensional single-crystal %-ray studies. T h e compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P i with a = 11.79 (3), b = 8.02 ( 2 ) , c = 10.31 (1)A, a = 96" 0' (30'), P = 99" 4' (30'), -/ = 97" 28' (33'1, and two molecules per unit cell. T h e calculated density is 1.70 (2) g c m P ; the experimental density is 1.62 ( 8 ) g ~ m - ~T.h e structure was solved from 1246 independent nonzero reflections collected on film b y the Weissenberg technique and refined t o a conventional R factor of 0.12. T h e nitrogen atoms of two isothiocyanate groups are bonded t o each phosphorus atom in the six-membered phosphorus-nitrogen ring. Five of t h e atoms of t h e phosphonitrilic ri;g are planar, with the sixth atom, a nitrogen, 0.15 A out of the plane. T h e average P-N bond length ia the ring is 1.58 A with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.05 A ; the average P-N (exocyclic) bond length is 1.63 f 0.01 A. compared with the calculated value of 1.70 ( 2 ) g/cm2 assuming Introduction two molecules of KaPa(NCS)c (mol w t 483.43) in a unit cell of Timeric phosphonitrilic isothiocyanate was first prevolume 947 A3. T h e crystals are quite soluble in the liquids t h a t pared by Audrieth and c o ~ o r k e r s . The ~ ~ ~isothiocywe tried t o use for a density determination. T h e above value anate structure as opposed to the thiocyanate structure was obtained by partially saturating the solvent mixture and was assigned on the basis of the infrared s p e ~ t r u m . ~ carrying out t h e determination as rapidly as possihle. F ( 0 0 0 ) is 480, and the linear absorption coefficient for Cu K a radiation is Stahlberg and Steger6 made a detailed study of the 88.6 cm-I. T h e possible space groups are P1 or PT. Raman spectrum of this compound in solution and also T h e crystal selected for data collection had the dimensions concluded that the structural unit in this compound is 0.33 mm (along t h e a axis) and approximately 0 2 0 and 0.35 m n the isothiocyanate. They interpreted the spectrum in along the b and c axes, respectively. T h e crystal was mounted in a 0.5-rurn, thin-walled capillary which vias sealed at both ends, terms of D a h molecular symmetry. a s the crystals decompose after prolonged exposure t o the atCrystal and molecular structures have been reported mosphere. Multiple-film, equiinclination Weissenberg photofor several other trimeric compounds, including the graphs were taken with Xi-filtered Cu Kcr radiation in a cold room f l ~ o r i d e ,chloride,8, ~ and bromide, lo but no pseudomaintained a t 4 =IC2'. For the levels lkl through Qkl, two exhalide structure has been determined. This paper reposures were necessary t o record all the symmetry-nonequivalent data on the upper portion of the film. A total of 1246 indeports the results of a three-dimensional X-ray analysis pendent nonzero intensities were estimated by visual comparison on the structure of trimeric phosphonitrilic isothioof the reflections on t h e upper portion of the films with a series of cyanate. standard spots prepared from a specimen crystal. Lorentz,

Experimental Section Crystal Data and Data Collection.-Material suitable for singlecrystal studies was prepared from a solution of trimeric phosphonitrilic isothiocyanate in n-heptane at 0". A preliminary examination of a typical crystal using precession photographs indicated that i t belonged t o the triclinic system. A-0 systematic absences could be detected, and only Ci diffraction symmetry was noted. T h e unit cell dimensions, as measured from photographs taken on a 60-mm Buerger precession camera, equipped with Polaroid cassette, using Zr-filtered Mo K a radiation (X 0.7107 A) at 25', are as follows: a = 11.79 ( 3 ) , b = 8.02 ( 2 ) , c = 10.31 (1) A, Q = 96' 0' (30'), p = 99" 4' (30'), 7 = 97" 28' (30'). The standard deviations result from a number of measurements of t h e reciprocal lattice dimensions. T h e density measured by flotation in a bromobenzene-iodobenzene mixture is 1.62 (8) g!cm3,


(1) Supported in part by N I H Grants GLI 11996 and G M 12470. (2) Gulf Oil Gorp. Fellow in Chemistry, 1968-1969. (3) Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow. (4) R. J. A. Otto a n d L. F. Audrieth, J . Arne?. Chem. Soc., 80, 5894 (1958). (5) G. Tesi, R. J. A. Otto, F. G. Sherif, and L. F. Audrieth, i b i d . , 82, 528 (1960). (6) R. Stahlberg and E. Steger, S p e c h o c h i m . A c t a , P w i A , 23, 2185 (1967). , (1963). (7) M W. Dougill, J . Chpm. S O L . 8211 (8) A. Wilson a n d L). F. Carroll, i b i d . , 2548 (1960). (9) E. Giglio, Ric. Sci., SO, 721 (1960); F. Pompa and A . Ripamonti, ibid.. 29, 1516 (1959). (10) E. Giglio and I