Crystal Growth & Design's First Virtual Special Issue - ACS Publications

Jun 3, 2009 - I would like to draw your attention to the Crystal Growth & Design web page where you will find CGD's first virtual special issue (http:...
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DOI: 10.1021/cg9004906

2009, Vol. 9 4207–4207 Crystal Growth & Design’s First Virtual Special Issue

I would like to draw your attention to the Crystal Growth & Design web page where you will find CGD’s first virtual special issue ( This special issue is dedicated to the fast growing field of Co-Crystals (or Cocrystals!) and is edited by Prof. Mike Zaworotko and Dr. Scott Childs. I will leave it to them to introduce the contents of the special issue in their accompanying perspective, but I would like to take just a moment to introduce you to our concept of the virtual special issue. We have had a lot of positive feedback on our special issues, dating back to our first on Polymorphism in Crystals: Fundamentals, Prediction and Industrial Practice (2003 3(6)) to our most recent one on Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules (2008 8(12)). They are cited as helping to highlight emerging research opportunities, inform a broad spectrum of interests, as well as build research communities. One aspect of special issues which is less well received, however, has always been the timing of publication, often tied to when the last paper is finally accepted. This can, and often does, delay obtaining final page numbers for many authors since these cannot be assigned until the issue is finished. In addition to timing, our authors of special issue papers also have sought more visibility for the work, for longer periods of time. The American Chemical Society’s recent impressive relaunch of its web-publishing platform prompted us to suggest a new mechanism for delivering the content of a special issue all together and yet still meet concerns of authors with regard to publication times and visibility ; the virtual special issue. The ACS Publications Division was receptive and helpful in developing a plan that we are now piloting with this first virtual special issue. Each article that will ultimately be a part of a special issue will be tagged in the pdf as part of the special issue and published as soon as the galleys are approved and the next regular issue is finalized. Once a reasonable number of the papers have been published, the special issue will be highlighted on the CGD Web site (with a special CGD cover with artwork selected from the papers) and linked to a table of contents listing all of the papers (with links) related to that special issue. Typically, the Guest Editors will provide a Perspective discussing the relationship of the papers to the field in general and highlighting the work in the issue. As additional papers are completed (and we all know that some papers will be late!), they will be added to the table of contents. The virtual special issue thus has the advantages of immediate publication in the Journal and longer lasting visibility on the web page. I hope that these virtual special issues will be of interest and use to you, and I look forward to getting your feedback on ways we can improve not only this feature of the Journal but every aspect of publication quality and delivery. If you have ideas for additional virtual special issues or topics for enhanced coverage in Crystal Growth & Design, I invite you to contact me to discuss your ideas. We are always looking for ways to increase the utility and impact of the Journal and your input is vital to our success. Enjoy! Robin D. Rogers Editor-in-Chief

r 2009 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 06/03/2009