The authors express their appreciation to the Research Corp. for the grant ... therefore justified, in order to furnish analytical data for identi- fication and also to ...
With the ceriumand praseodymium oxalates, the products obtained on cal- cination are the higher oxides, Ce02 and. PreOn, respectively. In the course of a study of the thermal decomposition of the lanthanon oxa- lates, it was necessary to determine th
Figure 2 is an orthographic projection of a typical tablet from ethyl alcohol. C. Figure 2, Orthographic Projection of Typical! Tablet of Chrysene from Ethyl Alcohol.
obtained using a camera. 114.6 mm. in diameter and chromium radiation .... Cell Windows: NaCi. Absorbance Measurement: Base line_. Point__XL. Calculation ...
7 = 1.710 (7 calculated from a, j3, and 2F). OpticAxial Angle. 2V â. ( â) 30.5° (calculated from (3 and. Mallard's constant),2E = ( â. ) 53°. Optic Axial Plane. 010.
The analyst may then follow one or both of the following two ... In the course of a study of the thermal decomposition of .... niobium data card (1-1183) which lists.
Figure 2 is an orthographic projection of a typical tablet from ethyl alcohol. C. Figure 2, Orthographic Projection of Typical! Tablet of Chrysene from Ethyl Alcohol.
of crystallographic data for this section shouid be sent to. Walter C. McCrone, Analytical Section, Armour Research Foundation of. Illinois Institute of Technology.
Fusion Behavior. Diphenylaceto- nitrile melts in the range 73-5° C. as determined on a Kofler hot stage. On cooling, crystals appear which are blades lying on the 001 face. No polymorphism was observed. X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data d. ///, h k l d.
49. Terpinol Hydrate(&)
Contributed by WALTERC. MCCRONE Annour Researoll Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chioago 16, Ill.