Current Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry. - Journal of the American

Publication Date: March 1959. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1959, 81, 6, 1520-1520. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the articl...
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HOOK REVIEWS Current Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Proceedings of a S~--rnposiurn held a t The John Curtin Scli~olof Medical Research, Australiaii Sational University, Canherra, 2nd-4th September, 1Rt57, under the auspices of T h e Chemical Society. Editors; A . ALBERT, D.Sc., F1Z.I.C.; G. hr. BADGER, D.Sc., F.I.iriposiuni iieltl it1 Caiil,erra in September, 1957. Since its aim is to present current treiids of heterocyclic research in .\ustralia, the title inay be somewhat immodest, I t seems unfortunate t h t the tests of t h e symposium talks, twenty in number, were reproduced without elaboration, for man)- intriguing topics received a tantalizinglJ- brief treatment. The subjects under discussioil included alkaloids (a serious concern to .\ustraiia because of stock feeding fatalities), various aspects of hio-organic chemistry (hydropteridines and their biological role, the reactivity of pyridine derivatives in e i i z ~ m ereactir)ns, biotraiisforination products of 'T-labeled codeine and morphine), s!-nthetic studies (syntheses of pyrimidine nucleosides, reactions of ethyl diazoacetate and beiizuyl peroside with hcteruc\.cles, linear naphthirninazoles, plienanthridines, use of heterocyclic compounds in the Iliels-.llder reaction ) and a varietJ- of theoretical topics (factors influencing electrophilic substitution, additiori reactions to double bonds i i i -1ieterocj-clic sJ.stems, stereocliernistry ( i f catechins and r ted flavan derivatives. considerations of tautomerism in heterocyclic mercaptans. p 1 1 sicochemical ~ studies on bolubilized porphyrins). The value of the hocik :is a source of interesting chemistry is g r e ~ t len1i:tiiced ~, by the discussions which follow each paper. zntl this reviewer heartily approves the inclusion of such discussions :is an integral part o f syrriposiuin records. The 1)ook tnakes stirnuhting reading arid should serve as a worthy advertisement for one phase of .\ustralian organic cheiiiistry .

tvritteti chapters in the b i i ~ ~ kT. h e treatment is v e q ciiiiiplete, yet boriiig details are avoided and practical utilization of tlie theory is carefully considered. .\s ii result thi\ i i :I chapter o f itiipressi\-e interest. On the debit side, recent minor criticisms of the "relasatioii theory " a p p r w c h ti I rheological problems are discussed, but the major criticism (adL-wnced b ~ .llfrey' :ind hIooii - 2 ) that the developiiierit may be bused 011 entirel!. mite ' bie preinises is n c i t even mentioned. As :i result the true utility o f their xpproach from :i p u r e l ~ t. lie ore tical \-ie \rpciint rein ai i i s si 11 n ewhat ohscurctl , dtIi~Jughtlic csperitnerit~ilsuppcirt cited i\ .. iiicist impressive. lobling antl 12olxrts' icctiiiii "Guiiiometrv of F l i i w a n t i RGpture'; is ii secon(~excellent ciiapter. i t fireselits i1 very complete and up-tu-date source o f their o w r i escellerit !-et uthern.ise largely unpublished results. T h e last half c i f t l i i i chapter describes ;i wiiole series of reccnt espc~rilnents ' cin1cerning the physical characteristics i!f materials wliicli appear to be inucli inore coinplcs than aiiy studied quailtitatively t o date. Tiiis "locik t o the future" is most challenging. The chapter appeara t o have onl!- t w o minor ticficiencies: it is occasioiially difficult t o distinguish betueeii facts and assuinptions a n d several important reiults arc simply stated rather t l i u i i ckrived froin lxisic principle,. Sorrieivliat sitnilarl!., Ferr>.'s c1i;tptcr presents a very coniprehensive and well-written listing of experimental tecliiiiques for study of viscciclasticit!-, although iiiques are merely listed rather than discuss detail t o give t h e reader ;t clear understtin strong points ~ i n d\venkne>scs. Fundamental irieusurenicnt techiiiyues 011 nidtcrials ii(irinally ccinsiderecl fluid enough t u be processed iri coil!-entioti:tl equipment are discussed by Toms. This chapter is f a r t i ~ i brief to be cjimplcte. For esalnple, tlie tliscussioii of 111 iirements using rotatirmil viscometers under stead>-sl conditions consists :tlinost entirel!. cif :i design descripticili of his oxii viscometer. Tliis is aii excellent app;irattis, but since coiiirnercial unit, \rhich may be iie;irl>-as good :ire Ilow available cine n-oiiders if this is uf priniarJ- iiiipiirtaiice. FRICK CHEMICAL LAHORBTORY So menticin whatever is inatie c i f the esce~~tioixil theoretical PRISCETOSUXIVERSITY ED\VARD 7rAYI.0R publications of Krieger antl Alarm irhich enable retiuctioii PRISCETO~-, XEIVJERSEY o f raw d a t a to true physicnl r1ie:isurements in a wide varietJof viscometers. Siniilarl!-, while 7 CJf the 25 pages of tliiz chapter coriccrii flo\\- tlirtiugli tuljei i i i i incntioll is inutle c i f Rheology. Theory and Applications. \'olurne 11. Edited the 1Z:ibininritsch~:tiid lIociiie>-' publications, ~vliicli prob y FREDERICK I