Curriculum for Chemistry in a Large Urban University - Journal of

Curriculum for Chemistry in a Large Urban University. Robert O. Watts. J. Chem. Educ. , 1995, 72 (4), p 324. DOI: 10.1021/ed072p324.1. Publication Dat...
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select material that best serves their own students and their interests and talents. Proposal development will focus on

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and c o n c ~ p tsrquencma.

appropriate uat ut tcrhnology, educational strategies, and a structure for dissemination, faculty workshops, presentations and publications.

Curriculum for Chemistry in a Large Urban University Robert 0. Watts

University of Washington Seattle WA 98195


A curriculum for chemistry a t the undergraduate level is being developed that will better prepare chemistry and biochemistry majors for employment through a novel Joint Industrial Chemistry Degree (JICD) which includes a two year work experience graded by term papers and oral presentations. Majors will also he affurded extensive research experience through a new undergraduate degree graded


Journal of Chemical Education

hv thesis with a n oral defense. These chances will allow the intensive industrial and research degrees to he conducted off-cam~us,and facilitate the oathwav to a depree by economicalfy disadvantaged students, by developiEg a module-based study sequence a t the junior and senior level. The curriculum also introduces new technologies through extensive use of com~uters.and it improves ODpurtunitics for minority groups by using concepts a d u p t d from our cxistinr! Serivr .\mencan. Women in Scicncc and High School outreach programs. concurrent pathways a t the freshman and sophomore level for nonscience majors, life science majors including nursing and pre-meds, and physical sciences majors including pre-engineering are being developed. Close collaboration with the chemical and biochemical industry, other departments within the University, and community ~ o l l e g e sand other four year colleges in the Pacific Northwest is planned. Program assessment will be based on methods developed in collaboration with a management consultant group. . . Results will be disseminated h i peer-reviewed publications, monographs presenting upper level modules, software publication and presentations a t national meetings.