Cut out a peak

Cut out a peak. The SGE pneumatic Column ... Cross-linked CW20M. PEAK IDENTIFICATION. © ... 7 Argent Place, Ring wood,. Victoria, 3134, Australia...
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Suigpcal Chromatography Cut out a peak The SGE pneumatic Column Switching System simply and inexpensively upgrades almost any GC (packed or capillary) for dual column, multidimensional chromatography. The system can be fully automated and installation and operation is made easy. The system permits a wide variety of operating modes which makes it an extremely powerful chromatographic tool. Here are some of them: Column: Code 2 5 Q C 2 / B P 5 - 0 . 2 5 2 5 m X 0 2 m m ID Vitreous Silica Cross-linked S E 5 4 .

Injection Mode—Split Carrier Gas—Helium Column Temp—75°C Initial, 1 min. Hold 8°c/min., 190°C Final

Column: Code 2 5 Q C 2 / B P 2 0 - 0 . 2 5 2 5 m X 0 . 2 m m ID Vitreous Silica Cross-Bnked C W 2 0 M .


PEAK IDENTIFICATION φ LIMONENE (Residual Solvent) φ p-CYMENE (Trace Peak)

This is a technique for transferring a difficult to resolve portion of a chromatogram from one column to another.

Heart-Cut sent to the Carbowax 20 M col­ umn where it was ColdTrapped under liquid CO? coolant. The column oven' then cooledto105°C.

Back-Flushing In this mode the system can remove uninteresting or non-volatile compounds from the column dramatically reducing analysis time.

Fbre-Flushing Diverts solvent or other unwanted components from the system.

Variable-Splitting Allows variable splitting of the first column eluent between the monitor detector and the second column.

Cold-Trapping Cryogenic trapping of a sample can be achieved using a built-in liquid C0 2 facility, or optional liquid N2 system.


Head Office & International S a l · · : Scientific Glass Engineering Pty. Ltd. 7 Argent Place, Ringwood, Victoria. 3 1 3 4 , Australia. Tel: (03) 8 7 4 6 3 3 3

U.S.A. Sales Office: Scientific Glass Engineering Inc., 2 0 0 7 Kramer Lane, Austin, Texas 7 8 7 5 8 . U.S.A. Tel: ( 5 1 2 ) 8 3 7 7 1 9 0

UK S a l · · Office: Scientific Glass Engineering (U.K.) Ltd. Potters Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes MK11 3LA, Great Britain. Tel: (0908) 5 6 8 8 4 4

German (BRO) S a l · · Office: Scientific Glass Engineering GmbH., Fichtenweg 15, D—6108 Weiterstadt 1 . Tel: ( 0 6 1 5 0 ) 4 0 6 6 2



MAY 1984 · 759 A