D. R. SPERRY & CO. - Industrial & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

25 May 2012 - D. R. SPERRY & CO. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (4), pp 127A–127A. DOI: 10.1021/i650568a798. Publication Date: April 1957. Copyright ...
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Booklet describes lubricators which a u t o matically a p p l y a controlled volume of lubricant t o t h e wheel bearings of conveyor trolleys. T h e u n i t c a n h a n d l e a wide r a n g e of lubricants from light oil to heavy fiber greases. O n l y power required is air. Actuation of the p u m p ing units is d e p e n d e n t only u p o n t h e conveyor itself. Dept. IEC, J. N. Fauver Co., Inc., 49 W. Hancock, Detroit 7, Mich.

15 B i c h r o m a t o r A n a l y z e r . T h e bichrom a t o r analyzer is a dispersive infrared plant instrument for continuous, singlec o m p o n e n t m e a s u r e m e n t of either gases or liquids. This 4-page b r o c h u r e d e scribes its operation and has a schematic d i a g r a m of t h e instrument's optical layout a n d basic design. Dept. IEC, Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 16

Cascade Coolers. New c a t a l o g provides detailed specifications of graphite cascade coolers. Coolers illustrated are particularly suited to large volumes of corrosives, such \$fyb&utf& as cooling h y d r o chloric acid prior to p r o d u c t storage, removing heat of solution d u r i n g sulfuric acid dilution, a n d similar applications. T h e equipm e n t is illustrated with diagrams, photog r a p h s , and b r e a k - a w a y drawings. Dept. IEC, Falls Industries, Inc., Aurora Rd., Solon, Ohio. 17

Control S y s t e m s . A system of industrial controls likely t o h a v e a n effect o n advances i n a u t o m a t i o n is t h e topic of discussion in a 16-page bulletin. T h e booklet is a m p l y illustrated with photographs, drawings, a n d circuit diagrams. A typical installation is discussed i n detail. Bull. B-6738, Dept. IEC, Westinghouse Electric Corp., P.O. Box 2099, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. 18

E p o x y Curing A g e n t s . P o t life of epoxies can be varied by the curing agent

used. T h i s technical bulletin gives information on various curing agents m a d e by manufacturer. Included a r e : d i ethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, dimethylaminopropylamine, diethyla m i n o p r o p y l a m i n e , a n d a-methylbenzyldimethylamine. Bull. F-8665, Dept. IEC, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 77, N.Y. 1 9

E v a p o r a t o r s . A new booklet entitled " E v a p o r a t o r s for Recovery of Mercerizing C a u s t i c " is being offered. T h e booklet gives information on the design, application, operation, a n d construction of this type of evaporator a n d illustrates typical flowsheets for recovery of caustic from p u r e mercerization or yarn dyed fabrics. Also listed are the requirements necessary t o d e t e r m i n e t h e solution t o caustic e v a p o r a t o r problems. Bull. SW207, Swenson Evaporator Co., Harvey, III. 20

Filters. Large volume filters a r e discussed a n d described in this 4-page bulletin. T h e publication describes operation, control, filter b e d materials, design features, a n d accessories. T h e pressure filters a r e designed so t h a t water u n d e r pressure is passed d o w n w a r d t h r o u g h the filter bed with little pressure loss, m a k i n g it possible t o deliver filtered water directly to t h e point of use without r e p u m p i n g . Bull. 6322, Dept. IEC, Cochrane Corp., Lewis Tower Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pa. 21

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FILTER PRESSES — all sizes, all types for all require­ ments. Available with center, side or corner feed; open or closed d e ­ livery; simple or thorough washing; jacketed plates for filtering at high or low controlled temperatures.

LABOR SAVING DEVICES including Plate Shifters for easier, safer handling of plates and frames . . . and Closing Devices in a full range of models to facilitate open­ ings and closings of n e w Sperry Filter Presses or existing presses in the field.


Heteropolymolybdates. A 15-page bulletin covering t h e properties, uses, classification, nomenclature, and p r e p a ration of heteropolymolybdates has just been published. T h e bulletin should b e of particular interest to research a n d development chemists interested in complex a n d high-weight anions. Some uses for this class of c o m p o u n d s a r e for catalysis a n d in t h e color industry as précipitants for basic dyes. Bull. Cdb- 72, Dept. IEC, Climax Molybdenum Co., Dept. L, 500 5th Ave., New York 36, Ν. Υ. 22

Industrial Tele­ vision. Tele­ vision equipment for industry is covered in this 8page descriptive brochure. The booklet contains m a n y illustrations of the latest developments in cameras, monitors, controls, lenses,

-cotton, paper, synthetics and woven metals — plus special cloths for special require­ ments. Plain or punched. Mail coupon for your copy of the SPERRY FILTRA­ TION CATALOG, complete with illustrations and spe­ cifications to help you plan new filtration facilities.


George S. Tarbox 808 Nepperhan Ave. Yonkers, N e w York B. M . Pîlhashy 8 3 3 Merchants Exchange Bldg. San Francisco, Calif.


A l l d r e d g e & McCabe 8 4 7 E. 17th A v e . Denver 1 8 , Colo. Texas Chemical Eng. Co. 4 1 0 1 San Jacinto Houston, Texas

D. R. Sperry & Co. Batavia, 111. Please send me a free copy of the Sperry Filtration Catalog. Name Company Address City


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VOL. 49, NO. 4 ·

APRIL 1957

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