SPERRY As pioneers in the filter press field, and one of the oldest and fore most manufacturers of filtration equipment, D. R. SPERRY & CO. is well qualified to evaluate your specific filtration requirements. Sperry Research has categorically filed over 60 years filtration ex perience from continuous field reports and laboratory tests. Sperry Engineering applies nitration's most advanced thinking in the develop ment of new products and new methods for obtaining better filtration at lower cost. Working side-by-side, Sperry Research and Sperry Engineering offer today's best source of information and equipment for tomorrow's production needs.
FILTER \ A complete range | styles and sizes . . . standard or special . . . for e v e r y filtration need. With center, side, or corner feed; open or closed delivery; simple or thorough washing; jacketed plates for fil tering at controlled high or low tempera tures.
FILTER BASES All types . . . all sizes. Plain or punched to your specifications. Besides cotton and paper, bases are furnished in wool, synthetics, glass a n d j woven metals.
Closing Devices
Sperry offers the widest range of Clos ing Devices to match your filter design needs. Each engineered in its own way to speed production, insure safety, save labor, and increase the life of the filter cloths. Choose from nine popu lar models—including the new easyto-install HANDRAULIC and the pop ular EHC-L Electric Closing Device, —factory installed on new Sperry | Filter Presses or field installed in existing presses of any make.
New Handraulic Closing Device
Complete with charts, tables, and dia grams to help in the operation, main tenance and selection of filtration equipment. Write for your free copy of Catalog 7-E today.
G e o r g e S. T a r b o x 808 N e p p e r h a n A v e . Y o n k e r s , N e w York Β. Μ . Pilhashy 833 M e r c h a n t s E x c h a n g e Building San Francisco 4 , C a l i f o r n i a
Alldredge & McCabe 847 E. 17th A v e n u e ,Denver 18, C o l o r a d o Texas C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g Co. 4 1 0 1 San J a c i n t o H o u s t o n 4 , Texas
For further information, circle number 110 A on Readers' Service Card, page 119 A 110 A
also acting as a relief valve w h e n increased t e m p e r a t u r e causes overpressurization in the tank. The a u t o m a t i c v a c u u m relief permits r a p i d d r a i n i n g of the tank, a n d pro tects against pressure d r o p s b r o u g h t a b o u t by decreasing t e m p e r a t u r e s . D u r i n g filling, the m a n u a l l y oper ated bleed valve allows displaced air to escape, while the check valve protects the compressor from a m m o n i a vapors. A second m o d e l incorporates the features of the first except t h a t the pressure regulator is replaced by a pressure relief valve. T h i s u n i t is designed for use w h e r e the tank pres sure is controlled by a separate regulator. Both units m a y be completely disassembled for cleaning a n d p a r t r e p l a c e m e n t . " O " seal rings ensure tight sealing. Dept. IEC, Circle Seal Products Co., 2181 East Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, Calif.
Pressure Filter Doubles Secondary Recovery Rates
A N E W HIGH-CAPACITY w a t e r filter r e c o m m e n d e d for oil field secondary recovery operations as well as similar process operations is on the m a r k e t . R e c e n t m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s field tests showed t h a t filtration rates of 1.0 to 1.5 g . p . m . / s q . ft. of filter area were d o u b l e those obtained w i t h con ventional units. T h e u n i t comprises ten r e c t a n g u l a r filter leaves housed in a closed t a n k s u r m o u n t e d by a d o m e w h e r e filtrate is collected. D u r i n g operation, fil tered w a t e r overflows a filtrate p o r t located n e a r the top of the d o m e . A n y e n t r a i n e d air or gases rise into the d o m e a n d are bled off t h r o u g h a relief port. W h e n the filtration cycle is com pleted, the flow is reversed to back wash the leaves. T h i s m e t h o d of washing eliminates the need for sluice nozzles. T h e filter unit is e q u i p p e d w i t h a single point, r e m o t e control system w h i c h regulates each step of the filtration a n d backwash cycles. T h e entire u n i t can be i n c o r p o r a t e d into a c u r r e n t process w i t h o u t a n y engi neering changes on the user's p a r t , the m a n u f a c t u r e r claims. Dept. IEC, Dorr-Oliver Inc., Stamford, Conn.