Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials (Sox, N. Irving) - Journal

Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials (Sox, N. Irving). William B. Cook. J. Chem. Educ. , 1958, 35 (5), p 268. DOI: 10.1021/ed035p268.2. Public...
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J.-E. Courtois (pp.3-33) treats the qualitative identification and quantitative determination of sugars after separation by paper ehromtttography or percolation through columns. Useful micromethods are considered. P. Jaulmes and J. Hamelle (pp.3546) describe methods for the determination of the non-volatile solids in wine. The different methods are critically compared, and the conclusions to be drawn from the findings are discussed. P. Mesnard (pp.57-75) writes on the determination of the hydroxyl group by acetylation. The use of s. mixture of acetic anhydride, phosphoric acid, and dioxane for the acetylation of tertirvy alcohols is recommended. P. Navellier (pp.77-114) presents an investigation concerning the methods of conservation and analysis for s a m ~ l e that s he reasoning applies undergo changes. primarily to the investigation of milk, which is the author's field of specislieation. P. Souchay (pp.115-138) reviews the theory of polawgctphy and applications of the technique in the fields of medicine, toxicology and pharmacy. The very imposing final chapter (pp.139-209 with 265 references to the literature) is written hy R. Truhaut. It deals with a problem of continuously increasing practical importance, the appearance of foreign substances-added intentionally or getting there by mishsp-in food and the biological and analytical aspects of the phenomenon. A. I . BENEDETTI-PICHLER

reference work is of thegreatest value in research. This volume deals with the preparation of amines. The first section (15 pp.) describes reactions used for the direct intrcduction of the amine radioal. The second division (238 pp.) discusses in detail those transformations in which halogens, hydroxyls, carboxyls, nitro, sulfonic acids, and amino radicals may he replaced by the amino group. Part 111(74 pp.) is a treatment of the reactions in which amines are produced by the addition of ammonia or amines to a great variety of unsaturated structures. Section IV (390 pp.) summariees those reactions in which amines are formed by reduction of twenty-two types of nitrogen containing stuetur& with a variety of reducing agents. Division V (66 DD.)is an exoosition of the methods f o r t h i bynthesis of amines through eondensation reactions. Part VI (21 pp.) is a. review of the preparation of amines through organo-metallio compounds. Section VII (1W pp.) is a Critique of the methods of forming amines through rearrangements of the type in whioh groups shift from nitrogen to the aromatic ring or of the Hofman, Curtius, Schmidt, Beckman, Stevens, Sommelet, Chapman, Smiles, and Amedari reactions. The remaining portion of this volume deals with supplementary aspects of *mine chemistry. Chapter VIII (68 pp.) diecusses the formation of amines by the splitting of certain derivatives through hydrolysis, reduction, alcoholysis, dedkyIstion. oxidation. decarboxvlation. ohos-

Q U B E NC~ O L L ~ E


Edited by Eugen Miiller. Fomth edition. Georg Thieme Verlag, 1957. Stuttgart, 1224 pp. 4 figs. 18.5 X 26 cm. lvi $48.70.


ANTISTHENES,overcome by a lasting and painfull illness, cried out in his agony, "Who will releane me from my pains?" Whereupon his friend Diogenes, approached the hedside with drawn dagger. "Ah, you rascal, I said who will release me from my pains, not my life." Although this attitude may he condemned by Stoics, dolorous organic chemists sympathiee with Antisthenes. Repeated failures of inadequate synthetic methods may so torture chemists that many would think of giving over this life and becoming engineers or lawyers. However, for some of the paim of synthetic organic chemistry, "Die Methoden der Organischen Chcmie" will he a puissant antidote. This series is the most exhaustive source of informrttion an synthetic methods available to chemists. Unlike Beilstein, this work does not describe individual compounds, but on tlor contrary ronr;idrre urncrnl mrthmlz of ~ y n t ! w ~of i i enrim CIBFT?and illusrraf,~rhrre rrsrrions with srlcct~rl examples. I t is for thin reason that this 268

zation, from aeides and p oxc-amines, eta. Section X (21 pp.) is a oonsideration of the preparation of amines from other amines through retention of the amine structure by protective reactions for that group. Chapter X I (8 pp.) deals with the problems of separating mixtures of primary, seoondery, and tertiary amines by physioal and chemical techniques. The'last section, Pert XI1 (5 pp.), is a summary of the properties of ammonia and methods for handling i t in the laboratory. Some idea of the comprehensive nature of this work may begained from the knowledge that the author index contains about 11,000 entries and the compound index lists over 6000 substances. This work is a. signifioant contribution to the literature of organic chemistry. It should grace the shplves of every resesrch lahorstory. GEORGE HOLMES RICHTER

T m Rme 1 ~ a . r r . m ~ ~ Housron, T E X * ~


N. Irving Sax, Nuclear Development Corp. of America, White Plains, New York. Reinhold Publishing Carp., New York, 1957. v 1467 pp. 18.5 X 26.5 em. $22.50.


READERSinterested in safety practices involving the use and handling of hazard-

ous chemicals and/or materials where radiation is involved are probably familiar with Sax's "Handbook of Dangerous Material" published in 1951. This work is successor to that earlier volume. The neotians and their authors are as follows: Toxicology by Leonard J. Goldwater; Ventilation Control. Personnel Protection

Fire ~ r o t e i t i o nand ~ t o r a g e h d~ a n d l i n ~ of Hazardous Materials by N. Irving Sax; Reactor Safeguards by Joseph J. Fitzgerald; and Allergic Disease in Industry hy Milton S. Dunn, M.D. I n addition there is a 1060 page section listing nearly 9000 chemicals. For each there is a. desoription,formula, list of physical constants and a discussion of toxicity, fire hazard, storage and handling. In many eases other more specialized topics are considered. For example tricresyl phosphate, known in commerce as T C P and used as a gasoline additive, was responsible for poisoning of 15,000 people in 1930. Of those, 10 died. An alooholio beverage known as Jamaica ginger or "Jake" had been adulterated with 2% of the T C P and was responsible for the poisoning. There is a oomprehonsive ~ectiondealing with shipping regulations and the final section of 19 pages is an Index to Synonyms. This reviewer is favorably impressed with the comprehensive nature of the volume and the lucid presentation of most sections. The sections Radiation Hazards and Reactor Safeguards are excellent and should he of great value to college science departments which have programs in radioisotopes and use of reactors. This volume is recommended as a reference in academic laboratories an well as for "those involved in the manufrtcture, use, hsndling, storing or shipping of hazardous materials." M o n r ~ w nS

WILLIAM B. COOK ~ m Comeoe e



W. L. Foith, Air Pollution Foundation, San Marino, California; DonoldB. Keyes, Arthur D. Little, Inc., New York; Ronold L. Clmrk, Collier Carbon and Chemical Corp., Brea, California. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957. ix 844 pp. 16 X 24 cm. $16.


ONEhundred and forty industrial chemare icals from acetaldehyde to ~ i n oxide c discussed in this second edition. The plan followed is quite similar to that used in the first edition [reviewed in J . Chem. Educ. 28, 58 (1957)) for 106 chemicals. Each chemical iis discussed separately: name, formula, principal manufacturing processes with equations, materials required and flawsheets, use pattern and price for the lest 20 years, properties, commercial grades, containers and shipping regulations, economic aspects, and finally a list of manufacturers and plant sites. All of the 106 chemicals discussed in the (Continued on page A%%) JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION