ner workings and use of the device. The program comes with review questions and skill measurement features and runs on Macintosh or Windows 3.1 or higher.
^ Handbook of Chemistry and Phys ics (CRC Press, $149, circle 301) pro vides the 79th edition on CD-ROM. An nual updates are available by subscrip tion. The 1999 handbook covers a broad range of information, including the peri odic table, geophysical data, aqueous sol ubility of organic compounds, global tem perature trends, electron affinities, line spec tra of elements, and basic constants and units. The OROM requires Windows 95 or higher.
• DataExpert (Technical Database Ser vices, $5,000 annual fee, circle 305) can supply users who perform modeling, simulation, and process engineering and design with thermophysical property data drawn from a database at Texas A&M University's Thermodynamics Re search Center. The program can generate predicted values when measured values aren't available. DataExpert also provides each data point's degree of uncertainty. The CD-ROM is compatible with Windows 95 and INT.
^ ATSDR (CRC Press, $399, circle 302) covers 130 toxicological profiles from the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Annual updates of the CD-ROM are available by subscription. The profiles include toxicological, environmental, and epidemiological data; information about the mitigation of health effects; and physi cal properties. The product is compatible with Windows 3.1 or higher.
^ BackTrack 4.1 (StrandWare, prices start at $749, circle 306) is a customiz able program that can track an item his torically or in real time with the use of bar codes, scanners, and a PC. Applica tions include work-in-progress in a man ufacturing environment, documents in an office, or outgoing shipments in a dis tribution center.
^ DQO-PRO (American Chemical Soci ety, free, circle 303) calculates the num ber of samples needed to provide analyt ical data based on desired confidence levels and other factors. The software can be downloaded at http;//
• Accord 3.0 (Synopsys Scientific Sys tems; $695, $417 academic; circle 307) works in tandem with Microsoft Excel 97 as a chemical spreadsheet. The program manages, analyzes, and searches chemical "objects" and associated data within spreadsheets while retaining their chemi cal characteristics. Examples include struc tures and reactions.
• Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (Physics Academic Software, prices start at $125, circle 304) provides an interactive tutorial for students learning to use an oscillo scope. The software employs graphics and animation to teach students about the in
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^ Fluent 5.0 and Gambit 1.0 (Fluent Inc., pricing available from company, cir cle 308) can be used to model computa tional fluid dynamics applications. Engi neers can use the software to build a computer model of a design and simulate fluidflow(including turbulence), heat trans fer, and chemical reactions. The simulated designs can then be tested and optimized on the computer. The software is compati ble with UNIX or PC platforms. • Drama (QuantiSci, pricing available from company, circle 309) provides engi neers with a mechanism to record their expert knowledge and decision-making ra tionales. The program records decisions made, alternatives considered, and the rea soning involved. The software improves process design and operations by serving as a repository for corporate memory and as a way to apply knowledge to future projects. • NuGenesis (Mantra Software, pricing available from company, circle 310) is a data management system that collects sci entific information from diverse sources into a central database accessible through out a corporation. NuGenesis can accept and integrate input gathered via instru mentation, lab applications, and popular software applications. The software runs in Windows 95 or NT environments. For information on these items or numbered ads, see Reader Service Card
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