Davis Computer Systems, Inc

every lab. We're taking our wide experience in computer- ized lab analyses and we're wrapping it up in a series ... DCS software makes it possible, of...
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DCS puts the computer in its place...in your laboratory... to give you push-button GC analyses for as little as $2,000 a month. Davis Computer Systems, Inc., now makes automated gas chromatography practical for practically every lab. We're taking our wide experience in computerized lab analyses and we're wrapping it up in a series of packaged systems trademarked Compulab. Compulab/GC is our first. And it sets new benchmarks. For hardworking efficiency. For economy. This system takes on the whole job. It monitors. Reduces data. Analyzes. Writes reports. For up to 64 GC's at a time. At costs that are less than half of what you might expect. DCS software makes it possible, of course. But our custom hardware helps. With a specially designed interface for a Honeywell H316 computer. So you can count on reliability. Plus flexibility in use. W i t h a

choice of powerful mathematical techniques for peak resolution. Yet no special programming is required. In fact, Compulab/CC stores all your methods of analysis. For instant use. Anytime. And there are dozens of other choices and features at your disposal. With a functional guarantee for the full system. Plus favorable purchase or leasing arrangements. For details, call or write Dr. William R. Biles at DCS today.


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Davis Computer Systems, Inc. 280 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel.: (212) 867-6406