Decontaminating Lake Superior of asbestos fibers - ACS Publications

Traditionally, Lake Superior water has been one of the finest raw water sources available in the world. It is cold and clear, and contains very little...
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Decontaminating Lake Superior of asbestos fibers Asbestos removal is fairly straightforward. In U. S . Army tests, best results were obtained by charge neutralization, “bridging, ’ ’ and filtration with an ERDLator Unit

Richard P. Schmitt, Don C. Lindsten, and Thomas F. Shannon Department of the Army, Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060


Environmental Science & Technology

Traditionally, Lake Superior water has been one of the finest raw water sources available in the world. It is cold and clear, and contains very little in the way of microorganisms. It is understandable that the City of Duluth only chlorinates its water, and does not have a filtration process. The Lake Superior water used for all nine test runs was very constant in quality. The optical turbidity of the raw water averaged only 1.46 JTU. To the naked eye, this water was very clear. This was true, even though the asbestos fiber count during the period of this study varied from 300 000 to 8 300 000 particles per liter. The asbestos fiber results were obtained by three different analytical laboratories, all using the transmission electron microscope, but using a different method for sample preparation of the electron microscope grid. In reference to the 300 000 to 8 300 000 fibers per liter, the actual length of the fibers was not measured. However, other information in regard to asbestos fibers in Lake Superior water indicates that 90% of the fibers fall in the range 0.06-1.1 microns in length. The tiny asbestos fibers are in the approximate size range of bacteria or the colloidal clay particles found in natural waters. In addition to numbers and size of the fibers, an important consideration is the electrical charge of the particles. A recent report, “Asbestos in the Great Lake Basin,” February 1975, states, “The isoelectric point of chrystotile is at a pH of 11.8. At lower pH values the surface charge is positive; above the isoelectric point the charge becomes negative. Most dispersed materials have a negative surface charge in aqueous systems. Since chrystotile has a positive charge, it attracts or is attracted to most dispersed materials. The isoelectric point of cummingtonite amphibole is 5.2-6.0. Therefore, in most waters the mineral has a negative surface charge represented by a zeta potential of -20 to -40 mv.” The tiny particle size, plus the electrical charge, practically guarantees complete dispersion and minimal settling. Iron ore production Three great iron ranges exist in the state of Minnesota-the Vermillion, Missabi, and Cuyuna. For almost 100 years, pockets of pure hematite (Fe203)were mined from all three ranges and shipped to the steel-producing centers in the East. The hematite was very rich in iron (65% Fe) and was very soft. It could be easily removed by steam shovel and shipped as is. It was frequently called “DSO” (Direct Shipping Ore). Unfortunately, the days of hematite are numbered: perhaps it will be depleted in less than ten years. However, another source of iron is taconite, an ore that exists in large quantities in the same area. Taconite is a hard, low-grade ore, containing only 2 5 % of finely dispersed iron in the form of hematite or magnetite (Fes04).Years of experimental research resulted in the development of a practicable process for the up-grading (“beneficiation”) of magnetic taconite. In brief, the taconite is pulverizedand subjected to a magnetic separation of the tiny released particles of magnetite. The particles are agglomerated and sintered into pellets containingabout 65 % Fe. The pellets are shipped to the steelmakers, who actually prefer it to the soft hematite. About three tons of taconite are processed to produce one ton of taconite concentrate pellets. The remaining two tons are waste tailings of a siliceous nature. Large quantities of water are used during the processing-about 12 000 gallons per ton of taconite pellets. Several taconite concentration plants are in operation in Minnesota. Most are located on the range, and use recirculation lakes for their processing water. One is located on Lake Superior, and uses Lake Superior water for its processing. In this case, the tailings, including asbestos, are discharged into the lake. It is estimated that 45 billion tons of magnetic taconite reserves still exist in Minnesota. There is an even larger quantity of the non-magnetic taconite containing the entrapped hematite. A technology for beneficiating non-magnetic taconite has yet to be developed.

As a result of taconite beneficiation, and perhaps other causes, asbestos fiber contamination of Lake Superior has taken place. Asbestos is technically an amphibole, a complex group of hydrous silicate minerals, containing chiefly calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and aluminum. Included in the group are hornblende, curnmingtonite, crocidolite, chrysotile, serpentine, williamsite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and amosite. All of these minerals could loosely be described as "asbestos." Asbestos has about 3000 commercial uses, and is a common industrial commodity. Because of its propensity toward toxicity, a determined effort is underway to keep asbestos out of the life cycle of man. It has been postulated that asbestos dispersed in drinking water could cause mesotheliomas of the pluera or peritoneum, with an "incubation period" of perhaps 20 years. It is possible that the size and shape of the asbestos particle, in addition to its chemical structure, could cause the disease. In any event, it must be recognizedthat the present state of knowledge of the public health aspects of asbestos in drinking water supplies is inadequate. Accepting asbestos contamination of Lake Superior as an unfortunate fact of life, the question arose "Can the US. Army, with its specialized knowledge of decontaminating water containing bizarre contaminants such as CBR agents, remove the asbestos from Lake Superior water?" In order to answer this question, a 420 GPH ERDLator Unit was sent to Duluth to determine its effectiveness. The Unit The current, standard, US. Army Water Purification Equipment (ERDLator Unit) was designed after World War II to provide transportable, quick-response water purification systems for the modern mobile field Army. The ERDLator equipment is available in four sizes: 420, 1500, 3000, and 10 000 GPH. As noted, a 420 GPH unit was used in the asbestos removal study. Three basic processes normally take place in the ERDLator Unit: coagulation disinfection filtration. Two major pieces of equipment are involved: a conical-shaped solids contact clarifier a pressure diatomite filter. Disinfection takes place concurrently with coagulation, and a positive-free chlorine residual is maintained in the final filtrate.

The unit. The U. S. Army 420 GPH ERDLator (above) provided continuous water purification by coagulation, disinfection, and diatomite filtration (below) in study of 22 June- 1July 1973

... r





The taconite beneficiation process, basic steps Waste processing water with tailings

Taconite rock (25% iron)

Material balance Taconite pellets 1 ton Tailings (Waste) 2 tons Original ore 3 tons H,O consumption 12000 gals



Magnetic separation of Fe,O, m i t e oellets i

Pellet drying

Volume 11, Number 5, May 1977 463

The rest of the equipment is supportive in nature (gasoline engine drive electrical generator, storage tanks, and the like). The raw water enters the unit through an aeration assembly, the purpose of which is to release super-saturatedair and gases that might cause difficulties by later release, with resulting floating floc. The aerated water enters into a mixing compartment where coagulant, coagulant aid, and calcium hypochlorite are added concurrently at a controlled rate. The water, plus developing-floc or turbidity aggregates, pass down through a rapid-mix central chamber with agitation. Rotation of the water leaving the rapid-mix chamber is reversed by the fins at the bottom of the clarifier, and the water proceeds upward with a counter-revolving motion through suspended sludge or clarification zone. The residence time in the unit is about 20 minutes. Control of the slurry level in the clarification zone is accomplished by continuous withdrawal of a small amount of floc from the upper portion of the slurry pool. The unit is designed to hydraulically keep all slurry in suspension with sludge concentration occurring only in a small external concentrator. The coagulated water from the clarifier is collected by an effluent launder ring where it passes to a wet-well storage tank. From the wet storage tank, the water is pumped to a pressure diatomite filter. The diatomite filtration process consists of three basic steps: precoating, filtering, and backwashing. Before the coagulated water can be filtered, it is necessary to precoat the filter elements. Slurry containing 0.4 Ibs of diatomite is added to the filter through the precoat funnel, and water is pumped from the wet well up into the filter. The water rises until it begins escaping through an air release valve, which is then quickly closed for the filter cycle. Air is trapped and compressed in each of the plastic cups of the filter elements and in the dome of the filter shell. As the water is filtered through the elements, the diatomite is deposited on the elements. This operation is called precoating. It is noted that the filter contains four filter elements, each equipped with a polyvinylchloride sleeve of 1 sq ft area. Thus, the precoat loading is 0.1 Ibs of diatomite per sq ft of filtering area. As filtration proceeds, diatomite slurry (body feed) is continuously fed into the incoming water, depositing on the filter ele464

Environmental Science & Technology

ments. The slurry is prepared in a slurry feeder welded to the ERDLator tank. The feeder has a diatomite slurry compartment and a clear-water collection trough with a fixed orifice for constant flow of clear water into the slurry compartment. An air pump is used to furnish a constant flow of air bubbles to the bottom of the tank to provide agitation and to prevent settling of the diatomite. The diatomite slurry is supplied to the wet well near the suction inlet of the filter pump. Body feed maintains the porosity of the filter cake and permits longer filter runs. Eventually, the filter becomes clogged and, in turn, increases the pressure differential across the filter elements. When the filter pressure gage indicates a pressure of 50 psi, the filter is ready to be backwashed. When the filter effluent valve is in the "backwash" position and the manual release valve is opened suddenly, the air compressed in the filter dome is released. This sudden release of air allows the air compressed in the cups to expand and force water back through the element filter cakes. This rapid reversal of water usually dislodges all the suspended matter from the elements where it settles to the bottom and is drained to waste. The purpose of the entire ERDLator-DiatomiteFiltration process is sixfold: clarification removal of microorganisms removal of tastes removal of odors removal of toxic materials, and removal of color. Accomplishments of these six objectives is imperative if the finished water is to be used for drinking purposes. Results The Army ERDLator unit was operated on Lake Superior water according to nine different variations. Several operational changes involving chemical treatment of the water were made in order to evaluate operating parameters and establish optimum performance of the equipment for this unusual problem. Principal differences in modes of operation were: diatomite filtration only-with a coarse grade of diatomite

and analytical data (7 gpm ERDLator unit)

Test runs-operational





Mode of operation Date (1973) Hours operation Coagulation dosages (mg/liter) FeCI3 CaC03 Ca( OC1)2 Activated carbon Cationic polymer Filtration dosages Precoat (Ibs celite 535) Body feed (ppm celite 535) Body feed (pprn Hyflo) Filtered water PH Alkalinity Hardness Conductivity



Run no. 5






Coagulation Coagulation Coagulation Coagilation Filtration Filtration filtration filtration filtration Filtration Filtration filtration Filtration 22June 23June 24June 25 June 26June 27June 29June 30June 1 July 4 9 7% 6Y4 7 'I2 4 3% 4Y4 3 -

57 214 10 -




10 214 10 72 -





































7.9 43 44 98

7.8 43 44 90

7.5 65 95 217

7.7 95 78 183

7.8 43 44 98

7.8 43 44 92

7.9 43 44 92

7.8 43 44 95

7.8 43 44 92

Note: Analytical data courtesy Duluth Water Works



Turbidity, suspended solids, and asbestos fiber data Run

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Suspended solids (x-ray diffraction, mass concn)









1.54 1.50 1.57 1.60 1.23 1.47 1.30 1.50 1.45

0.11 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.05 0.53 0.38 0.22 0.34

0.85 0.86 1.05 0.87 0.89


0.31 0.20 0.12+ 2.01+ 0.06 -




Asbestos fibers (transmission electron microscope) MlcrogramsAiter Analyzer A Analyzer B Raw Filtered Raw Filtered

3.8 7.6 9.6

2.2 0.1 1.9

Note: All data courtesy €PA

chemical coagulation followed by diatomite filtration chemical coagulation with activated carbon and diatomite filtration diatomite filtration with coarse and fine grades of diatomite diatomite filtration with introduction of a polymer. The operating schemes and chemical analyses of the final product water are shown in Table 1. The turbidity and asbestos fiber data for both raw and filtered water are shown in Table 2. Best results were obtained for Run 8, where all the asbestos content of the raw water was removed. The operating procedure used for this run, is summarized below: Step 1: Coagulation, 2 ppm cationic polyelectrolyte (added in ERDLator wet well). Step 2: Filtration, precoat, 0.4 Ibs celite 535 (Trademark, Johns Manville Co.), Body feed, 28 ppm Hyflo (Trademark, Johns Manville Co.). It is believed that the mechanism of asbestos removal for Run 8 was fairly straightforward. The positively charged cationic polyelectrolyte neutralizedthe negative charge on the suspended asbestos fibers. The neutralized particles were then aggregated or "bridged" on the long-chain polymer. The aggregates were removed by the subsequent filtration step. The results indicate that charge neutralization, bridging, and filtration are the logical approach to the asbestos decontamination of Lake Superior.




0.4 8.2

0.1 0 0.2

Mlllions of flbersAiter Analyzer C Analyzer C Raw Flltered Raw Filtered






0.7 0 3.3

1.o 0.9 0.3 0.8

0.8 0.2 0 0.3

2.0 8.3

Richard P. Schmitt is chief, Sanitary Sciences Division, U S . Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, Fort Belvoir, Va. He has been engaged for over 30 years in R&D activities pertaining to Army field water supply and sanitation. Don C. Lindsten is a chemical engineer with the Sanitary Sciences Division, U S . Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, Fort Belvoir, Va, He has been involved for over 30 years in RAD activities associated with the decontamination of water containing explosive and CBR materials. Thomas F. Shannon is a general engineer engaged in Research, Development, and Commodity Engineering for the U.S.Army at the Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command, Fort Belvoir, Va. His principal concern is with water purification and wastewater treatment systems. Volume 11, Number 5, May 1977