Degradation of Halogenated Disinfection Byproducts in Water

Aug 5, 2008 - Knowledge of DBP degradation mechanisms and rates in distribution systems is important for selecting DBP monitoring locations, modeling ...
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Chapter 23

Degradation of Halogenated Disinfection Byproducts in Water Distribution Systems Raymond M. Hozalski, William A. Arnold, Chanlan Chun, Timothy M. LaPara, Jeong-Yub Lee, Carrie R. Pearson, and Ping Zhang Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0116

Water distribution systems are complex environments frequently containing corroded iron pipes and biofilms. To thoroughly understand the fate of halogenated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in these systems, two degradation processes were investigated: abiotic degradation (i.e. hydrolysis and reductive dehalogenation) and biodegradation. DBPs were selected from 6 different compound classes representing both regulated DBPs (i.e. trihalomethanes or THMs, and haloacetic acids or HAAs) and non-regulated or "emerging" DBPs. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the pathways and kinetics of DBP degradation. As expected, the relative importance of hydrolysis, abiotic reductive dehalogenation, and biodegradation depends on the DBP structure and on the environmental conditions (i.e. pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, Fe minerals present, bacteria present, etc.). From our results, chloropicrin (i.e. trichloronitromethane) and most brominated DBPs are highly susceptible to abiotic reductive dehalogenation, trichloracetonitrile and trichloropropanone are the most susceptible to hydrolysis, and HAAs are readily biodegraded under aerobic conditions. Knowledge of DBP degradation mechanisms and rates in distribution systems is important for selecting DBP monitoring locations, modeling DBP fate, and for predicting exposure to these compounds. Such information could also be useful for developing treatment systems for DBP removal.


© 2008 American Chemical Society

335 The interface between the pipe wall and the flowing water in a drinking water distribution system is a complicated environment. Distribution system pipes are commonly comprised of unlined cast or ductile iron, a powerful reductant, and the water contains both dissolved oxygen and free or combined chlorine, which are potent oxidizing agents. The interaction of oxidant and reductant leads to corrosion of the iron pipe and formation of a variety of partially to fully oxidized iron mineral phases. The pipe surface also harbors biofilms that contain viable bacteria (7, 2). The iron metal surface, corrosion products, and bacteria in distribution systems are capable of degrading halogenated disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Several full-scale monitoring campaigns have demonstrated that trihalomethane (THM) levels generally increase with increasing residence time along the distribution system in the presence of a free chlorine residual. Conversely, haloacetic acids (HAAs) often decrease along the distribution system when chlorine levels are low or absent (e.g., 3, 4). Although decreases, increases and no change in DBP levels with increasing residence time in distribution systems have been observed, several parameters such as chlorine residual, type of disinfectant, retention time, natural organic matter (NOM), pH, and temperature are believed to be important factors in DBP fate. Chlorine residual is considered a crucial parameter controlling DBP concentrations with its dual impact of increasing formation rates and decreasing biological activity. When DBPs were observed to increase, the chlorine residuals (free chlorine) tended to be high (> 2 mg/L) (5, 6, 7) while lower chlorine residuals (< 1 mg/L) were associated with decreases in the concentrations of some DBPs (e.g., dichloroacetic acid) (3, 8). Additionally, Krasner et al. (5, 9) documented the occurrence of a wide variety of non-regulated or "emerging" DBPs in treated drinking waters including haloacetonitriles, haloketones, haloacetaldehydes, and halonitromethanes. The dominant compound in each of these DBP classes and the reported concentration ranges were as follows: dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN, 0.15 Mg/L), 1,1,1-trichloropropanone (1,1,1-TCP, 0-5 Mg/L), dichloroacetaldehyde (DCAh, 0.4-14 Mg/L), and trichloronitromethane (TCNM, 0-2 Mg/L) (9). The fates of these compounds in water distribution systems have not been well studied.

Iron Pipe Corrosion and Abiotic DBP degradation The interior surface of an unlined cast iron water distribution pipe is typically exposed to an oxidizing environment that causes corrosion and the buildup of corrosion products. Due to the variability in treated water chemistry, hydraulic conditions, and pipe age, the presence and distribution of different minerals varies from system to system and even within individual systems.

336 Goethite (75.6%), magnetite (21.5%), and lepidocrocite (2.9%) were the dominant corrosion products found on the inner wall of a steel water pipe in Melbourne, Australia (10). Investigations of iron pipes from Champaign, IL and Boston, MA also found that goethite and magnetite were the dominant corrosion products on the pipe surfaces (77). Finally, in a water distribution pipe from Columbus, Ohio, green rust was reported to be a major iron corrosion product (72). Many DBPs are small, halogenated organic compounds that can be transformed via hydrolytic and reductive pathways. Reduction at the pipe wall could be mediated by zero-valent iron or by the ferrous iron contained in or sorbed to iron oxide corrosion products. Numerous halogenated organic compounds are susceptible to reduction by these materials, including the solvents tetrachlorethene and trichloroethene. Work in our laboratory has shown that many DBPs including HAAs (75, 14) and TCNM (75) are susceptible to reduction by zero-valent iron. Certainly the buildup of corrosion products on the pipe walls and the use of corrosion inhibitors would tend to limit the availability of Fe(0) surfaces. Corroding iron pipes, however, also create high surface area iron oxides that can also catalyze reductive dehalogenation reactions. Hydrolysis may also lead to DBP losses in a distribution system (16-18). For example, haloacetonitriles can undergo hydrolysis to form haloacetamides, and in basic solutions haloacetamides further hydrolyze to form haloacetic acids (18). Chloroform (TCM) can also be formed upon hydrolysis of 1,1,1-TCP (19) or chloral hydrate/trichloroacetaldehyde (TCAh).

Biological degradation of DBPs Many researchers have observed the biodégradation of haloacetic acids in soil and aquatic environments (e.g., 20-25) with most of the work in soils focused on the herbicide trichloracetic acid (TCAA). There are two potential mechanisms for the biodégradation of HAAs: hydrolysis-oxidation and reductive dechlorination. Because the effluent from drinking water treatment plants usually contains 8 to 10 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, suspended bacteria and the biofilm on the pipe walls typically are exposed to aerobic conditions. Thus, the hydrolysis-oxidation pathway is more likely to occur. Because THMs are more oxidized than oxygen, their direct biodégradation is not thermodynamically favorable under aerobic conditions (26). Previous research has shown that bacteria are able to aerobically degrade HAAs either cometabolically (23) or as a sole carbon and energy source (27). Nevertheless, because the concern of most of these studies was cleanup of areas contaminated with spills of HAAs (i.e. TCAA) used as herbicides, HAA concentrations were orders of magnitude higher than those observed in surface waters and in drinking water distribution systems. A small number of studies

337 have investigated the degradation of HAAs in the environment and suggested that biodégradation is the dominant loss mechanism (27-29). HAA loss in water distribution systems is typically attributed to biodégradation (4, 5, 30-32). To our knowledge, Williams and colleagues (33) are the only group to have demonstrated that bacteria collected from a water distribution system were capable of degradation of dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) and other HAAs. Nevertheless, the degradation kinetics and organisms involved in the degradation were not well characterized. The first two complete gene sequences encoding for 2-haloacid dehalogenases were reported by Schneider et al. (34) in Pseudomonas sp. strain CBS3. Genes coding for dehalogenases (referred to in the following as deh) able to degrade 2-haloacids have been found in a number of organisms (e.g., 35-38). Sequence alignments of known deh genes suggested the existence of two groups of dehalogenases, which were related to each other but did not show obvious homology. Separate alignment of the two groups allowed the identification of conserved regions and the design of degenerate primers (39) specific for each group. It turned out that with very few exceptions all described 2-haloacid dehalogenases were encoded by genes that can be assigned to either group I or group II. The deh genes provide potential target sites for enumerating HAA degraders in environmental samples using quantitative PCR (qPCR).

Experimental Approach Batch experiments were used to evaluate the pathways and kinetics of abiotic DBP degradation in the presence of iron metal, synthetic iron minerals (goethite, magnetite, green rust), and iron corrosion products obtained from distribution systems. Selected compounds from the following DBP classes were investigated: THMs, HAAs, halonitromethanes, haloacetonitriles, halopropanones, and haloacetaldehydes. For the biodégradation work, HAA degraders were enriched from wastewater activated sludge (positive control) and water distribution systems and the HAA biodégradation kinetics of the enrichment cultures and selected isolates were investigated. In addition, the bacteria responsible for HAA biodégradation were identified and characterized. Ultimately, we plan to develop a qPCR method for enumerating HAA degraders in water distribution system samples so that we can extrapolate the batch kinetic data to these systems. Experimental details are provided below.

Abiotic Batch Experiments Details of experimental protocols and analytical methods have been reported previously (15, 40). Briefly batch reactors contained deoxygenated, buffered

338 water (e.g., 25-50 mM MOPS) and iron metal, a synthetic iron oxide mineral, or corrosion solids collected from pipes extracted from distribution systems at a pre-determined loading (0.8 - 3 g/L). For experiments with synthetic goethite and magnetite, 1 mM Fe(II) was also added. Experiments were initiated by spiking the target DBP into the reactor. To facilitate monitoring the decay of the parent compound and formation of daughter products, initial DBP concentrations (typically 20 - 100 μΜ) were 10-100 fold higher than levels typically found in distribution systems. A l l reactors were completely filled (no headspace). Reactors were mixed on a rotator to overcome any mass transfer limitations. Reactions were monitored for 1-2 half lives of the parent compound. Blanks (no solid present) were used to account for hydrolysis. The loss of the parent compound via reduction/hydrolysis and the formation of daughter products were fit to a pseudo-first order kinetic model. For all the target DBPs except HAAs, samples were extracted using methyl /-butyl ether and analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection. Selected reaction products were detected using headspace GC with flame ionization detection or high pressure liquid chromatography (75, 40). HAAs were quantified without derivitization using capillary electrophoresis (14). Ferrous iron concentrations were determined via the Ferrozine method (41) and characterization of the synthetic minerals and the pipe solids was performed using X-ray diffraction.

Establishing HAA-Degrading Enrichment Cultures To enrich for HAA degraders, a medium was prepared containing inorganic minerals supplemented with either monochloroacetic acid (MCAA), DCAA, or TCAA as sole carbon and energy source. The inorganic mineral medium contained (per liter DI H 0): 0.03 g MgS0 , 1.96 g Na HP0 -7H 0, 0.37 g K H P 0 , 0.50 g NH C1, 0.0006 g CaCl , and 0.1 mL of SL7 trace mineral solution (0.75 g FeCl .4H 0, 0.03 g H3BO3, 0.05 g MnS0 , 0.06 g Co(N0 ) -6H 0, 0.066 g ZnS0 -7H 0, 0.0125 g N i C l 6 H 0 , 0.007 g CuCl , 0.0125 g Na Mo0 -2H 0, and 4.4 mL of 37% HC1 per 500 mL DI H 0). After autoclaving and cooling, the mineral medium was aseptically amended with 1 mM MCAA, DCAA, or TCAA (i.e. 94.5 mg/L MCAA, 129 mg/L DCAA, or 163.5 mg/L TCAA) by spiking with the respective HAA stocks (filter-sterilized). The batch reactors were inoculated with activated sludge biomass (positive control), tap water bacteria collected on nylon membrane filters (47 mm diameter, 0.2 μτη pore size), or biofilm scraped from the inside of cast iron water mains. For water distribution system biomass sampling, water and pipe samples were collected from four systems in the United States and three in the United Kingdom covering a range of water qualities (chlorine type, residual concentration, heterotrophic plate counts, HAA levels, etc.). The hydraulic 2
























339 residence times of the sample sites are not known. The batch reactors (500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 200 mL of culture media) were incubated in the dark at room temperature (23 ± 1°C) with shaking at 100 rpm. Bacterial growth (optical density at 600 nm, OD oo) and HAA concentrations were monitored over time by a UV/Vis spectrophotometer and by capillary electrophoresis, respectively. HAAs were respiked to -1 mM when depleted, and pH was maintained at -7.2 by periodic addition of 2 M NaOH. The HAA enrichment cultures were harvested by centrifuging at 10,000g for 25 minutes, washed once with fresh medium, and resuspended in medium supplemented with 1 mM of the respective HAA and 15% glycerol. The cell suspension was then dispensed into cryo-vials (1 mL/vial) and stored at -70°C for subsequent biodégradation kinetics experiments. To preserve a sample of an enrichment culture for bacterial community analysis, 0.5 mL of the cell suspension was centrifiiged at 16,000g for 5 minutes. The cell pellet was resuspended in 0.5 mL lysis buffer (120 mM sodium phosphate, 5% sodium dodecyl sulfate) and stored at -20°C for subsequent genomic DNA extraction. 6

Isolation and Identification of HAA Degraders Agar plates were prepared containing the same mineral medium as used for enrichment, 10 mM of HAA (MCAA, DCAA, or TCAA), and 1.4% washed agar. The phosphate buffer concentration in the mineral medium was increased to 25 mM to provide improved buffer capacity and the medium pH was adjusted to -7.2 with 1 M NaOH. A pH indicator (bromocresol purple) was added at 5 mg per liter medium, which yields a purple color at pH > 6.8 and yellow at pH < 5.7 (27). The HAA was added after the medium was autoclaved and cooled to -45 °C. Strains turning the purple color to yellow, due to release of hydrochloric acid during HAA degradation, were considered to be HAA degraders. HAA degraders were isolated using the spread plate method and purified using the streak plate method. Aqueous samples from the enrichment cultures were spread onto their respective HAA plates (i.e. the MCAA enriched bacteria were spread on MCAA plates). The plates were incubated at room temperature for 7 days. Single colonies were selected and streaked onto fresh plates. The isolates were re-streaked up to 3 times to ensure that the strains were pure.

Results and Discussion DBP reduction by Fe(0) A summary of the abiotic reactivity of the DBPs studied is provided in Table I. TCNM, trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN), 1,1,1-TCP, TCAA, and TCM

340 were all reduced by Fe(0) (14, 15, 42). The dichloro- and monochloro- species were also reduced (except those produced from chloroform), albeit at slower rates. Experiments using bromo- or bromochloroacetic acids demonstrated that brominated species react more rapidly, with bromine being preferentially removed over chlorine (13, 14). In general, reaction proceeded via hydrogenolysis (replacement of a halogen by hydrogen) (75, 42). The exception was TCNM, which reacted via a combination of hydrogenolysis and reductive ctelimination (75). Reaction kinetics varied over orders of magnitude ranging from 0.22 min" for TCNM and 0.34 min" for tribromoacetic acid (TBAA) to 1.4 χ 10" min" for MCAA at an iron loading of 2.4 - 3 g/L. In fact, the most reactive species (TCNM, TCAN, TBAA) were mass transfer limited as is the reduction of oxygen by Fe(0) (42, 43). Thus, the mass transfer limited compounds are most likely to be amenable to reduction at walls comprised of uncorroded (i.e. new) iron pipes (42), for they react as quickly as the competing oxidants (oxygen, disinfectant) present in drinking water. 1




DBP reduction mediated by iron minerals Carbonate green rust, Fe(II)/magnetite, and Fe(II)/goethite were capable of reducing most of the DBPs studied (40, 44). Chlorinated acetic acids were only reduced by green rust, and TCM was unreactive with all of the minerals studied. Reductions occurred via hydrogenolysis. The exception was for TCNM with Fe(II)/magnetite or Fe(II)/goethite—in these systems, TCNM reacted via a combination of hydrogenolysis and reductive α-elimination. Green rust was the most potent reductant of the minerals studied. After normalizing for the surface density of reactive sites, it was determined that Fe(II)/magnetite and Fe(II)/goethite degraded DBPs at similar rates. Reduction of some DBPs did occur in the presence of magnetite alone and aqueous Fe(II) alone, but at rates much slower than those observed for sorbed Fe(II) and green rust. For DBPs degraded via both reduction and hydrolysis (e.g., 1,1,1-TCP; Figure 1), the reduction and hydrolysis rate constants were obtained byfittingthe loss of parent DBP and formation of reduction and hydrolysis products to pseudo-first order kinetic models. Among the trichlorinated DBPs, the reactivity trend in the presence of Fe minerals was TCNM > TCAN > 1,1,1-TCP ~ TCAh » TCAA » TCM. As shown in Figure 2, the rate constants for Fe(II)/magnetite and Fe(II)/goethite normalized by the surface density of sorbed Fe(II) were similar and correlated with the one-electron reduction potential of the DBPs. A correlation between these rate constants and the electronegativity of the R group in R-CC1 was also found (40). This suggests that the rates of abiotic DBP reduction in distribution systems due to reaction with these commonly occurring minerals can be 3

341 Table 1. Summary of abiotic degradation rates for selected DBPs DBP


Cl C(=0)OH Cl HC(=0)OH C1H C(=0)0H Br C(=0)OH Br HC(=0)OH BrH C(=0)OH

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0








C1 CN0 C1 HCN0 3





C1 CC(=0)CH C1 CC(=0)H 3



+ +


Reduction by Fe(0) (2.4-3 g/L) ++ +

0 +++ +++ ++


Reduction by Fe minerals (0.8 g/L magnetite, 2.4 g/L carbon green rust) 0,++ 0,0 0,0 NM.+++ NM.++ 0,0 0,0



+++ +++

+++, +++ +, +++


0,+ 0,0



Reaction conditions: pH 7.5, temperature = 20°C, deoxygenated MOPS buffer; Ranking: 0, tl/2 > 1 week; +, tl/2 = 1 day to 1 week; ++, tl/2 = 1 hour to 1 day; +++, tl/2 < 1 hour; N M , not measured; Magnetite: Buffer solution initially contained 1 mM aqueous Fe(II).


20 ]

Time (h)

Figure 1. Degradation of 1,1,1-TCP (%) by Fe(II)/magnetite. Products are 1,1-DCP (A) and TCM (Ώ). The dash (-) represents the observed carbon mass balance, and solid lines are modelfits.Experimental conditions: pH 7.5, room temperature, mineral loading of 0.8 g/L and 1 mM total Fe(II). (Reproduced from reference 40. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.)

342 predicted if the surface areas of the minerals present and the Fe(II) release rates/availability are known. To this end, additional experiments investigating the reduction of TCNM by iron corrosion products collected from water distribution system pipes were conducted. As shown in Figure 3, the pseudo-first order rate constant for TCNM reduction is a function of the water soluble Fe(II) in the solids. The water soluble Fe(II) was measured by equilibrating a sample of the pipe solid in buffer solution for 24 hours in a separate experiment. The solids producing higher levels of Fe(II) likely have more sorbed Fe(II) on the solids resulting in faster DBP degradation. Additional experiments were performed to investigate the potential for dissolved oxygen (DO) to compete with TCNM for reactive sites on the iron corrosion products. The rates of TCNM reduction in the presence of DO were still significant but decreased by ~ 10-fold, indicating that only those species that react rapidly enough to compete with other oxidants (such as TCNM, TCAN, and brominated DBPs) are likely to be susceptible to reduction at corroded iron pipe walls in drinking water distribution systems.

Hydrolysis Hydrolysis of some DBPs was also observed. Base-catalyzed hydrolysis of 1,1,1-TCP and TCAh led to the production of TCM and acetic or formic acid, respectively. TCAN hydrolysis resulted in formation of trichloracetamide. Over time scales longer than those of these experiments (maximum of 150 hours), trichloroacetamide will hydrolyze to form TCAA (18). Although hydrolysis leads to the removal of these non-regulated DBPs species, the products (chloroform, TCAA) are regulated DBPs that are obviously of concern. Hydrolysis (pH 7.5, 20-25°C) of the HAAs, TCM, and the halonitromethanes was not observed for experiments lasting up to 2 weeks.

Biodégradation of DBPs Aerobic HAA-degrading bacteria were successfully enriched from wastewater activated sludge using MCAA, DCAA, or TCAA as sole carbon and energy source. Enrichment of HAA degraders from water distribution systems proved difficult, especially for chloraminated systems. The likelihood of a successful enrichment from tap water increased for systems with relatively high HAA concentrations, low residual chlorine, and high heterotrophic plate counts. MCAA degraders have also been enrichedfrompipe wall biofilms. Fifteen HAA-degrading isolates were obtained from the wastewater enrichment cultures and a preliminary identification was performed by PGR amplification and sequencing of partial 16S rRNA gene sequence (matches >







Figure 2. Correlation of abiotic reductive dechlorination rate constant at pH 7.5 and room temperature normalized by surface density of sorbed Fe(II) (k h~ mmoÎ m ) with one electron reduction potential (E ^) for DBPs of the form Cl CR. Open symbols: Fe(U)lgoethite, solid symbols: Fe(ll)/magnetite. (Reproducedfrom reference 40. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.) rs(i>






99%). Eight MCAA degraders (M1-M7) and seven DCAA degraders (D1-D7) were selected based on differences in colony morphology. Some of the isolates were highly similar at the 16S rRNA gene sequence level. Nucleotide sequence analysis of their 16S rRNA genes revealed that 3 unique MCAA isolates and 4 unique DCAA isolates were obtained. A l l of the MCAA-degrading isolates (Pseudomonas sp. BCNU171, Ultramicrobacterium str. ND5, and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida) and DCAA-degrading isolates (Delftia tsuruhatensis, Xanthobacter autotrophicus, Afipia felis, and Ralstonia sp. PA 1-3) from the wastewater enrichment were members of the α, β, or y-Proteobacteria groups. These organisms are largely consistent with other bacterial strains isolated from previous researchers from other environments (e.g., contaminated soils). Only two HAA-degrading isolates (both DCAA degraders) were obtained from tap water, Methylobacterium sp. and Afipia felis. The discovery of a HAA-degrading methylobacterium is novel as it extends the known range of species capable of growth on DCAA and also because methylobacteria were previously thought to be obligate for growth on methane or methanol. The biodégradation of MCAA and DCAA was rapid by cultures enriched from wastewater. These cultures were able to repeatedly degrade spikes of


0.0 0







mg water soluble Fe" per g solid Figure 3. Correlation of TCNM degradation rate constant (k J at pH 7.5 and room temperature with water soluble total iron concentration in samples ofpipe solids obtainedfrom water distribution systems. ob

MCAA and DCAA within one day. In contrast, the enrichment of TCÀAdegrading cultures was much slower - degradation of spikes required -20 days. Maximum HAA degradation rates for the wastewater enrichment cultures ranged from 6.6 \ig HAA/Mg protein/d (for TCAA) to 47.0 Mg HAA/Mg protein/d (for DCAA) for initial concentrations ranging from 10 to 370 Mg/L. A tap water enrichment exhibited slower DCAA degradation kinetics (9.4 Mg HAA/Mg protein/d). With regard to substrate range, all HAA degrading-isolates obtained in this research are capable of degrading more than one HAA. For example, all organisms capable of degrading MCAA could also degrade monobromo- and monoiodoacetic acid. All organisms capable of degrading dichloroacetic acid could also degrade the monohalogenated HAAs, but the opposite was not always true. Few isolates were able to degrade TCAA.

Conclusions Overall, the results of this research have important implications for understanding DBP fate in distribution systems, selecting monitoring locations, considering new DBPs to monitor, and estimating exposures. For example, THMs are stable but could form in distribution systems; thus, monitoring at the maximum residence time location is most conservative. DBPs that may degrade

345 rapidly, such as halonitromethanes (e.g., TCNM) due to reduction in iron pipe, 1,1,1-TCP due to hydrolysis, or HAAs due to biodégradation, should be monitored at the plant effluent and perhaps at selected locations throughout the distribution system. Finally, the results of this work could lead to the development of new treatment systems for removing DBPs from chlorinated water or wastewater.

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