Degree of Perfection and Pattern Uniformity in the Directed Assembly

Dec 5, 2011 - Degree of Perfection and Pattern Uniformity in the Directed Assembly of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymer on Chemically Patterned Surface...
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Degree of Perfection and Pattern Uniformity in the Directed Assembly of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymer on Chemically Patterned Surfaces Huiman Kang,† Gordon S. W. Craig,† Eungnak Han,‡ Padma Gopalan,‡ and Paul F. Nealey*,† †

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of WisconsinMadison, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, United States ‡ Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of WisconsinMadison, 1509 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, United States ABSTRACT: Thin films of cylinder-forming polystyrene-bpoly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymer (PS-b-PMMA) were self-assembled on two sets of surfaces homogeneously covered with random copolymer brush composed of PS and PMMA (P(S-r-MMA)), having styrene fractions, FSt, ranging from 0.57 to 1.0: one set that had been exposed to the lithographic materials and processes without having been patterned and one set that had not. The resulting selfassembled morphologies revealed that the lithographic process shifted the nonpreferential composition of the P(S-r-MMA) brush from FSt ∼ 0.70 to FSt ∼ 0.79. PS-b-PMMA films were then directed to assemble with density multiplication on chemical patterns made from P(S-r-MMA), in which the surface chemistry of the background region of the pattern after lithography ranged from weakly PMMA-preferential (WMP, FSt = 0.70) to nonpreferential (NP, FSt = 0.79) to weakly PS-preferential (WSP, FSt = 1.00). The extent of density multiplication ranged from 1:1 to 16:1. The assemblies were analyzed in terms of defect quantity and cylinder diameter uniformity, as observed by top-down scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In general, many fewer defects were observed for the assemblies on the WSP chemical pattern than on the WMP chemical pattern. The best assemblies occurred on the NP chemical patterns, with no defects apparent in the SEM images of assemblies with up to 4:1 density multiplication and with spot size variation sufficiently low for bit patterned media applications. As the extent of density multiplication was increased (6:1, 9:1, and 16:1), the defect density monotonically increased.

INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, tremendous advances have been made in directing the assembly of block copolymer films to form templates that enhance and augment the lithographic process.1−7 The primary motivation for investigating directed assembly on lithographically patterned surfaces is to improve the uniformity in size and shape of patterned features,6,8 including nonregular structures,9−11 and to enhance the resolution of the patterning process.12,13 Resolution enhancements are possible via directed assembly with density multiplication, in which the density of features of the assembled block copolymer film is an integer multiple, known as the density multiplication factor, n, of the feature density of the underlying pattern. In the case of directed assembly with density multiplication on a chemical pattern, researchers have shown the ability to direct the assembly of block copolymers on low-density patterns of one chemistry, which is preferentially wet by one block, on a background of a different chemistry. The low-density pattern consists of guiding lines9,12,14 or spots13,15−17 for directed assembly of lamellae- and cylinderforming block copolymers, respectively. Recent simulations have suggested that the composition of the background and the dimensions of the guiding pattern dictate the quality of the assembly made with density © 2011 American Chemical Society

multiplication. For example, Detcheverry et al. showed that vertical lamellae were only achieved in directed assembly with density multiplication when the interaction between one of the blocks of the copolymer and the background was relatively weak.18 In their work, Detcheverry et al. identified six different stable morphologies that could assemble from a lamellaeforming block copolymer, depending on the width of the guiding lines and the chemistries of the guiding lines and background. Similarly, in the case of density multiplication with cylindrical domains, Ruiz et al. performed simulations in which the best assemblies were formed when the background had a weak affinity for one of the blocks of the copolymer.13 When the background had a medium or strong affinity for one of the blocks, the cylindrical domains would be truncated near the chemical pattern. For both the cylinder- and lamellae-forming block copolymers, the formation of thermodynamically stable domains that do not have a uniform structure throughout the film has serious technological implications for their use in advanced lithography or as templates. At the same time, understanding the phenomena that generate other nonbulk Received: October 6, 2011 Revised: November 9, 2011 Published: December 5, 2011 159 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 159−164



extracted using repeated sonication in warm toluene for no more than 10 min, resulting in a brush-coated wafer, as explained previously.11,23 The procedure to pattern the grafted PS-OH or P(Sr-MMA)-OH brushes was described in earlier work.11 A 50 nm thick PMMA photoresist film was spin-coated from a chlorobenzene solution on top of a brush-coated substrate. E-beam lithography was performed using a LEO 1550-VP field emission SEM operating with a J. C. Nabity nanoscale pattern generation system. Exposures utilized an accelerating voltage of 20 keV, a beam current of ∼27.5 pA, and line doses in the range of 0.08−0.60 nC/cm. All samples were developed for 30 s in a 1:3 solution of methyl isobutyl ketone:isopropyl alcohol (IPA), followed by IPA rinsing and nitrogen drying. Subsequently, the photoresist pattern was transferred to a chemical pattern in the PS or P(S-r-MMA) brushes by oxygen plasma etching, using a PE-200 Benchtop Plasma System (Plasma Etch, Inc.) plasma etch device, operated at 10 mTorr O2 and a radio-frequency power of 80 W for 10 s. The oxygen-plasma-treated regions of the brushes were preferentially wet by PMMA, and the wetting property of the untreated region depended on the composition of brushes. Both spot location and density were defined during the e-beam patterning, as shown in Figure

structures could open the door for technological applications that require a bicontinuous, three-dimensional morphology. The fact that previous experimental work on the assembly of cylinder-forming polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymers (PS-b-PMMA) used chemical patterns that started with materials that would give very different background interaction strengths, ranging from density multiplication on backgrounds based on PS brush, which would have a strong affinity for the PS block in PS-b-PMMA,13 to interpolation on a nonpreferential brush made from a random copolymer of PS and PMMA (P(S-r-MMA)),19,20 suggests that any understanding of the effect of the background chemistry on directed assembly must also take into account the potential that the pattern formation process could alter the chemistry of the background. In previous directed assembly research, the chemical pattern was often defined by depositing a polymer brush that would serve as the background region and then patterning and oxidizing regions of the brush to create the guiding features.11,21−23 However, recent work has shown that the patterning process used to pattern a polymer brush could alter its surface chemistry.24 In order for directed assembly with density multiplication to find the broadest technological implementation, it is necessary to enhance our understanding of how the background chemistry, along with other process inputs such as the density multiplication factor, affects process outputs, such as defect density. Here we explore the effect of two fundamental process parameters: the composition of the chemical pattern and the density multiplication factor, n, on the number of defects and nonuniformities that form in equilibrated cylindrical domains assembled with density multiplication. We used a wellunderstood model system, consisting of PMMA-cylinderforming PS-b-PMMA directed to assemble on a lithographically defined, chemically nanopatterned, spotted array, with varying chemical compositions and values of n ranging from 1 to 16. The background of the chemical patterns was composed of a P(S-r-MMA) with varying mole fraction of styrene, FSt.23 FSt was chosen such that the background region was either weakly PS-preferential (WSP), nonpreferential (NP), or weakly PMMA-preferential (WMP).25,26 Along with examining the effect of FSt, we also examined the effect that the lithographic process could have on the interaction of the PS-b-PMMA film with the patterned P(S-r-MMA) brush. The assemblies were imaged with top-down scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to quantify the uniformity of the domain diameters, and the SEM micrographs were analyzed with Voronoi diagrams to determine an accurate count of assembly defects.

Figure 1. Representative schematic of chemical pattern fabrication with an e-beam lithographic process. 1. A basic pattern for directed assembly of cylinder-forming block copolymer was a hexagonal array of spots. For controlling the density multiplication factor, we patterned with a rectangular array of spots for 2× and 6× multiplications, a 90° tilted hexagonal array of spots for 3× multiplication, and a hexagonal array of spots with 2, 3, and 4 times to the original periodicity for 4×, 9× and 16× multiplications, respectively. Thin Film Fabrication. PS-b-PMMA thin films were spin-coated from 1.3% solutions in toluene onto substrates coated with either unpatterned or chemically patterned surfaces. The resulting block copolymer thin film was 37 nm thick, as measured by ellipsometry (Rudolph Research Auto EL). The film was annealed under vacuum at 230 °C for 2 h, which provided sufficient time to achieve equilibrium morphology on the chemical pattern. Characterization and Analysis. The patterns and the domain structures of the assembled block copolymer films on the chemical nanopatterns were imaged using a LEO 1550-VP field emission SEM with 1 keV acceleration voltage. To assist in image contrast of the films, the PMMA portions of the film were removed with 0.5 J/cm2 exposures of 254 nm ultraviolet light followed by a 30 s rinse in glacial acetic acid, subsequent washing with deionized water, and drying by nitrogen gun. The analysis of the behavior of the self-assembled films on the different P(S-r-MMA) brushes was repeated three times to verify our observations. The sizes and locations of the hexagonally ordered spots on the various chemical patterns were determined by analyzing top-down SEM images of the postdevelop photoresist layer with ImageJ 1.40 g software, after normalizing the brightness and contrast of the images with Photoshop. Voronoi diagrams were generated through a custom MATLAB program.27 The data presented


Materials. Asymmetric PS-b-PMMA (50.5 kg/mol PS, 20.9 kg/ mol PMMA, and PDI = 1.06, bulk d-spacing ≈37 nm, bulk center-tocenter distance between cylinders (L0) ≈43 nm) was purchased from Polymer Source, Inc., and used as received. Hydroxyl-terminated P(Sr-MMA) (Mn = 6.2−6.8 kg/mol, PDI = 1.20−1.25) was synthesized as described before.26 FSt values of the synthesized P(S-r-MMA) brushes were 0.57, 0.70, and 0.79. Hydroxyl-terminated polystyrene (PS-OH (FSt = 1); Mn = 6.0 kg/mol, PDI = 1.07) was synthesized using anionic polymerization. PMMA photoresist was purchased from MicroChem Corp. and had a Mn of 950 kg/mol. Preparation of Chemically Patterned Surfaces. A ∼20 nm film of PS-OH or P(S-r-MMA)-OH was spin-coated onto a piranhacleaned silicon wafer from a 1.0 wt % toluene solution and annealed under vacuum at 160 °C for 2 days in order to graft the polymer to the wafer via a dehydration reaction. Ungrafted polymer was then 160 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 159−164



Figure 2. Top-down SEM images of PS-b-PMMA thin films on random copolymer brushes with varying styrene content. The random copolymer brushes of bottom row of SEM images were treated with the same lithographic process used to make chemical patterns, except that they did not undergo the e-beam exposure step. The images shown here are representative of the results from three repeats of each experiment. for each condition were collected from more than 2000 spots per sample.

exposure to the lithographic process, the range of morphologies that was observed was generally the same as in the selfassembled films on brushes that were not exposed to lithography, and only the range of compositions over which parallel or perpendicular cylinders were observed shifted to higher values of FSt. Perpendicular cylinders were predominant in the films on the brushes with FSt equal to 0.70, 0.79, and 1. Significantly, the sample with the most perpendicular cylinders, indicative of a nonpreferential (NP) substrate, shifted from FSt = 0.70 before processing, in agreement with previous reports,28 to FSt = 0.79 after processing. Similar shifts were seen in the FSt values for brushes that were weakly PMMA preferential (WMP, 0.59 before processing to 0.70 after processing) or weakly PS preferential (WSP, 0.79 to 1). A structure similar to that shown in Figure 2 for FSt = 1 was also observed by Ruiz et al. in assemblies of cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA on unpatterned regions of PS brush (FSt = 1) after the brush had undergone lithographic processing.13 Our results suggest that the lithographic processing alters the wetting behavior of the brush in such a way as to appear to increase the FSt value of the P(S-rMMA) by 0.09−0.11. The presence of residual lithographic process material, which we hypothesize to be traces of entrained PMMA photoresist, is one possible reason for the shift of the NP FSt to a larger value after the lithographic process. For the rest of the paper we will refer to the WMP, NP, and WSP substrates af ter lithographic processing, corresponding to the brushes with FSt values of 0.70, 0.79, and 1, respectively. Directed assembly with density multiplication was studied with chemical patterns made on the WMP, NP, and WSP substrates and designed with n ranging from 1 to 16. The effect of the background chemistry and n on the directed assembly of PS-b-PMMA is shown in the top-down SEM images and inset Voronoi diagrams in Figure 3A. On the patterns made with the WMP P(S-r-MMA) brushes the assembled block copolymer film had defects in the hexagonal arrangement of the cylinders, even on the 1:1 (n = 1) chemical pattern. The defects were especially apparent in the Voronoi diagrams, in which colored spots indicated locations where the nearest neighbors to a cylinder did not form a hexagon, instead forming a pentagon, heptagon, or other polygon. As n increased from 2 to 4, the number of defects monotonically increased. In contrast to the results of directed assembly on the WMP brushes, directed

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We investigated the effect of FSt and n on the quality and uniformity of the assembled block copolymer film by creating chemical patterns following the scheme shown in Figure 1. Hydroxyl-terminated P(S-r-MMA), with specific values of FSt, was grafted onto a silicon wafer and used as an imaging layer. The spot pattern was formed with electron-beam lithography, using a 50 nm thick layer of PMMA photoresist. After developing the exposed resist, the resist pattern was transferred to the polymer brush by a brief oxygen plasma treatment. A thin film of PS-b-PMMA was subsequently spin-coated onto the chemical pattern, annealed under vacuum, and imaged with a SEM. The oxygen-plasma-treated spots were strongly preferential to the PMMA block of PS-b-PMMA, while the interaction of the background with the PS-b-PMMA varied with the FSt of the P(S-r-MMA) used to make the imaging layer. The key aspect of this approach is the ability to change the chemistry of the deposited brushes and hence the wetting properties and interfacial interactions of the blocks of the copolymer with the background region. Although the wetting behavior of the brush as a function of FSt is well-understood for brushes as deposited (prior to processing),26 it is possible that the chemisty of the background regions will change after patterning of the photoresist and subsequent photoresist stripping. To investigate the effect of lithographic processing on grafted brush layers with varying FSt, we examined 37 nm thick films of PS-b-PMMA self-assembled on top of unpatterned P(S-r-MMA) brushes with FSt values of 0.57, 0.70, 0.79, and 1 (PS homopolymer brush), both before and after exposure to the same chemical processing steps used in the lithographic process. The self-assembly behavior of thin films of PS-b-PMMA as a function of FSt, both before and after the lithographic process steps, is shown in the top-down SEM images in Figure 2. Prior to the lithographic process steps, parallel cylinders formed on the brushes that were either PMMA- or PS-preferential (FSt = 0.57 or 1, respectively), while perpendicular cylinders formed on the brushes with FSt of 0.70 or 0.79, matching previous reports on the self-assembly of PS-bPMMA on unpatterned P(S-r-MMA).25,28,29 In the case of selfassembly on the unpatterned P(S-r-MMA) brushes after 161 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 159−164



Figure 3. Effect of interfacial interactions and density multiplication assembly ratios on assembled PS-b-PMMA thin films on chemical patterns. (A) Top-down SEM images and corresponding Voronoi diagrams, shown as insets. (B) Statistics of spot size variation and (C) spot location variation. Filled and unfilled spots in the schematics on the top row represent patterned and density multiplied spots, respectively. Standard deviation of spot diameter (σD) over averaged spot diameter (Davg) and averaged standard deviation of row-to-row distance versus assembly ratio of density multiplication were determined from more than 2000 spots for each system.

without causing σD/Davg to increase beyond 0.05. It is worth noting that this level of σD/Davg is acceptable for some applications, such as bit patterned media application, in which the variation of the bit (spot) size and location must not surpass ∼5% to maintain adequate signal-to-noise ratio.30,31 In terms of σS, all three substrates yielded uniform σS for n values up to 3. When n equaled 4, the σS values increased for all 3 substrates, with the value for the NP substrate increasing the least. In general, Figure 3 shows that as n increased, the optimal background composition of the three compositions tested shifted from WSP at n = 1 to NP at n = 4, with WSP appearing to be slightly better at n = 2 and NP to be slightly better at n = 3. The effect of n and FSt on the quality of the assembly can be understood in terms of their effect on the free energy of the system. When n = 1 (1:1 assembly), only the PS block will be above the background, and therefore the system with the highest FSt (the WSP background, in this case) will have the lowest energy of the systems in Figure 3. In the case of directed assembly with density multiplication (n > 1), some PMMA will be above the background. Ruiz et al. used molecular simulations that minimized the free energy of a cylinder-forming block copolymer assembled with density multiplication on a chemical

assembly on the NP or WSP brushes yielded assemblies for which images at this magnification typically showed few, if any, defects, except for the WSP substrate on the 4:1 (n = 4) chemical pattern. For 4:1 density multiplication on the three substrates in the test, the best assembly was observed on the substrate that exhibited NP behavior after processing in Figure 2. Our results at 4:1 density multiplication were similar to the results of Tada et al., who observed that the fewest defects in an assembly of cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA were observed on a PS brush made with an intermediate Mn value, which corresponded to a moderate contact angle of PS on the brush.16 Their measured contact angle of 6° suggested that their optimal PS brush was neither strongly PS- nor PMMApreferential, but instead either NP or WSP. The effect of n and the surface chemistry of the background on the assembly was also analyzed in terms of the standard deviations of the spot diameter (σD) and the spot spacing (σS) in the top-down SEMs of the assembled domains, as shown in Figure 3B,C. On the WMP brushes with n > 2, there was more variation in σD than there was on the corresponding assemblies on the NP and WSP brushes. On the WSP brushes, σD/Davg could be kept at ∼0.05 for n values up to 3 (Davg = average spot diameter). On the NP brushes, n could be increased to 4 162 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 159−164



Figure 4. Top-down SEM images of PS-b-PMMA thin film on various chemical patterns with NP background and higher density multiplication, and corresponding Voronoi diagrams.

pattern to show that the best three-dimensional structures were obtained with a WSP background.13 Here we show that the WSP background yielded the assemblies with the most uniform shape and the fewest defects when n = 2. As n is further increased to 3 and 4, the amount of PMMA above the background increases. To minimize the free energy of the system provided by the background, the MMA content of the background will increase, FSt will correspondingly decrease, and the lowest energy background will transition from WSP to NP. The asymmetry of the defect density about the NP chemical composition (FSt = 0.79), with few defects observed in the assemblies on the NP and WSP chemical patterns, but many defects observed on the WMP chemical pattern, is most likely due to the affinity of the background region for PMMA on the WMP substrate. As a result of the PMMA affinity, one potential configuration for the morphology of the blend is to have PMMA cylinders lying flat against the background region of the chemical pattern in addition to wetting the spots of the chemical pattern. Even if the parallel domain structure did not propagate upward through the blend film, the presence of the PMMA cylinders against the substrate would impede the ability of the chemical pattern to guide the assembly. Following the studies described above, we assembled PS-bPMMA thin films on chemical patterns with NP background regions and n values of 6, 9, and 16. As shown in the top-down SEM images and Voronoi diagrams in Figure 4, as n increased, more defects were present in the hexagonal arrangement of the assembled cylinders, even when the best background composition for assemblies with large n was used. The effect of n can be seen most clearly in the Voronoi diagrams in Figure 4. As n is increased, the number of defect structures monotonically increases. The combined effect of the background surface chemistry and n on the ability of a chemical pattern to direct assembly with density multiplication is analogous to previous results on 1:1 chemical patterns, in

which the ability to obtain defect free structures depended on the surface chemistry of the chemical pattern,32 and the commensurability of the chemical pattern period23 or layout33 with the bulk morphology of the block copolymer. The combination of results shown in Figures 3 and 4 lead us to hypothesize that the number of defects and nonuniformities in directed assembly with density multiplication increase monotonically as the assembly moves away from the ideal condition. The steady increase in the number of defects as n increased, shown in Figure 4, supports this hypothesis. Similarly, Tada et al. observed that the tolerance for incommensurability between the spacing of the chemical pattern and the bulk morphology decreased as n increased.15 In terms of the surface chemistry, the assemblies for n = 4 in Figure 3 show that as the surface chemistry moved away from an optimum, the number of defects increased. While we did not attempt to optimize the surface chemistry in this study, we could conclude that the NP brush must have been the closest to the optimum of the three brushes that we studied. The NP brush also exhibited nonpreferential behavior, indicating that it fell within a range of surface chemistries that exhibit NP behavior for the self-assembly of cylinder-forming block copolymers.25

CONCLUSION In summary, we can conclude that to achieve the optimum conditions for directed assembly of cylindrical domains with density multiplication, in terms of minimizing defects and nonuniformities, it is necessary to use a background material in the chemical pattern that is tuned for the overlying material. At low n it will be necessary to have a brush that is more WSP than at high n. This conclusion points to the need to develop a chemical pattern system in which the composition of the background region can be tuned independently of the guiding lines. It is also important to understand the effect that previous 163 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 159−164



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processing can have on the interaction of the chemical pattern with the block copolymer. In our case, the lithographic process used to define the chemical pattern substantially affected the surface chemistry of the brush and therefore its interaction with the block copolymer. The findings in this work should be useful in integrating directed assembly of block copolymers with density multiplication into technologies requiring superior resolution and minimal pattern defects, such as advanced lithography and bit patterned media.

AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *E-mail: [email protected].

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (2008-OJ-1674.002) and the NSF UW Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (DMR-0425880).


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