Densities of the Liquid and Dense Phase Regions

densities of the liquid state. In this connection, the saturated liquid density data of Young (23) for isopentane and the high pressure data of Sage a...
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Densities of the Liquid a n d Dense Phase Regions and G E O R G E THODOS T h e T e c h n o l o g i c a l Institute, Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y , Evanston,


T h e expansion factor correlation introduced i n 1913 by Watson (21) h a s received considerable interest and application for t h e calculation of thermodynamic properties and d e n s i t i e s of t h e liquid s t a t e . In t h i s connection, t h e saturated liquid density data of Young (23) for isopentane and t h e high pressure data of Sage a n d L a c e y (18, 19) for propane and n-pentane were used t o c a l c u l a t e values of t h e expansion factor, defined a s :


7,= critical temperature, OK.

P, = critical pressure, atm. M = molecular weight p = density, grams per cc. Watson points out t h a t a correlation of t h e expansion factor with reduced temperature and pressure failed to produce a generalized relationship, as o v a l u e s a t t h e s a m e reduced conditions were found t o vary by more than 20% for different substances. T o overcome t h i s limitation, Watson proposed t o calculate d e n s i t i e s of other s u b s t a n c e s from a s i n g l e liquid density, p l , through t h e relationship,


p=o,w where o1 is the expansion factor corresponding to conditions of density pl. Equation 2 h a s proved of considerable utility for t h e calculation of liquid d e n s i t i e s over extended ranges of temperature and pressure. T h e recent introduction of t h e compressibility factor a t the critical point, z,, a s t h e third correlating parameter (7, 9, 11, 16) s u g g e s t s t h a t a correlation of t h e expansion factor with reduced temperature and pressure could become generalized if related t o t h i s parameter. Accordingly, for t h e direct calculation of densities, t h e correlation presented by Watson (21) should b e restricted t o s u b s t a n c e s having z c values comparable t o t h o s e of isopentane (2, = 0.268), n-pentane ( z , = 0.269), and propane (2, = 0.278).


tures ranging from -18.3' to 200°C. T h e experimental density values of Elenedict a r e plotted in Figure 2 and cover t h e pressure range included between P, = 2.98 and PR = 174 and t h e temperature range included between TR = 0.714 and TR = 3.749. T h e density values of t h e saturated liquid s t a t e presented in Figure 1 and t h o s e of Benedict presented in Figure 2 have been converted with Equation 1 t o produce expansion factors, for t h e corresponding temperature and pressure conditions. For t h e s e calculations, t h e critical constants used for nitrogen were T, = 126.2'K. and P, = 33.5 atm (15). A c r o s s plot of t h e s e calculated o values permitted t h e construction of Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 presents expansion factors for nitrogen a s functions of reduced temperature and pressure on rectilinear coordinates. In t h i s figure, t h e high pressure data of Benedict (5, 6 ) made possible the calculation of o values up to a reduced press u r e of PR = 180 and a reduced temperature of TR = 1.4. Figure 4 presents a n extension of t h i s temperature range up t o 7R = 4.0, on a logarithmic coordinate. G E N E R A L I Z E D A P P L I C A T I O N OF EXPANSION FACTOR CORRELATIONS

In accordance with t h e recent introduction of t h e compressibility factor, z,, a s t h e third correlating parameter, Brock a n d Bird (9) apply the principle of corresponding s t a t e s to the correlation of surface tension. Hobson and Weber (11) utilize t h i s parameter for t h e correlation of compressibility factors of t h e saturated vapor and !iquid states. Similarly, Lydersen, Greenkorn, and Hougen (16) adapt t h i s parameter for the correlation of reduced d e n s i t i e s applicable to t h e liquid and gaseous phases.




T h e saturated liquid density data of Mathias, Kamerlingh Onnes, and Crommelin (17), van Itterbeek, d e Bock and Verhaegen (13), a n d Baly a n d Donnan (3) have been used t o e s t a b l i s h t h e saturated liquid line presented i n Figure 1. T h e density v a l u e s of t h e s e investigators a r e in good agreement a t t h e lower temperatures. At t h e higher temperatures, t h e density values of Mathias, Kamerlingh Onnes, and Crommelin (17) represent t h e only source of data which permit a n extension of t h e saturated liquid l i n e to t h e critical point. T h e critical density of nitrogen, p c = 0.311 gram per cc., reported by Kobe and Lynn (15) h a s been used t o produce t h e expansion factor for nitrogen a t t h e critical point, a, = 0.0418. T h e comprehensive experimental nitrogen density determinations of Benedict (5, 6) have proved invaluable in t h i s study. Benedict presents nitrogen d e n s i t i e s for p r e s s u r e s ranging from 100 to 5835 atm. a n d for tempera'Present Chicago, Ill.








Baly ond Donnon Kobe ond Lynn Mathias, Kornnlingh Onnes and Crommelin von Itterbeek. de Bock ond Verhoegen

















130 110 Ternperoture,'K









, 140

Figure 1. Density-temperature relationship for saturated liquid nitrogen

T h e dependence of t h e expansion factor on t h e z, parameter is well illustrated in Figure 5 in which a r e presented the expansion factor l i n e s resulting for the saturated liquid data of nitrogen ( z , = 0.291) and that of isopentane T h e data for isopentane used by Watson (22) (2, = 0.268). to produce t h e original o factor correlation h a v e been utilized t o produce t h e isopentane relationship of Figure 5. T h i s relationship is found t o diverge from t h e corresponding nitrogen c u r v e with decreasing temperature. T h e disVOL. 3, NO. 2

parity of t h e s e relationships c a n be attributed to differences in critical compressibility factors. Accordingly, F i g u r e s 3 and 4 should b e capable of producing d e n s i t i e s directly for s u b s t a n c e s having t h e s a m e compressibility factor a t the critical point a s that of nitrcgen, z , = 0.291. A cursory literature examination indicates that argon, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, chloroform, methane, oxygen, and phosgene have critical compressibility factors near 0.291. T h e exact z c values and corresponding critical constants for t h e s e s u b s t a n c e s a r e presented in T a b l e I. A number of density values for the s u b s t a n c e s presented in T a b l e I h a v e been calculated for the saturated liquid and d e n s e p h a s e regions. T h e s e calculated values h a v e been Lompared with experimental densities reported in t h e literature to produce the deviations presented i n T a b l e I. F o r argon, carbon monoxide, methane, and oxygen, the resulting deviations were found to b e c l o s e to 1%,whereas those of chloroform and phosgene were -8.42 and -7.58%, respectively.



