Department chemists help dye industry - Journal of Chemical

Journal of Chemical Education. Advanced Search. Search; Citation; Subject .... Department chemists help dye industry. J. Chem. Educ. , 1925, 2 (7), p ...
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From such a figure we can readily see that for solutions such as those of nickel, in which there is marked polarization a t low current densities, the greatest relative deviation from Ohm's law in the behavior of the cell as a whole, occurs not a t high but a t low current densities. In all solutions, polarization tends to approach a maximum as the current density is increased and therefore a t the higher current densities the total potential drop in the cell is more largely determined by the resistivity of the solution than a t low current densities. It is hoped that by some such simple methods as are illustrated in this paper it may be possible to inculcate early in the technical courses those fundamental principles of electrodeposition, upon which any sound exhaustive or mathematical treatment of the subject must rest.

James Douglas Medal. William H. Barrett. technical superintendent and metallurgist for the American Bra.. compnoy, Waterbury, conn., has been awarded the James Dovglar Medal for distinguished achievement in non-ferrous metallurgy. This medal is bestowed annually a. a memorial t o Dr. James Doudar, formerly president of the American Institute of Mining and Methilvrgieai Engineers.-The Technology R ~ i m . School and Society mnounees t h a t the rum of

68000 has bee,, entrusted to the American council on Edvcatioo t o provide for scholarships fer study abroad during the year 192.S26, eaoh w r t h $1000. T o be eligible t o receive one of these rcholarship~a student, either man or woman, murt be not lerr than eighteen years of age, must have been in residence for a period of two academic years a t an American institution approved by the American counei1 on Education, and murt expect t o return to his American Colkge to take his degree. There is no iimitation concerning the countries or Universities in which students may study, or t o the 6eId of study. ,\ progr*." %,I1 bc ro .rraogc,I that lull rrrc1,t fur the w o r t of t h r YPU "811 make rf posiiblc f