Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of

around the globe. We gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic participation and cooperation of all the authors, the reviewers for providing excellent c...
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Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring Downloaded from by on 11/10/18. For personal use only.

Preface Environmental monitoring for the detection of pollutants is becoming increas­ ingly important to regulatory agencies, the regulated community, and the general public. This is especially true for compounds that pose a potential human health risk or risk to the environment. The high cost and slow turnaround times typically associated with the measurements of regulated pollutants clearly indicate a need for analytical technologies that are fast, portable, and cost effective. T o meet this need, a variety of analytical methods have been introduced. Although a very small number of these methods are commercially available, many are under research and development. This volume, a result of a one-day symposium held during the 217 American Chemical Society ( A C S ) National Meeting, presents a cross-section of recent ad­ vances in the research and development of chemical and biochemical sensors for environmental monitoring. These chapters demonstrate how many of the key chal­ lenges for environmental monitoring are being addressed. This text is critical to keep abreast of the many new environmental sensing technologies that are being researched at the laboratories of prominent scientists in the United States and around the globe. W e gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic participation and cooperation of all the authors, the reviewers for providing excellent comments and suggestions in time, and of A n n e Wilson and Kelly Dennis of the A C S Books Department for guidance and support in making this volume a reality. W e thank D r . Ruth Hathaway and the A C S Division of Environmental Chemistry, Inc. for coordinating and sup­ porting the symposium that resulted in bringing together world-class researchers in the field of environmental sensors. Last but not the least, we warmly acknowledge the gracious support of our families. th


Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of California Riverside, CA 92521 OMOWUNMI



Department of Chemistry State University of N e w Y o r k at Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13902-6016
