dependable supply... another reason why you can count on dalpac bht

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DEPENDABLE SUPPLY... ANOTHER REASON WHY YOU CAN COUNT ON DALPAC BHT McKesson & Robbins Chemical Branch Offices and Warehouses ATLANTA 8, GA. KANSAS C I T Y 1 , M O . 8 0 5 Peachtree Street, N.E. 1422 St. Louis Avenue BLOOMFIELD, N. J . LOS ANGELES 22, CALIF. 1246 Broad Street 5353 Jillson Street MILWAUKEE 4, WISC. BOSTON 9, MASS. 531 South Water Street 79 Milk Street MOBILE 9, ALA. BUFFALO 7, Ν. Υ . 453 St. Anthony Street NEW YORK 3, Ν . Υ . 1807 Elmwood Avenue 225 Fourth A v e n u e BURLINGTON, IOWA OMAHA 1, NEB. 100 North 4 t h Street 902 Fa m a m Street CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA PEORIA 1, I L L . 8 1 2 S. Washington Street 9 0 0 Second Street, S.E. PHILADELPHIA 2, PENNA. CHICAGO 80, I L L . 2418 Lewis Tower Building 540 West Randolph Street PHOENIX, A R I Z . CINCINNATI 2, OHIO Central and Van Buren PITTSBURGH 28, PENNA. 49 Central Avenue 91 Central Square at CLEVELAND 3, OHIO Washington Road 4 5 0 0 Euclid Avenue PORTLAND 8. ORE. 630 N.W. 14tn Avenue DALLAS 22, TEXAS PROVIDENCE 1 , R. I . 6 1 1 North Field Street 68 Traverse Street DAVENPORT, IOWA ST. LOUIS 2 . M O . 117 Insurance Exchange Bldg. 9 0 4 Landreth Building ST. PAUL 14, M I N N . DECATUR, I L L . 2295 University Avenue 60 Industry Court SAN ANTONIO 6, TEXAS DENVER 2, COLO. 1110 Hoefgen Avenue 505 Kittredge Building SIOUX CITY 6, IOWA 3 0 4 Pearl Street DES MOINES, IOWA 2 1 6 Warehouses Elm Street a t a d d i t i o n a l points adjacent t o above cities DETROIT 15, M I C H . CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT, McKESSON & ROBBINS, INC. Avenue 12035 Mack HOUSTON 11, TEXAS A Product of Street Oxychemicals Division, 515 Norwood

There are many good reasons for the excep­ tional popularity of Dalpac BHT. For one thing Dalpac is a top-quality feed antioxidant that promotes full assimilation of essential nutrients and protects vitamin po­ tency. Dalpac also prevents rancidity of feed despite long periods of storage and transporta­ tion. For feed manufacturers Dalpac means additional profit because vitamin content is protected without over-fortification. And a little Dalpac goes a long way—just 4 ounces to the ton does the job. Add to all that the fact that Dalpac is quickly available from any o n e of the locations listed at the right and you'll see why more and more feed manufacturers are finding that they can depend on Dalpac for the results they want. Dalpac is available nationwide from:

Naval Stores Department






900 Market Street, Wilmington 99, Delaware MARCH

3 1,
