Derivatives of 9-thioxanthenecarbonitrile

pure 3a: nip 97-98', ir (KBr) C=N stretching eit,her weak or absent; uv max (EtOH) ... Et20-hexane provided 3.0 g of an oil, which was greatly enriche...
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January 1970




1 E:1MgBr. 25

2. tI ,o+,100


(17.9 g, 0.20 mole) were added and the suspension was stirred a t reflux under Nzfor 4 hr. Before cooling the mixture was filtered, the solids were washed wit,h hot C&s, and the filtrat,e was evaporated to yield a crystalline residue (20.6 g), mp 85-89", containing thioxanthene and thioxant,heri-9-oneJ as well as the desired nitrile (t,lc). One recrystallization from hexane removed thioxarrtherie and one recryst,allization from i-PrOH removed most of the thioxant.hen-9-one to provide 13.6 g (617,) of 3a, mp 92.595', which was pure enough to be used as a synthetic int,ermediate. Three addit,ional recrystallizations from i-PrOH provided pure 3a: nip 97-98', ir (KBr) C=N stretching eit,her weak or absent; uv max (EtOH) 262 mp (log e 4.0). Anal. (CldHsNS) C, H, K. 2-Chloro-9-thioxanthenecarbonitriie (3b) was prepared by the same procedure in 64% yield, mp 13G-136" (Me2CO-hexane), ir (KBr) 4.49 p (C=?r', very weak), uv max (Et.OH) 266 mp (log e4.1). Anal. (CldH&lK'S) C, H , S . Method A. 9- [2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl] -9-thioxanthenecarbonitrile (4a).--A solution of 3a (11.2 g, 0.050 mole) in 50 ml of anhydrous DMF under S:!was treated with 4970 KaH in oil (2.5 g, 0.050 mole). After ea. 10 miii HZ evolution subsided and 2-chlo~o-?;~I\j-dimethglethylamine (8.5 g, 0.070 mole) was added to the deep red carbanion solution. The mixture v a s stirred a t 95' for 15 min daring which time the color discharged. After dilution by 2 vol of HIO, the prodiicts were extracted into EtOAc. The EtOAc extracts were washed twice with H10, then extracted by t,hree 30-ml portions of 1 S aqueous HC1. The combined acidic extracts were treated wit,h 10 iY aqueous KaOH to pH 11 and t,he product was extracted with EtOAc. The residue dissolved in EtzO afforded a crystalline salt upon treat,ment, wit,h HC1-Et20. One recryst,allization from i-PrOH provided 10.0 g (60%) of pure 4a,HCl, mp 232-234', uv max (EtOH) 263mp (log 64.1). ilnal. (ClaH18S,S.HC1) C, H, K. 2-Chloro-9- [2-(dimethylamino)ethyl] -9-thioxanthenecarbonitrile (4b) n-as prepared in 73% yield from 3b via method A: mp 71.5-i3' (hexane). The hydrochloride crystallized from i-PrOH: nip 260-261.5", uv max (EtOH) 270 mp (log E 4.1). Anal. (Ci8Hi7CINzS.HCl) C , H, N. 1- { 9- [2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl] thioxanthen-9-yl ) -1-propanone (5a).--A solntion of 4a (4.1 g, 0.014 mole) in 60 ml of anhydrous C6H, was added to a solution of EtIlIgBr (from 3.3 g of EtBr, 0.73 g of Llg, and 15 ml of anhydrous Et2O) under K Pat such a rate so as to maintain the reaction t,emperature below 5". After stirring a t 25' for 18 hr, the pale green suspension was treated with 30 ml of 3 N aqueous HC1 and heated for 0.5 hr on a steam



bath while the Et20 and CsHe were allowed to distil away from the react'ion mixture. The mixture was cooled and the oily hydrochloride was extracted into CHCb. Two recryst,allizatioris from C&-hexane afforded 3.05 g (50%) of pure 5a.HC1,l0 mp 178-180', ir (KBr), 5.81 p (C=O), uv max (EtOH) 274 mp (log e 4.0). Anal. (C20H2aNOS.HCl) C, H, N. 1-(2-Chloro-9- [2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]thioxanthen-9-yll-lpropanone (5b) was prepared in 41Yc yield from 4b by the same, procedure but was isolated as the maleate salt: nip 18&190", ir (KBr) 5.85 p (C=O), uv max (EtOH) 277 mp (log e 4.1). Anal. (CiaHzpClKOS.C~H404)C, H, N. 2-Chloro-N,N-dimethyIthioxanthene-9-ethylamine(6), the major product if the Grignard mixture is heated t o 100' before addition of the aqueous HC1, rvas isolated as the hydrochloride, mp 257-258.501 uv max (EtOH) 272 mp (log e 4.1). Anal. (C17HisClNS.HCl) C, H, X. 9- [2-(Dimethylamino)propyl] -9-thioxanthenecarbonitrile (7) was prepared from 11.2 g of 3a and 2-chloro-S,N-dimethylpropylamine by method A. The crude residue (11.8 g) derived from the EtOAc extract was dissolved in hexane and chromakographed on 300 g of neutral AlzOs (Woelm, activity I). Elution with 2% Et20-hexane provided 3.0 g of an oil, which was greatly enriched (cu. 9: 1) in the less polar (LP) isomer. Subsequent elution by Et20 yielded 8.7 g of a mixt,ure slightly enriched (ca. 6:4) in the more polar (AIP) isomer, The 90% L P fraction was converted to the hydrochloride salt, in Et20 and t,wice recrystallized from EtOH t o yield 1.2 g of pure 7.HCl: mp 276-277" dec; nnir (CDCla)S 2.42 (broad singlet, +SCH,), 1.20 (d, 3 H, J = 6 CPS, CCH,). Anal. (Cl~HzOXzS.HCl) C, H, N. 9- [l-(Dimethylamino)-2-propyl] -9-thioxanthenecarbonitrile (8) was obtained by rechromatographing the above Et20 eluate on 90 g of neut,ral A1203,eluting with C6H6 to remove all LP isomer, then eluting the hIP isomer with hIe2CO. The JIe2C0 eluate was treated u-ith HC1 and the insolitble salt'was recrystallized from EtOH to afford 1.4 g of pure 8.HC1: mp 241.5-243' dec; nmr (CDCI,) 6 2.46 (sharp singlet, +SCH,), 1.29 (d, 3 H, J = 7 cps, CCH3). Anal. (C1gH20NYS.HCl)C, H, E.

Acknowledgment.-I wish t'o express my appreciation for the valuable technical assistance contributed by Mr. Hans Wiedermann. (IO) Compound Sa previously reported is the maleate salt: C. L. Zirkle,

U.S . Patent 3,095,425 (1963); Chem. Abstr., 69, 128420 (1963).