Desamino Analogs of Thyroxine1 - American Chemical

desamino analogs of diiodotyrosine to the correspond- ing analogs of thyroxine3 it became necessary to syn- thesize analogs of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine...
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X synthesis of analogs of t'hyroxirie arid of :~,5,:~'-triiodotIiyroriirlr. irk wliicli t,lle : m i n o grtrup is replacyd with a carboxy group (I:&) or a carbethoxy group (111)is presented. Prelirninsry iiiologicd tests show tliat t 11c dicarboxylic acids ( I a ) are weak thgromimetic. ngeiits.

111 the course of a study oil tlic coiivcr5ioii of \.arioii> desamiiio analogs of diiodotyrosiiic t o the coiwspondiiig aiialogs of thyroxiiie3 it hecame necessary to syiithesize aiialogs of 3,j13'-triiodothyroiiiiie and of t h y i m iiie i i i \I hich the amino group is replaced with a carhosy group (Ia) or with a carbethoxy group (It)).



Ia, HI = I ; It2 = H or I ; ltd = CH,CH(COOH)? Ib, R I = I , 11, = H or I , It3 = CH2CH(C02C,H,)COOH IC.R, 111 H : It4 CHvCH(CO?C9Hn), Id, R, arid It2 = H : lt3 = CH,CH(Ci)dHj; Ie, I& a n d I