Design and construction of a new class of scaffolding-like materials

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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1990,112, 1546-1554

Design and Construction of a New Class of Scaffolding-like Materials Comprising Infinite Polymeric Frameworks of 3D-Linked Molecular Rods. A Reappraisal of the Zn(CN)2 and Cd(CN)2 Structures and the Synthesis and Structure of the Diamond-Related Frameworks

[N(CH3)4][Cu1Zn11(CN)4]and CUI[4,4”4”,4”’-tetracyanotetraphenylmethane]BF4~xC6H5NO2 B. F. Hoskins and R. Robson* Contribution from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, Australia. Received July 12, I989

Abstract: It is proposed that a new and potentially extensive class of scaffolding-like materials may be afforded by linking together centers with either a tetrahedral or an octahedral array of valences by rodlike connecting units. Some simple general principles concerning the design and construction of these frameworks are presented together with reasons for expecting them to show unusual and useful properties. Two of the simplest conceivable systems of this type are isomorphous Zn(CN)2 and Cd(CN)2 whose structures have been reexamined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, confirming the earlier description based on powder diffraction data of two interpenetrating diamond-related frameworks: cubic with space group P43m,Z = 2;a = 5.9002(9)8, (Zn(CN)& and 6.301 (1) A (Cd(CN),); two uni ue metal centers, one surrounded tetrahedrally by 4 C and the other by 4 N donors; MCNM rods linear; ZnC, 1.923 (6)%;ZnN, 2.037 (5) A; CdC, 2.099 (5) A; CdN, 2.196 (4)A; CN, 1.150 (5) A in Zn(CN)2 and 1.162 (5) A in Cd(CN)?. The interpenetration of separate frameworks demonstrated in these archetypal structures is likely to be a major concern in future studies of more complex scaffolding materials. The material [N(CH,),] [CuZn(CN),] was deliberately designed to demonstrate one conceivable way of preventing interpenetration; its structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction: cubic, F43m,a = 11.609 (3) A, Z = 4. The structure contains a single diamond-related framework with alternating tetrahedral Cu(1) and Zn(I1) centers and linear rods that are very likely of the type CuCNZn with bond distances CuC, 1.877(8) A; and ZnN, 2.069 (15) A. N(CH3).,+ ions occupy half the adamantane cavities generated by the framework, the remaining cavities being vacant. Cu1[4,4’,4’’,4’’’-tetracyanotetraphenylmethane]BF4.xC6H5NO2(x 1 7.7)represents the first attempt to generate an infinite 3 D framework with rods of some complexity. The structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction; tetragonal, 14m2,a = 13.620(2)A, c = 22.642 (2)A, Z = 2. The structure contains a diamond-related cationic framework with C.C,H,.CN.Cu rods of length 8.856 (2)A. The framework is tetragonally elongated along the c axis apparently as a result of nonbonded interactions between the eight ortho-hydrogen atoms around the methane carbon centers. There is no interpenetration. The framework generates very large admanantane-like cavities occupied by disordered C6H5N02(at least 7.7 molecules per Cu) together with BF4- ions. The crystals undergo ready anion exchange. The material is unusual in that approximatelytwo-thirds by volume of what is undoubtedly a crystal is effectively liquid. The results provide confidence that a wide range of scaffolding-like solids should prove accessible.

I n this section we present some simple structural ideas that appeared to us to have far-reaching implications with regard to the deliberate design and construction of a new and potentially extensive class of solid materials with infinite framework structures resembling scaffolding. We also put forward sensible reasons for expecting these new materials to show unusual and useful properties. The synthetic and crystallographic results presented in later sections represent some of our early attempts at the deliberate construction of infinite 3D frameworks. The results obtained provide considerable encouragement that a wide range of materials with scaffolding-like structures should prove synthetically accessible. We propose that infinite, ordered frameworks may form spontaneously, if ways can be devised of linking together centers with either a tetrahedral or an octahedral array of valencies by rodlike connecting units. Some classes of centers and molecular rods that could conceivably be linked together to form these frameworks are considered below. We were mindful of the distinct risk that such polymerizing systems could lead to irregular linking up of units, giving amorphous materials of indefinite composition (e.g., with many internal ”loose ends”). Nevertheless, the probability that ordered, truly crystalline structures might spontaneously assemble appeared to us sufficiently high to make some trial syntheses worthwhile. Frameworks constructed from tetrahedral centers might reasonably be expected to adopt a structure based on either the cubic diamond lattice or the hexagonal Lonsdaleite lattice with each C-C bond of the prototype replaced by a mo-

lecular rod; those constructed from octahedral centers should yield a simple cubic lattice related to a-polonium. These frameworks would generate a regular array of cavities, interconnected by windows. The cavities could be described as adamantane-like (I) in the cubic diamond-related lattices and



iceane-like (11) in the hexagonal Lonsdaleite-related lattices. When models of 3D networks based on tetrahedral centers are constructed, a very striking feature is the relatively large size of the cavities and windows produced even by rods of only modest length. For rods of a given length and “radius” the frameworks built from tetrahedral centers generate much bigger cavities and access windows than those based on octahedral centers. For this reason we have chosen in our initial studies to concentrate on tetrahedral-based systems, but the considerations presented below can readily be applied to the systems based on octahedral centers. Lattices of this general type appeared to offer a number of features, listed below, of sufficient potential interest and utility to warrant attempting some exploratory syntheses: (a) Diffusion of various species, molecular or ionic, throughout the structure may be facile, and such materials may therefore have interesting molecular sieve properties and, with rods carrying

0002-78631901I5 12-1546$02.50/0 0 1990 American Chemical Society

J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 112, No. 4, 1990

A New Class of Scaffolding-like Materials

charges, may show ion-exchange properties. (b) Despite Nature’s abhorrence of a vacuum it may be possible to devise rods with sufficient rigidity to support the existence of solids with relatively huge empty cavities. Materials combining good or even high thermal, chemical, and mechanical stability with unusually low density may thereby be afforded. (c) Relatively unimpeded migration of species throughout the lattice may allow chemical functionalization of the rods subsequent to the construction of the framework. The introduction of one or more catalytic centers per rod may thereby be straightforward. The very open structure should again ensure both easy access of substrates to catalytic sites and ready release of catalytic products. Materials for heterogeneous catalysis of great potential utility may thereby be provided. Even with only one catalytic center attached to each rod, each chamber would on average enclose more than one catalytic center (e.g., in the diamond-related lattice there would on average be two catalytic centers per adamantane chamber and in the simple cubic lattice three catalytic centers per chamber). Cooperative action between sites may therefore be feasible. The materials proposed here have some features in common with existing cross-linked polymers. However, they promise ordered structures with the distinct advantage of being amenable to X-ray crystallographic analysis and offer much better prospects for precise control of the environment of individual catalytic sites, since they possess site reproducibility in contrast to the random, variable local environments provided by cross-linked polymers. They clearly have features in common with zeolites, which have attracted intense interest arising from their diverse applications as catalysts and molecular sieves. The materials we propose here in principle offer bigger cavities, better access, a greater “concentration“ of active sites and more widely variable functionalization of the matrix than cross-linked polymers or zeolites. The mere demonstration that it is possible deliberately to assemble rodlike components into a scaffolding structure with chambers and windows of considerable size seemed to us to constitute a very significant first step in attempts to open up this new area of chemistry. Some general approaches to the construction of frameworks based on tetrahedral centers are (a) to link together units with a prefabricated array of tetrahedrally disposed minirods by some appropriate linear end-to-end connecting process, (b) to use rodlike units reactive at both ends to link together tetrahedral centers by some appropriate substitution process occurring at the tetrahedral center, and (c) to link together units with an already intact tetrahedral array of minirods by a substitution process at a second sort of tetrahedral center. With regard to the choice of rods, the following simple molecular units, or combinations thereof, which provide the required collinear bonds might be considered and others no doubt could be readily conceived: ( I ) p-phenylene units (111) or related





heterocyclic units such as IV and V; (2) acetylene units (*-) and related linear triply bonded systems such as -C=N--M or -N=C-M; (3) fused 5/6/5 planar ring systems such as VI; (4) metal centers disubstituted in a linear fashion, -X--M+X-, where the two monodentate donors, X, are trans and are linear at X (e.g., a nitrile, an isonitrile, or a 4-substituted pyridine) and where the metal, M, is either two-coordinate, square planar, or octahedral; (5) bis-chelated metal centers such as VI1 (where M could be square planar or tetrahedral) and VI11 (where M is octahedral).



linear two-coordinate metal centers may take on extra ligands or the acetylene units may undergo some reaction at the reactive

c=c .

Coordinate bond formation seemed a most attractive process, at least for initial studies, for the framework building step, especially when advantage could be taken of the stability offered by chelate ring formation. A particularly favorable aspect of the coordinate bond forming step is that it is generally reversible; this feature could be important in the building up of an ordered, truly crystalline arrangement, the growing structure being able, if a “wrong” step is taken, first to “backtrack” to eliminate the error and then to continue the orderly build up. The choice of tetrahedral centers would depend in part on the framework building process to be used. For the approaches using centers with an already intact tetrahedral array of minirods, approaches a and c above, both 4,4’,4”,4’”-tetrasubstituted tetraphenylmethanes (or silane analogues etc.) and 1,3,5,7-tetrasubstituted adamantanes (or adamantane analogues) show promise. For initial studies we have set aside the adamantane possibilities because the required functionalization appeared to be potentially more difficult than with the tetraphenylmethanes; however, in the long term the adamantane-linked frameworks may prove very useful because of the great intrinsic stability of this C l 0nucleus. For the framework building approach, approach b above, via substitution at a tetrahedral center by rodlike species reactive at both ends, metal centers with a preference for tetrahedral coordination are obvious choices; however, it is not easy to find metal centers for which one can be certain of generating the intended tetrahedral array, for often alternative coordination numbers are adopted unpredictably. We describe below what we believe to be the first example of a deliberately designed and constructed single infinite framework consisting of tetrahedral centers linked together by polyatomic rodlike segments of some complexity. A brief, preliminary report concerning this structure has already been published.] The considerations presented above indicate how enormous is the range of different conceivable approaches to these infinite frameworks. For our first attempt the approach we chose on the basis of its apparent simplicity and lack of obvious pitfalls was to substitute the acetonitrile ligands of Cu1(CH3CN),+ by the previously unknown 4,4’,4”,4”’-tetracyanotetraphenylmethane. One of the simplest imaginable approaches to the sorts of frameworks proposed here is to use a diatomic bifunctional rod such as C22-or CN- with a considerable preference for binding metals at each end in a linear fashion, together with a metal center with a preference for a tetrahedral arrangement of ligands. Such a combination is to be found in Zn(CN)2 and Cd(CN)2 whose isomorphous structures were proposed on the basis of X-ray powder diffraction data almost 50 years ag0.~9~Because of the archetypal importance of these structures and because of their important implications with regard to the construction of more elaborate frameworks, we have undertaken the determinations of the crystal structures of Zn(CN)2 and Cd(CN)2 using contemporary singlecrystal X-ray diffraction methods. Diamond-based frameworks with linear MCNM rods and tetrahedral metal centers are indeed present, but the crystal consists of two such frameworks, entirely independent of one another and interpenetrating on a grand scale. Each framework effectively fills all the adamantane chambers of the other. Details of these structures are described below. The fact that zinc and cadmium cyanides prefer to crystallize in the form of two independent interpenetrating frameworks rather than a single framework suggests that such interpenetration may well be a common outcome of the framework building attempts proposed here, in which case the large chambers of so much potential interest would be lost (or at least drastically reduced in size). Nevertheless, the interpenetrating structures themselves would constitute a significant new class of solids that may for example show unusual physical and mechanical properties and


Many of these possible candidates suffer from the potential deficiency of too readily undergoing some reaction or other to become nonlinear, leading to collapse of the framework; e.g., the

Hoskins, B. F.; Robson, R. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1989, I 1 I, 5962. (2) Zhdanov, H. C.R. Acad. Sci. URSS 1941, 3/, 350. (3) Shugam, E.; Zhdanov, H. Acta Physiochim. URSS 1945, 20, 247. ( 1)

1548 J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 112, No. 4, 1990

that would undoubtedly be worth constructing and studying. The length to radius ratio of the rods will clearly have an influence on whether or not interpenetrative growth occurs; in general, it would be expected that the larger this ratio, the more likely would interpenetration be. It may be possible in some cases to control whether crystal growth is interpenetrative or not by the deliberate imposition of chosen constraints on the system. Thus, a material that otherwise would crystallize in the form of interpenetrating frameworks could possibly be induced to form a single framework of either the cubic diamond-related type or the hexagonal Lonsdaleite-related type by providing in the crystallizing medium suitable templating molecules of the correct shape and size to fit snugly into the appropriate chambers. With frameworks carrying an overall charge the possibility of influencing the mode of crystal growth is more obvious; large counterions may make interpenetration of a second framework simply impossible, while smaller counterions may allow it. The relative simplicity of metal cyanide systems makes them attractive models for the exploration of some of these possible factors that may influence or control interpenetration. For example, it may be possible to induce the Zn2+/CN- system or the Cd*+/CN- system to grow as single frameworks of either the cubic diamond type or the hexagonal Lonsdaleite type by crystallizing them from a medium containing molecular templates designed to fit snugly into the adamantane or iceane cavities, respectively. Since we embarked on this exploratory tinkering with 3D cyanide structures, a report has recently appeared of a single diamondrelated Cd(CN)2 framework with CC14 molecules occluded in the adamantane ~ a v i t i e s . ~We have been conducting similar experiments with Cd(CN), and have discovered a single 3D framework that generates infinite channels of large cross ~ e c t i o n . ~ Extensive studies have been carried out on host-guest structures involving cyanide containing 3D frameworks!,’ We report below an example of a single, diamond-related, cyanide-linked framework that carries an overall negative charge, achieved by substituting every other Zn2+of a single ZII(CN)~framework by Cu+. Simple space-filling considerations suggested that the tetramethylammonium ion might be accommodated nicely within the framework. The structure of [N(CH,),] [ C U ’ Z ~ ~ ~ ( C Nis) de,] scribed below. Experimental Section Zinc Cyanide Crystals. A solution of Zn(CH3C02)2.2H20 (0.47 g) in water (IO mL) was placed in a glass tube ( I O mm X 600 mm). A “buffer zone” of water (3 mL) was carefully introduced on top of the zinc solution, keeping mixing to a minimum. A solution of acetone cyanohydrin ( I mL) in water ( I O mL) was likewise carefully introduced on top of the buffer zone. After the mixture had been standing for 2 days, zinc cyanide crystals grew in the mixing zone generally as octahedra truncated at one apex but in some cases as untruncated octahedra or as square pyramids. Cadmium Cyanide Crystals. Cd(NO3),.4H2O (6.32 g, 22 mmol) in water (40 mL) was added to a stirred solution of NaCN (2.21 g, 45 mmol) in water (20 mL) at room temperature whereupon an amorphous colorless solid precipitated. When the suspension was filtered under gravity through a fluted Whatman no. 1 filter paper, the filtrate emerged turbid. The filtrate was returned to the filter paper repeatedly until it emerged clear and free from turbidity. On standing at room temperature the clear filtrate deposited large single crystals of Cd(CN)2 generally as octahedra truncated at one apex but in some cases as untruncated octahedra. [N(CH3)4XCuZn(CN)4]. A solution of C U ( C H J N ) ~ B F(0.314 ~ g, 1 mmol) in acetonitrile (4 mL) was added to a stirred, boiling solution containing zinc cyanide (0.117 g, I mmol), sodium cyanide (0.155 g, ca. 3.2 mmol), and tetramethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (0.186 g, 1.16 mmol) in water (30 mL). A colorless precipitate formed immediately. After the mixture had cooled to room temperature, the solid was collected, washed well with water, and dried under vacuum at room tem(4) Kitazawa, T.; Nishikiori, S.; Kuroda, R.; Iwamoto, T. Chem. Lett.

1988, 1729. ( 5 ) Abrahams, B. F.; Hoskins, B. F.; Robson, R. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., in


(6) Iwamoto, T. In Inclusion Compounds; Atwood, J. L., Davies, J. E. D., MacNicol, D. D.. Eds.; Academic Press: New York, 1984; Vol. I , p 29. ( 7 ) Boxhoorn, G.; Moolhuysen, J.; Coolegem, J. G. F.; van Santen. R. A. J . Chem. Soc.. Chem. Commun. 1985, 1305.

Hoskins and Robson perature. Yield, 0.269 g. Recrystallization from water gave [N(CH3)4][ C U Z ~ ( C N )as~ highly ] refracting, regular tetrahedra suitable for crystallography. Anal. Calcd for C,H12N5CuZn: C, 31.3; H, 3.9; N, 22.8. Found: C, 31.5; H, 3.9; N, 23.0. 4,4’,4”,4”’-Tetrabromotetraphenylmethane. Iron powder (2.55 g, 46 mmol) was added to a stirred suspension at room temperature of tetraphenylmethane (12.3 g, 38 mmol) in carbon tetrachloride (100 mL) containing dissolved bromine (9.3 mL, 29 g, 180 mmol). After 1-2 min evolution of HBr was apparent and all the tetraphenylmethane dissolved. After 30 min the reaction was quenched by adding ethanol (400 mL). The precipitated solid was collected, washed with ethanol, and dried in air. The crude product in boiling carbon tetrachloride (350 mL) was treated with decolorizing charcoal (2 g) for I O min. The suspension was filtered while hot and the filtrate was evaporated to 150 mL when boiling ethanol (600 mL) was added. After the mixture had been allowed to cool and stand, the crystals that had separated were collected and recrystallized from boiling xylene (mixture of isomers). (Dimethylformamide was found to be an equally satisfactory recrystallizing medium.) Yield, 15.9 g, 65%. Anal. Calcd for C25H,6Br,: Br, 50.3. Found: Br, 50.3. ‘H N M R (CDCIJ: clean symmetrical 12-component AA’BB’ pattern indicative of para substitution with the major “quartet” components at 7.44, 7.35,7.05, and 6.96 ppm. MS ( m / e ) (70 eV, EI): a group of peaks of 632 (3.9%), 633 (l.l%), 634 (17.2%), 635 (4.9%), 636 (24.7%), 637 (6.0%), 638 (16.0%), 639 (4.2%) showed a pattern consistent with the presence of four Br in C(C6H4Br)4+,calcd for 12C251Hlz9Br4, 632; a group of peaks at 477 (35.5%), 478 (7.4%), 479 (96.6%), 480 (18.9%), 481 (loo%), 482 (19.6%), 483 (31.7%). 484 (6.3%) showed a pattern consistent with the presence of three Br in C(C&Br)3+, cakd for 12C,olH,,79Brl,477. 4,4,4f,4”’-Tetracyanotetraphenylmethane. A mixture of cuprous cyanide (0.95 g, 10.6 mmol) and 4,4’,4”,4”’-tetrabromotetraphenylmethane (1.28 g, 2.0 mmol) in DMF (2.5 mL) was heated with stirring under reflux for 3.5 h. A mixture of ethanol (8 mL) and aqueous ferric chloride (60% solution, 8 mL) was added to the reaction mixture after it had cooled to room temperature. The resulting mixture was heated to the boiling point briefly (2 min), cooled, and then added to stirred dilute aqueous hydrochloric acid (20 mL of concentrated HCI + 80 mL of H 2 0 ) . The product was extracted with dichloromethane (100 mL, then 4 X 30 mL), and the combined extracts were washed with aqueous sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. The organic layer was dried over sodium sulfate, filtered, and evaporated to dryness under vacuum. The residue was purified by flash chromatography on silica gel (column diameter, 3 cm, length 15 cm, Merck Kieselgel 60) with chloroform as eluent. Recrystallization from dichloromethane-benzene gave lustrous platy needles with a bluish tinge which were collected, washed with benzene, and dried under vacuum at 100 OC. Yield, 0.53 g. Anal. Calcd for C29H16N4: C, 82.8; H , 3.8; N, 13.3. Found: C, 82.7; H , 3.7; N, 13.0. ‘ H N M R ( C D Q ) : AA’BB’ pattern with main “quartet” components at 7.69, 7.60, 7.32, and 7.23 ppm. M S ( m / e ) (70 eV, EI): 420 (M+, 66.4%), 318 ( M + - C6H.&N, loo%), 215 ( M + - C6H&N - C6H&N, Le., the dicyanofluorenyl cation, 52.2%). Cu’[4,4’,4’’,4’’’-tetracyanotetraphenylmetha~]BF4~xC6H5NO2. A solution of Cu(CH3CN),BF4 (22 X g) and 4,4’,4”,4”’-tetracyanotetraphenylmethaneca. 0.5C6H6 (40 x g) in acetonitrile (1.5 mL) was diluted with nitrobenzene (40 mL). The solution was allowed to evaporate at room temperature in an open beaker. Colorless transparent crystals grew over a period of 2-3 days. Some crystals were set aside for crystallographic analysis and kept moist with mother liquor. The remaining crystals were collected, washed with nitrobenzene, and dried in a stream of air until a free-running crystalline solid was obtained. Anal. Cu, 4.0, weight loss on removal Calcd for C29Hl,BCuF4N4.8.4C6H5N02: of C6H5N02,64.4%. Found: Cu, 4.2, weight loss on drying at 100 OC under vacuum, 65.4%. The dried residue was analyzed. Anal. Calcd for Cz9H16BCuF4N4:C, 61.0; H, 2.8; N, 9.8; Cu, 11.1. Found: C, 60.9; H, 3.1; N, 9.5; Cu, 11.3. Physical Measurements and Microanalyses. N M R spectra were recorded on a JEOL FX 100 spectrometer, mass spectra on a VG70-70 spectrometer, and infrared spectra on a JASCO A-302 spectrometer. Microanalyses were performed by the Australian Microanalytical Service. X-ray Crystallography. Crystal structure analyses, using single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods, were performed on Zn(CN)2, Cd(CN)z, [N(CH,),][CuZn(CN),], and Cu’[4,4’,4”,4”’-tetracyanotetraphenylm e t h a n e ] B F 4 d 6 H 5 N O 2(x t 7.7). The details of the data collection and structure refinement for each compound are given in Table I. Accurate cell dimensions were obtained from the setting angles of 25 carefully centered reflections using a least-squares procedure.8 The (8) Enraf-Nonius, Program System for CAD-4F Diffractometer, Delft, The Netherlands, 1980.

A New Class of Scaffolding-likeMaterials

J. Am. Chem.SOC.,Vol. 112, No. 4, 1990 1549

Table I. Crystal Data Together with Details of the Data Collections and Structure Refinements for Zn(CN),, Cd(CN),, (x L 7.7) [N(CH,),] [CuZn(CN),], and Cu’[4,4’””,4’’’-tetracyanotetraphenylmethane]BF4~xC6HSNO2 compd Zn(CN), Cd(CNl2 [N(CH,hI [CuZn(CN)d Cu[C(C6H4CN)41BF4. XCAHSNO, (X L 7.7) C2N2Zn C2CdN2 C8H12CuN,Zn formula C29H ;$hF;N4. XC6HsNO2 (X 2 7.7) 117.41 164.44 307.14 1518.8 (x = 7.7) Mr description of crystal colorless octahedra colorless octahedra colorless platelike colorless truncated octahedra tetragonal cubic cubic cubic crystal system I4m2 (No. 119) P43m (No. 215) Pd3m (No. 215) F43m (No. 216) space group 6.301 ( I ) 11.609 (3) 13.620 (2) 5.9002(9) a, A c, A

vol, A’ 2


p(measd), g p(calcd), g cm-’ crystal dimensions (distance in mm from centroid)

temp, K radiation and wavelength, A instrument no. of intensity control reflections

F(000) cm-’ transmission factors min max 28 limits min max hkl range h k I no. of reflections measd no. of unique reflections


205.4( I ) 2 1.852(ref 2) 1.898 f(l11) 0.171 * ( i l l ) 0.135 qiii) 0.121 q i ii) 0.143 (010)0.086 295 ( I ) Mo Ka (graphite

250.2( I ) 2 2.23 (ref 3) 2.183 f(1ll) 0.086

1565 ( I ) 4 1.306 (5) 1.304 & ( I l l ) 0.093

q i i i ) 0.171


qiii) 0.129 q i i i ) 0.150

qiii) 0.071

22.642 (2) 4200 (2) 2 > 1.20 1.20 (x = 7.7) f(011)0.025 i ( l 0 l ) 0.0625 q i o i 0.0625 (001)0.0875

0.100 h ( i i i ) 0.071

295 ( I ) 295 ( I ) monochromator), X = 0.71069 Enraf-Nonius CAD-4F diffractometer 3 every 10000 s; no 3 every 4800 s; no 3 every 4800 s; no significant variation significant variation significant variation

295 ( I )

112.0 59.0

148.0 41.8

588.0 29.0

1561.6 3.0

0.194 0.345

0.344 0.477

0.606 0.697

0.966 0.988

2.0 65.0

2.0 65.0

2.0 55.0

2.0 36.0



-9 9 -9 9 -9 9 3694 210 0.018 87 [I 2 3u(1)]


-15 15 -15 15 0 - 15 1882 222 0.018 Rint no. of reflections used in refinement 194 [ I 2 3u(1)] no. of parameters IO IO 14 refinement full-matrix least squares; function minimized E w A 2 ( s ~ ~ ~ x - 7 6 ~ ) weighting scheme W = k/(“f2 + g1FJ2) final value of k 15.1 26.1 2.86 final value of g 4.8 X 0.0 3.3 x 104 isotropic extinction param, x ( ~ 1 0 6 ) 6.3(6) 1.6 (7) 0.028 0.036 0.034 final R (=EIA7/EIFoI) final R, ( = E w l 21A4/Ew1/21F,I) 0.030 0.015 0.034 max shift/esd 0.001 0; 159 0.005 max residual electron density, e A” 1 .OO (0.001 A from 0.64 0.46 Cd(2); elsewhere