May 17, 2012 - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LABORATORY BUILDING. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (11), pp 23A–36A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60191a708...
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Academic Laboratories

E a c h t y p e o f l a b o r a t o r y in an a c a d e m i c i n s t i t u t i o n has i t s o w n d e s i g n r e q u i r e m e n t s . T h o s e r e l a t i n g t o g e n e r a l c h e m i s t r y , o r g a n i c c h e m i s t r y , q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis, i n s t r u m e n t a l analysis, i n o r g a n i c s y n t h e s i s , p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t r y , a n d t h e c h e m i s t r y l e c t u r e r o o m are d e s c r i b e d . G e n e r a l p r o b l e m s o f s e l e c t i o n o f a d e s i g n - b u i l d i n g c o m m i t t e e , c h o i c e o f an a r c h i t e c t a n d builder, a n d o t h e r p r o b l e m s e n c o u n t e r e d are o u t l i n e d .






-'*· signed primarily for instructional purposes a t both the graduate and u n d e r g r a d u a t e level. Many have major or minor research programs. Such laboratories v a r y enormously from large, fine facilities t o a few rooms allotted t o chemistry and other sciences. T h e larger universities m a y have several t h o u s a n d students in general chemistry compared to as few as 50 in small colleges. M a n y of those with limited facilities operate as t h e y do b e cause of lack of funds. T h e diversity of needs a n d preferences makes it undesirable t o describe the laboratory b u t r a t h e r to consider in a general w a y t h e kinds a n d n a t u r e of facilities most likely t o be needed and t h e problem of arranging these facilities in a building for their most efficient use. Responsibility. One individual or very small committee should be given t h e responsibility for supervising the planning a n d construc-

tion. D a i l y inspections during construction are considered desirable. T h e planner a n d t h e d e p a r t m e n t concerned should tell t h e architect w h a t is wanted a n d t h e preferred location of each item. Services. T h e planner m u s t be sure t h a t services needed, such as water, gas, electricity, steam, air, oxygen a n d other gases, a n d suction, a r e spelled o u t carefully in t h e plans a n d specifications. Ventilation a n d air conditioning (if used) must be adequate to meet all needs. This involves consideration of hood ventilation requirements. An adequate electrical supply, both ac a n d dc, is indispensable. To assure t h a t needs are m e t , t h e planner must determine requirements for each room. Kinds of Rooms. T h e planner must determine laboratory, lecture room, class room, office, library, store room, a n d shop needs, their location, a n d services required for each. R a p i d l y changing needs call

for the most flexible design possible. While there is no ideal design, there are certain general considerations which will serve as guides. Lecture Rooms. I n t h e case of lecture rooms, for example, it is necessary t o determine t h e number of such rooms needed. W h e n more t h a n one is involved, t h e following should be considered: one holding 300 t o 350 people, two holding 150 to 200, two holding 100, and one holding 150. A ratio of 5 to 4 a n d 5 to 3 of length to b r e a d t h is reasonable. Other factors t o be considered are styles, kinds, a n d spacing of seats, slope of floor, balcony, blackboard, lighting, electrical controls, projection booth, projection screen, displays, public address system, cloak room, lecture table, access to room, a n d lecture preparation room. These factors are all described in detail. Class or Recitation Rooms. T h e problems of class or recitation rooms are similar t o those of lecVOL. 34, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1962 ·

2 3 A

University of Pittsburgh laboratories are designed to ac­ commodate 24 students. Five such units are on the same floor to permit one staff member to supervise the work of

Part I of this article published in September, page 25 A, dealt with General Considerations of Laboratory Design, but em­ phasized the industrial labo­ ratory. This month the pecu­ liar design problems of aca­ demic laboratories are consid­ ered. It is suggested that Part I be read first for maxi­ mum orientation. The two articles are based on a book entitled "Laboratory Planning for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering," just published by Reinhold Pub­ lishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ., price $20.00. ture rooms. Such rooms are de­ signed to handle 25 to 30 students. Offices. The problems of office space are similar in both large and small institutions except for the number of offices. Generally, schools with graduate courses have a heavier office load t h a n those with j u s t undergraduates. Requirements for general offices, subgeneral offices, and individual offices are spelled out. As a rule, small individual offices are desir­ able (100 square feet). I t is a good 24A



five laboratory assistants. Each laboratory has a classroom equipped with a blackboard, large demonstration slide rule, and periodic table of the elements

practice to provide office space for junior staff members although this is generally overlooked. A room of 600 to 800 square feet is desir­ able for general social use where there is a large group of graduate students. Schools with m a n y graduate stu­ dents should consider two con­ ference rooms for departmental meetings, seminars, meetings of school heads, etc. Shops. If both general and de­ p a r t m e n t a l shops are provided, the departmental shop is limited to work on a p p a r a t u s and equipment used in the laboratory. Such shops range from the very simple to quite elaborate setups. Considera­ tions involved in setting up a gen­ eral shop are outlined. An important element in a chem­ ical laboratory is a stock room. A wide variety of arrangements and different methods are used for ordering, receiving and checking, distribution and storage, and dis­ pensing. M a n y of the factors to be considered in planning this opera­ tion are set forth. Library. Most all chemistry de­ p a r t m e n t s have a departmental library. W h a t e v e r space is allo­ cated never seems to be sufficient because of rapid expansion of p u b ­ lications and student enrollments.

Large buildings presently have 6000 to 8000 square feet for li­ b r a r y use. There are questions of design, location, and furnishing of the library. Research Laboratories. Opinion varies as to w h a t constitutes an adequate research laboratory. Some administrators favor rooms for 8 to 12 workers; others advo­ cate 2- to 4-man laboratories. Use of a modular plan facilitates changes. Movable panels, although expensive, permit greater flexi­ bility. Services for these laboratory units should be designed to t a k e care of various possible needs, both present and future. Arrange­ ment of the equipment is important. Instructional Laboratories. U n ­ dergraduate laboratory courses require large rooms to handle in­ struction of student groups rang­ ing from 25 to several thousands. T h e total number of students and the number per laboratory section are important factors as is stand­ ardization of units to permit multiple use. Other details of interest are described such as labor­ atory benches. Service Units. In planning the laboratory, thought must be given to including rooms for duplicating, mail, first aid, animals, balances,

Floor plan for a university shows the relation of entrances, lecture rooms, preparation rooms, elevators, shops, and stores on the first floor

Science auditorium of Ripon College is shown with the lecture table disconnected from services in the floor

and research services. T h e last includes rooms for microanalysis, absorption spectrometry, Kjeldahl digestions, distillation, titrations, computations, halogenation, special temperatures, dark, high pressure, and maintenance.

lems which differ from those where only the chemistry d e p a r t m e n t occupies the building. T h e author outlines several of these. A series of floor plans is presented which highlight some of the more import a n t aspects.

Architectural Items. There are several architectural aspects of interest to the laboratory planner. These include lighting, the number of floors, windows, ventilation and air conditioning, acoustics, toilet facilities, doors, locking systems, safety features, elevators, telephone systems, lockers, directories, and names, signs, a n d numbers for rooms. Others are waste disposal, exhibits, schedule holders, and bulletin boards.

Expansion. T o o often college buildings are constructed with no provision for horizontal expansion. T h e possibility of future expansion should be considered carefully in designing a new building.

General Items. Next in importance to adequate facilities, both in kind and in number, is their location for m a x i m u m convenience and efficiency. Since no one solution will please all, the planner should strive for a broad and detached viewpoint. Some aspects of interest in solving the broad problems of locating various types of rooms include general construction, traffic flow, and general layout. If more t h a n one d e p a r t m e n t is to occupy the facility, there are planning p r o b -

Visits. M o s t valuable and helpful to the planner are visits to other laboratories where discussions can be h a d with those who have had experience in planning. Those responsible for maintenance are also good sources of suggestions concerning strengths and weaknesses of the facilities for which they are responsible. N e x t to a personal visit, a study of adequately labeled plans is most helpful. T h e architect m a y have the working drawings which are the most useful to a planner. PLANNING FOR SCIENCE TEACHING IN THE SMALL COLLEGE In the small liberal arts college, the science building generally houses all the n a t u r a l sciences.

Building a new science facility presents m a n y planning problems. Such a building has m a n y advantages, compared to one devoted to a single department. T h e cost of certain facilities, such as a shop, receiving and shipping room, special equipment, seminar room, library, auditorium, and divisional secretary, can be shared. Although the author limit? his discussion to the chemistry facilities, the comments apply in general to physics and biology. Future Planning. Trends in v a r ious sciences m a k e projections of building needs difficult. Another complicating factor is the rapid change t a k i n g place in the college chemistry curriculum both as to content and sequence. T h e only thing t h a t appears certain is t h a t changes will t a k e place. T h e trend toward instrumental analysis, the growing emphasis on faculty and undergraduate research, and the increased use of the campus on a year-round basis, will all have their effect. Another trend is t h a t of utilizing smaller laboratories for general laboratory work which are limited to about 24 students. Initial Planning. Once the trustees have agreed to construct a new science building and have stipulated how much money m a y be VOL. 34, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1962





SPECTRA identify 4,000 compounds Selective spectra from the more than 19,000 samples in the Sadtler collection enable fast, positive identification of unknowns in Ultra Violet spectrophotometry according to c h e m i c a l analysis d e m a n d s . E a c h spectrum identifies: Name of Compound Molecular Weight Cell Thickness Structural Formula Literature References Name & Type of Instrument Used Instrument Slit Opening at the Wavelength at Maximum Absorption Molecular Formula Melting or Boiling Point Concentration Wavelength at Maximum Absorption Method of Sample Preparation Alphabetical and numerical indices are supplied with spectra. Additional indices available, as required. Write today for free descriptive brochure including sample spectra. Forward Data on UV Spectra to: NAME ADDRESS CITY




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26 A



The Science and Classroom Building, California State Polytechnic College, consists of five separate building units with connecting covered passages. These are all one-story structures adapted to the rolling topography

spent, t h e next step is to select a small building-planning committee m a d e u p of representatives of t h e departments to be housed in t h e building. T h e chairman should be relieved of some of his teaching load until t h e building is completed. T h e chairman is often selected from the chemistry department as t h a t department has more complex r e quirements t h a n those in physics and biology. T h e committee will first need projections from t h e administration as to t h e expected size of t h e student body over the coming years. One of t h e most important decisions is selection of an experienced architect or to insist t h a t the architect employ an experienced consulting engineer. Site selection should be m a d e with t h e assistance a n d advice of the architect a n d his consultants. Close teamwork between t h e a d ministration, building-planning committee, architect, and, after bids are let, the builder, is essential if t h e goal of a good new science building is t o b e attained. Poor planning by the committee or architect or unwise decisions b y t h e administration will m a k e this difficult. F i r s t Steps.

T h e planning com-

mittee's first step after selection of the architect is to review present and future space and functional needs of t h e departments to be housed in t h e new building. This review should prevent unnecessary duplication a n d ensure maximum use. T h e architect will be aided greatly b y a written report from t h e committee covering such items as: auditorium, classrooms, seminar rooms, offices (faculty, secret a r y a n d work room, and student assistants), a n d student laboratories (by department and courses). Other facilities t o be described in this report include lecture, recitation, a n d seminar rooms, laboratories and auxiliary rooms, science library, stockrooms, special rooms, and special equipment. Another decision t o be made is location of departments in t h e building. Several possibilities include vertical or horizontal separation of departments in multi-story buildings, or connected units in single story design. T h e multistory building with departments separated horizontally is most common. Several factors are outlined to guide in t h e allocation of space b y department a n d in t h e positioning of t h e building on t h e site.

REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS Specific Function Planning. Although college and university facilities are qualitatively the same, there are some aspects which are unique to colleges. Among these are lecture and recitation facilities including an auditorium, class or recitation rooms, and sem­ inar rooms. T h e specific require­ ments to be considered for colleges are outlined in some detail. Staff offices, student laboratories, benches, hoods, dispensing facili­ ties, shelving and storage facilities, common use equipment, safety fea­ tures, and auxiliary rooms all re­ quire detailed planning. T h e need for careful arrange­ ment of laboratories and the serv­ ices required for their use cannot be over-emphasized. Laboratories. T h e author de­ scribes in some detail the require­ ments commonly m e t in planning different t y p e s of laboratories such as physical chemistry, instrumental analysis, staff research, and student research. Library. There exists consider­ able difference of opinion between librarians who favor inclusion of science publications in the main library and those scientists who prefer to have all science publica­ tions in a science library in the science building or even split up into d e p a r t m e n t a l libraries. A compromise seems to be the best solution. For example, certain stu­ dent reference books and widely used chemical journals could be k e p t in a single library in the sci­ ence building through cooperation with the librarian. A depart­ mental library setup is not con­ sidered feasible. Miscellaneous. Stock and dis­ pensing rooms, shops, greenhouses, animal rooms, museums and ex­ hibits, and lobby are additional features which m u s t be planned to serve the needs of all the depart­ ments involved. PLANNING THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING A specific case history illustrates the successful results obtained when qualified, interested persons act together as a t e a m in planning

and building a new structure. T h e building in question is the $2.4 mil­ lion Chemical Engineering Build­ ing a t T h e Ohio State University. I t houses the chemical and petro­ leum engineering and some metal­ lurgical engineering groups. A second phase, to cost $2.0 million, will complete facilities for all branches of the chemical phase of engineering, including metallurgical and mining engineering, ceramic engineering, and mineralogy. T h e new facility is integrated in both the engineering and chemical center of the university. Over the next few years $7.7 million is con­ templated to complete a 10-year program which began in 1954. Eventually it will include all other departments of the college, either by construction of new buildings or through remodeling the present ones. In this case the idea of a new building was proposed in 1925. Late in 1955 it appeared t h a t it would be a reality. In view of this, visits were m a d e to at least 40 in­ dustrial laboratories and recently constructed chemical engineering buildings a t universities. Blue­ prints and descriptions were studied carefully. Actual planning began on N o ­ vember 18, 1955, with a committee from the department. E a c h mem­ ber was given a specific assignment and responsibility for a specific phase of the building. Results were discussed a t nightly meetings, each lasting four to five hours and covering a period of at least one month. A list was made of the number and types of laboratories which were needed. T h e y totalled 88. Total space amounted to 82,000 square feet. E a r l y in 1956 the architect was commissioned to m a k e plans. I t soon appeared t h a t costs would ex­ ceed the $2.4 million allocated and so the original plans were revised. T h i s resulted in a 132-page report which served as the basis for all future planning and decisions. F i r s t preliminary plans were sub­ mitted by the architects in Novem­ ber 1956. These did not meet the specifications and layout desired. M a n y meetings were then held to revise the preliminary layouts. I n J u n e 1957 the over-all building

AUTOMATIC SAMPLE CHANGING • windowless detection provides high efficiencies for H 3 , C14, Ρζΐ, S 35 , Ca45 • c o n t i n u o u s p r e - f l u s h speeds counting

New R C L Automatic Sample Changer provides higher efficiency of windowless gas flow detection without contaminating the counting chamber—and a faster counting rale. New design features unique pre-flush chamber ahead of the counting chamber and a four-position precision geneva move­ ment sample changer. Counting column holds 50 samples in pans u p to 1}4," diameter. Samples auto­ matically (or manually) advance to preflush chamber, where counting gas atmos­ phere flushes out normal air contamination. Samples then enter c o u n t i n g c h a m b e r under positive pressure which prevents con­ tamination from the pre-flushing chamber. C o n t i n u o u s flow of c o u n t i n g gas over samples permits instantaneous reading. When changer is combined with R C L Printing Sealer-Timer, Model 20318, the count can be automatically recorded. Out­ put can be routed to digital tape printer, x-y curve plotter, nixie display or almost any other readout or printout device.



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2 7 A



Metrion p H Meter ...premium, periorman ce without price penalty T h e Coleman Metrion® pH Meter offers you performance levels usually available only with laboratory pH m e t e r s priced in t h e $ 3 0 0 - a n d - u p range. ACCURACY—to ±0.05 p H with reproducibility of ±0.02 pH. VERSATILITY—covers the full 0-14 pH range on overlapping duplex scales. ELECTRODES—uses any of the full line of Coleman electrodes; adapts to electrodes of other manufacture. TEMPERATURE CORRECTION—calibration control simultaneously provides accurate correction for temperature effect. S A M P L E SIZE—requires o n l y 4 ml of s a m p l e u s i n g Coleman screwbase electrodes. STABILITY-fully stabilized against line voltage changes from 95 to 125 volts. PRICE—only $ 1 3 9 . 0 0 Ask for Bulletin A B-257 and a demonstration. C O L E M A N COLEMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. MAYWOOD, I L L I N O I S Circle No. 161 on Readers' Service Card

28 A



Organic chemistry laboratory for single section undergraduate work at the University of California at Los Angeles has pillar-free design within the laboratory unit. All pillars are in outside or corridor walls. A maximum width of 30 feet is used to avoid excessive costs of big girders. Doors are countersunk into the laboratory. All service pipes are in the open

plans were crystallized. During this period, final details as to power and utility requirements, floor loads, telephones, safety features, air conditioning, location of equipment in the Unit Operations Laboratory, and the type and over-all dimensions of built-in laboratory furnishings were specified quantitatively. The first detailed semi-official blueprints were received in July 1957. After checking and rechecking, they were submitted together with 200 pages of detailed specifications to the Board of Trustees. They were approved in early September 1957. Bids were requested and the general contract granted. Demolition of temporary laboratories on the proposed site began December 1, 1957. Ground was broken on January 16, 1958. The target date for completion was February 1, 1959. Strikes and other factors delayed completion until June 1, 1959. With the building under way in September 1957, detailed work began on built-in equipment. A lab-

oratory equipment company was contacted concerning the detailed specifications. Staff members were given responsibility for certain laboratories. This took one week and resulted in 43 pages of specifications. Bids were sought in October 1958 and a contract granted on November 28, 1958. A series of meetings was then held with this contractor concerning details of the blueprints. A target date of August 1959 was not met because of strikes and other factors. This phase was completed in April 1960. Some of the laboratories, however, were finished in late 1959. The building was accepted May 5, 1960. Each phase of the building program was recorded in the form of a photographic history. This chapter describes in detail the general design, special functional areas, utilities, and services. SPECIFIC LABORATORY PLANNING

General Chemistry Laboratory. The number of students taking

laboratory work in general chem­ istry is usually larger t h a n all other laboratory courses combined. The laboratory for this work must be designed and equipped for con­ venient, efficient, and economical operations, bearing in mind t h a t t h e primary objective is educational. The first design criterion is the size of the class. A t o t a l of 24 stu­ dents is maximum to ensure ade­ quate instruction. A classroom is installed a t t h e end of t h e laboratory with a black­ board, large demonstration slide rule, and a periodic table of t h e ele­ ments. This facilitates instruc­ tion, discussions, and quizzes, and makes space available for students to prepare reports. This arrange­ ment will be useful also when closed-circuit T V instruction be­ comes more widespread. A conventional layout is used for the laboratory. With multiple use of benches by a large number of students, it is not possible to locate each student's locker under t h e space t o which he is assigned. One solution is to have a dummy locker beneath each working area, thus permitting a student to bring his drawer to his working area. The questions of special lockers, drawer locks, and table tops are discussed in detail. Services are not elaborate. Two gas and cold water outlets should be sufficient for each student and one sink between each pair of workingspaces. One outlet (electric) per student is essential. Direct current is convenient b u t not essential as dry cells can be used for voltages up to six volts. H o t water is not essential; steam is not required. Distilled water should not be piped to tables; for economy's sake, stu­ dents should go to a little trouble to obtain distilled water. This water can be supplied from a small outlet o\-er t h e drinking fountain. This outlet should be equipped with a spring-closing valve. Ventilation problems are not severe. Small, high-velocity downdraft hoods located a t each working space on the bench are considered better t h a n larger hoods around the room. An aspirator attached to one water outlet will suffice for vacuum needs.

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VOL. 34, NO. 11, OCTOBER 1962 ·



A New Concept in Ion Exchangers

SE-Sephadex Introduction of ionic groups into SEPHADEX, a hydrophilic insoluble product derived from cross-linking the polysaccharide, dextran, makes possible an entirely new series of ion exchangers. T h e S E P H A D E X ion ex-

changers have • High capacity • Low nonspecific adsorption SEPHADEX ion exchangers make possible the purification, separation and fractionation of a wide range of low molecular weight, complex organic compounds, proteins, and related nitrogenous substances with high yields. A diversity of types, both anionic and cationic, are available to meet specific requirements. Have you investigated—

SE-Sephadex Active group I sulfoethyl character I cationic, strongly acidic capacity | 2.0-2.5 meq/g SE-SEPHADEX is prepared in two forms: C-25, which is highly effective for separating low molecular weight, complex organic substances, and C-50, which has a far greater binding capacity than C-25 for large size molecules—particularly useful for purification of proteins, enzymes, and related nitrogenous compounds. SE-SEPHADEX has total exchange capacity of 2-2.5 meq/g. This product is available in the following sieve fractions: Coarse, Medium, and Fine. PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS, INC. 501 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 17, NEW YORK l

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Circle No. 172 on Readers' Service Card

30 A



Geological and biological laboratories at the William Marsh Rice University fit into a campus which has fine examples of Italian Romanesque architecture. To attain flexibility the utilities are supplied through vertical cores around which are grouped laboratories. There are no interior corridors

The question of hydrogen sulfide supply, balances, reagents, and safety equipment are all covered in this chapter. Organic Chemistry Laboratory. In the past decade several developments have created need for design changes in t h e organic chemistrylaboratory. These include the increasing popularity of the singlesection undergraduate laboratory directed by one instructor, rapidly growing interest in physical-organic research, use of physical instruments in organic chemistry, inflated building costs, and the projected college enrollment boom of the 1960's. I t is assumed t h a t t h e masseducation laboratory room for 60 to 150 students is educationally obsolete and an administrative nuisance. Instead, single-section rooms in several modifications are used. I t is assumed also t h a t t h e classic central corridor design is used. If these ideas are accepted, the planning committee must insist t h a t the building be framed so t h a t pillars a n d windows are placed properly. F o r example, there should be no pillars in a single unit laboratory ; all must be in corridors or outside walls. F o r economy's sake,

spans between pillars should not exceed 30 feet and be not less t h a n 24 feet. I n the designs used in the author's laboratory, certain economies arc effected by means which have not been in agreement with m a n y previously accepted ideas but which are now becoming accepted. A two-foot easement next to all corridor rooms yields a channel from the basement to the top floor for t h e elaborate plumbing and ventilation requirements needed. This allows principal doors to be countersunk, thus eliminating a corridor hazard and making possible reduction of corridor width by one foot. This design assures use of otherwise waste space. The author recommends t h a t all service pipes in the laboratory be in the open. T h e y are not pleasing esthetically but such a plan effects great economies in space and maintenance. I t allows use of 18-inch instead of 24-inch lockers and eliminates cuts and holes in bench tops. Condenser water is fed to two-inch copper tubing on the bench top. Pipe services come from the ceiling. Soapstone sinks, not built into t h e bench, are adjacent to each worker. T h e drain goes through the floor through a collar of steel tubing which protrudes above the floor t o

REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS prevent a n y possible flooding of the room below. At least six feet of bench space is allowed per student and adequate locker and drawer space is provided. An island rather t h a n a peninsula design is recommended. Several possible designs are presented. T h e single-section room is welladjusted to combined laboratory and discussion work as well as providing a place for quizzes. Advanced undergraduate laboratories are modifications of those used b y beginners. Provision m u s t be m a d e for reagents, specimen bottles, and a side room for reference books, simple instruments, and an instructor's office. R i n g stands are permanently attached to shelves above the benches, thus eliminating a storage problem. Also covered in this chapter are detailed discussions of fire extinguishers, steam service, padlocks, ventilation, safety showers, steel versus wood benches, bench top m a terials, and piped services. A six-man l a b o r a t o r y for graduate students is a compromise between the minimum of four and maximum of eight. E a c h student needs about 145 square feet of space. Other considerations for such laboratories are aisle widths, services, hoods, racks, spark-proof refrigerators, sinks, desks, tables, etc. These are all discussed. Special research rooms are of growing significance with the increasing use of complex instrumentation. Typical are spectrophotometers, mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, polarimeters, radiochemistry facilities, and chromatographs. Special rooms are needed for microanalysis, furnace room, ozonization, cold work, etc. Space required for these special activities is spelled out. A check list of smaller but useful or important items is also set forth. I t seems likely t h a t in m a n y cases future expansion will relegate the "old" chemistry building to undergraduate instruction and an annex will be built for advanced study. The more compact central-utility channel design will probably be used more extensively where ground space is limited. There are m a n y objections to this windowless t y p e

structure and arrangements required b u t it has m a n y advantages which the author outlines. T h e problem of handling more students is not solved satisfactorily by use of smaller lockers. A better solution is use of supplementary locker blocks set j u s t back of students. These units do not have piping. A proposed schedule is outlined which allows seven or eight sections of organic chemistry to be given in one week. This involves single five and one-half hour laboratory periods and some night sessions. Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. T h e undergraduate q u a n t i t a tive analysis laboratory should be of a size to allow efficient and convenient supervision, should be conducive t o neat, careful work, should have adequate lighting, locker space, special purpose areas for chemicals, drying and ignition, and adjacent rooms for balances, instruments, sample preparation, etc. T h e optimum number of students per laboratory is 20 to 30 with each having five to six feet of bench top space. T h e laboratory should be designed so t h a t pipes, racks, faucets, etc. are kept beneath the bench top level to assure a modern, low, cleanswept appearance. The requirements for reagent areas, bench tops, utility outlets, and plastic or glass t r a p s , and drain pipes are outlined. Special requirements for lighting, student lockers, special purpose areas, balance, and instrument rooms, etc. are spelled out. Instrumental Analysis Laboratories. T h e growing trend toward instrumental analysis courses in college and university curricula requires provision of facilities for such work. These needs generally coincide with those for physical chemistry r a t h e r t h a n those for q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis. T h e space for the instruments should be free of ordinary laboratory fumes, particularly acids. This calls for separate rooms for instruments with a general room for laboratory equipment and p r e p a r a tion of materials for instrumental analysis.

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For your FREE copy of the neu> Labasco catalog showing the complete line of clamps and supports write Labasco, 401 St. Charles Road Lombard, Illinois,

or any one of the nine authorized Labasco distributors: CARDINAL PRODUCTS, INC Durham, North Carolina CHEMICAL RUBBER CO. Cleveland 14, Ohio MACALASTER BICKNELL CO. New Haven, Connecticut MACALASTER BICKNELL CO. Millville. New Jersey MACALASTER SCIENTIFIC CO. Cambridge 39, Mass.


Circle No. 175 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 4 , N O . 1 1 , OCTOBER 1 9 6 2


3 1 A



Put true precision and versatility in ratio recording. With the Beckman DB* Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer, it's yours for half what you'd expect to pay. See the entire 205-770 m μ spec­ trum at all times. Record all of it or any segment, and expand any 10%, 20%, or 50% to full scale. Simply team t h e DB ($2160), H y d r o g e n Lamp Power Supply ($290), Linear and Log Recorder ($700), Scale Expansion Accessory ($120). Total price: $3270.

Fora demonstration of the DB and accessories, contact your Beckman Lab Apparatus Dealer. Or write direct for Data File LUV-1S-162.




FuHerfon, C a l i f o r n i a

Circle No. 33 on Readers' Service Card




Quantitative analysis laboratory is given a modern, low, clean-swept appearance by eliminating utility pipes, racks, faucets, and outlets above bench top height. A large end sink is used. Commonly used reagents are kept on polyethylene trays on each bench top. This design is followed at Indiana University

M a n y small and medium-sized instruments can be placed in one large general instrument room. I n ­ cluded are colorimeters, ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometers, refractometers, p H meters, titrimeters, fluorescence meters, gas chromatographs, etc. Only ordinary utilities are required including a regulated power supply. Air condi­ tioning and humidity control, how­ ever, are essential. Space needs are estimated by adding lengths of equipment items and allowing three to four feet be­ tween instruments. Special fea­ tures such as desks, repair bench with test equipment, and electronic supplies, locked cabinets, etc. are described. Some instruments, because of size, special utility requirements, or hazards in operation should be iso­ lated in smaller rooms. Those us­ ing mercury, such as polarographic instruments, some electrodeposition setups, and amperometric titrations require special ventilation. Spec­ t r o g r a p h s equipment with its dark room and ventilation needs is best segregated. X - r a y diffraction units should be isolated. Radioisotope measuring a p p a r a t u s should be iso­ lated and separated from x-ray

equipment. Flame photometers re­ quire special venting and com­ pressed gases. Microscopy benches and storage facilities must be con­ sidered if microscopy is taught. Inorganic Synthesis Laboratory. A laboratory for advanced inor­ ganic chemistry should be planned and equipped for synthesis, analy­ sis, and the study of physical prop­ erties of the compounds synthe­ sized. This type of laboratory is not often encountered in the United States. Such a course merges ana­ lytical, physical, and inorganic chemistry. I t involves facilities for work over a wide range of tempera­ tures, pressures, and atmospheres. This chapter discusses the desk, drawer, and cupboard space needs ; utility requirements, particularly vacuum; hoods and glove boxes; methods for obtaining low and high temperatures ; temperature control and recording; high and low pres­ sure equipment, ion exchange col­ umns with racks; electrochemistry needs; and radiation handling and counting equipment. If an instrumental analysis laboratory is available, such instru­ ments m a y be used by the inorganic analysis students, thus avoiding the duplication of facilities.

Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Requirements for handling large enrollments of undergraduates in physical chemistry laboratories may be considered in five groups: desks and services, stockrooms, standard laboratory equipment, special apparatus installations, and offices. Four-man desks which give each student five to six feet of working space are recommended. Elimina­ tion of the reagent shelf and trough reduces bench width by about eight inches while increasing useful work­ ing area. The desks may be di­ vided into two parts with a sink between them. This reduces plumbing costs. Gas is seldom needed at the bench and can be limited to hoods. Adequate elec­ trical outlets are needed at each working space. Because needs are increasing in this area, heavy elec­ tric lines should be installed to take care of future needs. A 220 volt, 3-wire distribution system is recom­ mended. Portable rectifiers elimi­ nate need for d.c. service. A good grounding system (not water pipes or electrical conduit) is essential. Compressed air need not be brought to each desk. This chapter also discusses styles of laboratory desks, locker sizes, desk tops, sinks, lighting, and stock­ room requirements. Types of bal­ ances and the balance room, reagent racks, thermostats, hoods, and mis­ cellaneous facilities which should be considered in planning are also included. Special installations for this type of laboratory include refractoinetcrs, polarimeters, spectrographs, darkrooms, vacuum racks, glassblowing bench, conductance water, special apparatus rooms, and offices. In colleges where class loads are smaller, several modifications may be made such as combining opera­ tions with instrumental analysis or quantitative analysis facilities. Chemistry Lecture Rooms. The requirements for the large lecture hall (250 to 400 students) should be among the first to be considered in designing a new chemistry build­ ing. These include relationship of floor levels to ground levels, and slope of floor (generally 7 to 13 feet from front to back). Low gradients are desirable for



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The Karl Fischer method is now run on Technicon AutoAnalyzer... Continuous/Automatic. Appli­ cable wherever Karl Fischer reagent is used. In the plant... AutoAnalyzer monitors and continu­ ously controls moisture in process streams. In the laboratory... AutoAnalyzer provides up to 40 determinations an hour automatically. Technicon® AutoAnalyzer® measures many other substances as well. Send for your free methodology literature kit KF2.






C Η A U Ν C Ε Υ, Ν . Y .

Circle No. 188 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 34, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1962


33 A






N E W B O X END B E A M High strength, die cast aluminum alloy, with ends cross braced.

The Science Building at Grinnell College has shops and storage in the basement, physics on the first floor, and chemistry on the second floor. Shown is the first floor plan

S L I D I N G POISE with center indicating panel, insures rapid correct readings. Eliminates secondary beam oscillations.

ANGLE-VIEW BEAMS s t a i n l e s s steel relief etched graduations for easy reading.




pointed beam registers against graduated dial eliminating parallax error.

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extend capacity to 2610 grams with this handy set.


List Price $5.00






Circle No. 147 on Readers' Service Card 3 4 A




picture projection and to facilitate placing the basement one-half story below ground level. Steep gradients make it easier to see demonstra­ tions, provide improved acoustics, and are convenient when the archi­ tect wishes to place entrances and exits one story apart without special stairways. General entrances should be at the rear (except for an entrance for the lecturer) to avoid distractions. Exits in the front are appropriate. Use of "panic b a r s " on the front doors allows such one way use. To keep traffic outside the building as much as possible, the entrance to the lecture room can be a t the end of the building through a lobby or in a stubby wing. Such facilities are often shared with more than one department. The lecture room should be windowless and should be only slightly shorter in breadth than in length. Zig-zag ceilings and walls should be considered for acoustical purposes. Acoustical surfaces should be limited to the side and rear walls. Various types of acoustical mate­ rials are available. "Acoustic plas­ ter" and porous cinder blocks are

not satisfactory as they can not be refinished without losing their sound-absorbing properties. Coarsely perforated acoustic tile is satisfactory as are the more elegant lacquered ornamental plywood panels, perforated, and mounted over glass wool batts. Ventilation flues should be lined with sound-absorbing materials to reduce the noise of the high speed air which circulates through them. Illumination of such rooms has improved greatly in recent years. Present levels of 50 foot candles at the writing surface are quite com­ mon. Higher levels will probably be established. Such higher levels will require careful positioning of light sources to avoid glare. Methods of accomplishing this goal are outlined. Problems of simultaneous use of projectors and blackboards is desir­ able. This involves shielded light­ ing close to the chalk board and light at the lecture desk, plus ceil­ ing lights to provide sufficient light to take notes. Precautions to be taken in speci­ fying projection equipment are out­ lined.



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• No Corrosion, because of stainless steel construction • Wide Operating Range, from vacuum to 400 psig. Remote Control Operation Can be located in most convenient position Samples injected in 1/60 of a second by simply flipping a switch Varying Sample Sizes possible through easily removed sample loop No Valves to Turn . . . No Seals to Leak Full Year Guarantee

MODEL 33 DC BRIDGE POWER SUPPLY Extremely Low Ripple permits use with thermistor detectors even when operated at room temperature · Completely Transistorized . . . six transistors, four diodes · Eliminates Battery Problems Forever · Easy to Install · Simply connect existing bridge battery leads to power supply · Easily accessible fuse protects bridge circuitry INPUT: 115 volts AC 60 cycle OUTPUT: 11 to 14 volts DC, 200 ma.

R. L. FALEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. P. O. B O X 2 2 7 5 2 D E P T . A · A R E A C O D E 7 1 3 · M O 7 - 8 9 0 8 HOUSTON 27, TEXAS Circle No. 173 on Readers' Service Card




RECENT LABORATORY CONSTRUCTION To illustrate the points mentioned in the text, editors of the book have selected more t h a n 50 pages of photographs of buildings and floor plans of laboratories. These represent a wide variety of industrial, government, and academic laboratories built since 1950. Alore t h a n 400 such structures have been erected by industrial companies and research institutes. Another 200 have been built by colleges and universities. An appendix in the book lists new buildings constructed since 1950. The list is limited t o buildings where chemistry or chemical engineering activities are carried out. A general bibliography of references relating to design and construction of science laboratories is included in an appendix.

SUMMARY No a t t e m p t has been made in these articles to supply the reader with detailed suggestions as to how to plan a n d design a laboratory. The principal objective has been to outline the various facets which must be considered in undertaking such a project and to mention briefly some of the experiences of others who have gone through the trials and tribulations of designing and building science laboratories. The reader wall note t h a t authors of various sections approach the problem in different ways. Some opinions are at variance with others. This, in the editor's viewpoint, is desirable as it establishes a point made frequently throughout the book t h a t there is no "magic formula," no ultimate standard, no perfect design, and no simple answer to m a n y of the problems involved. Use of such references as the book which has been summarized here will not make a scientist into an architect, building engineer, or builder. I t should however, gi\-e those persons in industrial and academic work the basis for a systematic approach to the principal problems involved in planning and designing a new laboratory, should that task ever be assigned to them.